Commit 0a078a33 authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

tools: added git-compileall

The tool builds all releases travelling back from the current one up
to the named one. For example:

  ./tools/git-compileall master

  [... all the compiles ...]

   Number of failed builds: 0
   The log of all compiles is at /tmp/makeall.out.67Rf3n
   The md5sums of wrc.o are at /tmp/mdlog.sZXrAi

The tool was born for internal use, so it is misnamed and so on. But
it may be useful to others too.
Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent eb0c10d4
# no tty if invoked by cron. In that case I send email (commented here below)
if tty 2> /dev/null; then tty=/dev/stdout; else tty=/dev/null; fi
# this compiles all versions since the one noted
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "pass base version (e.g.: next)\n" >&2; exit 1; fi
# remember the current status, to go back there at the end
currentb=$(git branch | grep '^\*' | sed 's/^..//')
if echo $currentb | grep -q no.branch; then
currentb=$(git describe --always HEAD)
echo "Currently on $currentb" > $tty
sleep 1
T=$(mktemp /tmp/gitlog.XXXXXX)
O=$(mktemp /tmp/makeall.out.XXXXXX)
MD=$(mktemp /tmp/mdlog.XXXXXX)
git log --abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline ${1}~1.. > $T
while read a rest; do
echo "####################### $a $rest" | tee -a $O > $tty
git checkout $a 2>&1 | tee -a $O > $tty || send=1
git submodule update
make clean
if make -s 2>&1 | tee -a $O > $tty;
then true
failures=$(($failures + 1))
echo -n "commit $a: " >> $MD
md5sum wrc.o >> $MD
done < $T
git checkout $currentb
git submodule update
if true; then
echo ""
echo "Number of failed builds: $failures"
echo "The log of all compiles is at $O"
echo "The md5sums of wrc.o are at $MD"
fi | tee -a $O > $tty
#if [ $send -eq 1 ]; then
# cat $O | mutt -s "error: $0" rubini
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