Commit 2e49b3b3 authored by Peter Jansweijer's avatar Peter Jansweijer

added wrx servo state exchange

parent c550ddab
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
//#include "ptpd.h"
//#include "ptpd_exports.h"
#include "sfp.h"
#include <ppsi/ppsi.h>
#include <hw/endpoint_regs.h>
#include <hw/endpoint_mdio.h>
......@@ -11,6 +12,8 @@
#define WRX_BASE 0x00000700 //!< Base address of WRX 256 bytes mailbox DPRAM (wr-cores: Aux-Master)
#define WRX_OFFSET 0x00020000 //!< wr-cores: WB_SECONDARY_CON
extern struct pp_instance ppi_static;
/* Map structure at memory location */
static volatile Wrx * _wrx = (volatile Wrx *)(WRX_BASE + WRX_OFFSET);
......@@ -51,6 +54,7 @@ void wrxInit(uint8_t mac_addr[], uint16_t autonegotiation)
// Execute on a regular basis (once per second) in main-loop
//void wrxUpdate(int linkStatus, PtpPortDS *ptpPortDS)
void wrxUpdate(int linkStatus)
......@@ -100,12 +104,17 @@ void wrxUpdate(int linkStatus)
else {
info->status |= WRX_STATUS_AUTONEG_ON;
info->pState = ptpPortDS->portState;
info->wState = ptpPortDS->wrPortState;
wr_servo_state_t *s = &ptpPortDS->wr_servo;
info->sState = s->next_state;
struct pp_instance * ppi = &ppi_static;
//info->pState = ptpPortDS->portState;
info->pState = ppi->state;
//info->wState = ptpPortDS->wrPortState;
info->wState = WR_DSPOR(ppi)->wrPortState;
//wr_servo_state_t *s = &ptpPortDS->wr_servo;
//info->sState = s->next_state;
info->sState = ((struct wr_data *)ppi->ext_data)->servo_state.state;
info->sDeltaTX = s->delta_tx_s;
info->sDeltaRX = s->delta_rx_s;
info->mDeltaTX = s->delta_tx_m;
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