Commit 650a1933 authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek 💬 Committed by Grzegorz Daniluk

include: get rid of minipc call get_port_state

pass of header cleanup from wrs
Signed-off-by: Adam Wujek's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent 1b9a4077
......@@ -85,56 +85,6 @@ typedef struct {
typedef struct hexp_port_state {
/* When non-zero: port state is valid */
int valid;
/* WR-PTP role of the port (Master, Slave, etc.) */
int mode;
/* TX and RX delays (combined, big Deltas from the link model in the spec) */
uint32_t delta_tx;
uint32_t delta_rx;
/* DDMTD raw phase value in picoseconds */
uint32_t phase_val;
/* When non-zero: phase_val contains a valid phase readout */
int phase_val_valid;
/* When non-zero: link is up */
int up;
/* When non-zero: TX path is calibrated (delta_tx contains valid value) */
int tx_calibrated;
/* When non-zero: RX path is calibrated (delta_rx contains valid value) */
int rx_calibrated;
int tx_tstamp_counter;
int rx_tstamp_counter;
int is_locked;
int lock_priority;
// timestamp linearization paramaters
uint32_t phase_setpoint; // DMPLL phase setpoint (picoseconds)
uint32_t clock_period; // reference lock period in picoseconds
uint32_t t2_phase_transition; // approximate DMTD phase value (on slave port) at which RX timestamp (T2) counter transistion occurs (picoseconds)
uint32_t t4_phase_transition; // approximate phase value (on master port) at which RX timestamp (T4) counter transistion occurs (picoseconds)
uint8_t hw_addr[6];
int hw_index;
int32_t fiber_fix_alpha;
} hexp_port_state_t;
typedef struct hexp_port_list {
int num_ports; /* Number of ports in the list */
int num_physical_ports; /* Number of physical ports compiled into the FPGA bitstream */
char port_names[HAL_MAX_PORTS][16];
} hexp_port_list_t;
typedef struct {
int timing_mode; /* Free-running Master/GM/BC */
int locked_port;
......@@ -146,7 +96,6 @@ extern int halexp_check_running(void);
extern int halexp_reset_port(const char *port_name);
extern int halexp_calibration_cmd(const char *port_name, int command, int on_off);
extern int halexp_lock_cmd(const char *port_name, int command, int priority);
extern int halexp_get_port_state(hexp_port_state_t *state, const char *port_name);
extern int halexp_pps_cmd(int cmd, hexp_pps_params_t *params);
extern int halexp_get_timing_state(hexp_timing_state_t *state);
......@@ -205,16 +154,6 @@ struct minipc_pd __rpcdef_query_ports = {
//int halexp_get_port_state(hexp_port_state_t *state, const char *port_name);
struct minipc_pd __rpcdef_get_port_state = {
.name = "get_port_state",
.retval = MINIPC_ARG_ENCODE(MINIPC_ATYPE_STRUCT, hexp_port_state_t),
.args = {
//int halexp_pps_cmd(int cmd, hexp_pps_params_t *params);
struct minipc_pd __rpcdef_pps_cmd = {
.name = "pps_cmd",
......@@ -118,10 +118,6 @@ struct hal_shmem_header {
struct hal_port_state *hal_port_lookup(struct hal_port_state *ports,
const char *name);
int hal_port_get_exported_state(struct hexp_port_state *state,
struct hal_port_state *ports,
const char *port_name);
static inline int state_up(int state)
return (state != HAL_PORT_STATE_LINK_DOWN
......@@ -202,14 +202,6 @@ int ptpd_netif_read_calibration_data(const char *ifaceName, uint64_t * deltaTx,
int ptpd_netif_select(wr_socket_t *);
int ptpd_netif_get_hw_addr(wr_socket_t * sock, mac_addr_t * mac);
* Function reads state of the given port (interface in our case), if the port is up, everything is OK, otherwise ERROR
* return:
* PTPD_NETIF_ERROR - if the port is down
* PTPD_NETIF_OK - if the port is up
int ptpd_netif_get_port_state(const char *ifaceName);
* Function looks for a port (interface) for the port number 'number'
* it will return in the argument ifname the port name
ppsi @ 2181324a
Subproject commit 4a60739fc06a3d68718e1bdeece92bd7b279253d
Subproject commit 2181324ae355f72299abc63b5fa8c9e1fcc742b1
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