Commit 746cd533 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

doc: shell commands

parent 06b8ee18
......@@ -1514,7 +1514,7 @@ spll\_init() function to initialize SoftPll \\
\code{gui} & starts GUI WRPC monitor\\
& \\
\code{stat} & toggles reporting of loggable statistics. You can pass
\texttt{1} or \texttt{0} as argument as an alternative to toggling\\
\texttt{on} or \texttt{off} as argument as an alternative to toggling\\
\code{stat bts} & prints bitslide value for established WR Link,
needed by the calibration procedure\\
......@@ -1529,15 +1529,17 @@ message is only generated one time.\\
\code{ptp e2e} & select end-to-end PTP mechanism. If configured you can set \texttt{p2p} mode, and \texttt{delay}/\texttt{pdelay} as aliases.\\
\code{ptp master} & force working as master. Alternatives are \texttt{slave} and \texttt{gm} (grandmaster).\\
\code{ptp gm|master|slave} & sets WRPC to operate as Grandmaster
clock (requires external 10MHz and 1-PPS reference), Master or Slave. After
setting the mode, \texttt{ptp start} must be re-issued\\
\code{ptp <cmd> <cmd> ...} & You can concatenate several of the above sbcommands in a single \texttt{ptp} command. With no arguments, the command reports the current values.\\
\code{ptp <cmd> <cmd> ...} & you can concatenate several of the above sbcommands in a single \texttt{ptp} command. With no arguments, the command reports the current values.\\
& \\
\code{mode gm|master|slave} & sets WRPC to operate as Grandmaster
\code{mode gm|master|slave} & (legacy) sets WRPC to operate as Grandmaster
clock (requires external 10MHz and 1-PPS reference), Master or Slave. After
setting the mode, \texttt{ptp start} must be re-issued\\
& \\
\code{calibration} & tries to read t2/4 phase transition value from the
\code{calibration} & (legacy) tries to read t2/4 phase transition value from the
Flash/EEPROM (in WR Master or GrandMaster mode), or executes the t24p
calibration procedure and stores its result to the Flash/EEPROM (in WR
Slave mode)\\
......@@ -1590,37 +1592,52 @@ is done automatically when WRPC starts after resetting LM32)\\
& \\
\code{vlan} & \\
\code{vlan set <n>} & reorts or sets the active vlan used for sending/receiving network frames. The command exists only if \texttt{CONFIG\_VLAN} is set.\\
\code{vlan set <n>} & reports or sets the active vlan used for sending/receiving network frames. The command exists only if \texttt{CONFIG\_VLAN} is set.\\
\code{vlan off} & disables vlans. Available if \texttt{CONFIG\_VLAN} is set.\\
& \\
\code{w1} & List onewire devices on the bus\\
\code{w1} & lists onewire devices on the bus\\
& \\
\code{w1w <offset> <byte> [<byte> ...]}& \\
\code{w1r <offset> <len>} & If \texttt{CONFIG\_W1} is set and a OneWire EEPROM exists, write and read data. For writing, \texttt{byte} values are decimal\\
\code{w1r <offset> <len>} & if \texttt{CONFIG\_W1} is set and a OneWire EEPROM exists, write and read data. For writing, \texttt{byte} values are decimal\\
& \\
\code{delays <tx> <rx>} & Get or set the constant delays in frame transmission, only available if \texttt{CONFIG\_CMD\_LL}. Delays are expressed in picoseconds.\\
\code{delays <tx> <rx>} & gets or sets the constant delays in frame transmission, only available if \texttt{CONFIG\_CMD\_LL}. Delays are expressed in picoseconds.\\
& \\
\code{devmem <addr>} & \\
\code{devmem <addr> <value>} & Read or write a 32-bit word from memory and/or FPGA registers. Only available if \texttt{CONFIG\_CMD\_LL}.\\
\code{devmem <addr> <value>} & reads or writes a 32-bit word from memory and/or FPGA registers. Only available if \texttt{CONFIG\_CMD\_LL} is set .\\
& \\
\code{diag ...} & diagnostics for auxiliary clocks. Only available if \texttt{CONFIG\_AUX\_DIAG}.\\
\code{diag} & diagnostics for auxiliary user registers in HDL. Only available if \texttt{CONFIG\_AUX\_DIAG}.\\
\code{diag ro <reg\_no>} & reads register <reg\_no> from read-only bank.\\
\code{diag rw <reg\_no>} & reads register <reg\_no> from read-write bank.\\
\code{diag w <reg\_no>} & writes register <reg\_no> from read-write bank.\\
& \\
\code{temp} & Report current temperatures.\\
\code{temp} & reports current temperatures.\\
& \\
\code{faketemp} & \\
\code{faketemp <T1> <T2> <T3>} & Read or set the three fake temperatures, used to test the temperature/syslog mechanism. Available if \texttt{CONFIG\_FAKE\_TEMPERATURES}.\\
\code{faketemp <T1> <T2> <T3>} & reads or sets the three fake temperatures, used to test the temperature/syslog mechanism. Available if \texttt{CONFIG\_FAKE\_TEMPERATURES} is set.\\
& \\
\code{ltest} & \\
\code{ltest <secs> <msecs>} & Read or set the latency-test sending interval. See \ref{Latency Test}.\\
\code{ltest <secs> <msecs>} & reads or sets the latency-test sending interval.
See \ref{Latency Test}. Available if \texttt{CONFIG\_LATENCY\_PROBE} is set.\\
\code{ltest fake <nsecs>} & fakes delay to trigger latency failures (for testing).\\
\code{ltest verbose} & enables sending latency messages to Syslog.\\
\code{ltest quiet} & disables sending latency messages to Syslog.\\
& \\
\code{syslog off} & \\
\code{syslog <ipaddr> <macaddr>} & Disable or set your \textit{syslog} server. See \ref{Syslog}.\\
\code{syslog <ipaddr> <macaddr>} & disables or sets your \textit{syslog} server.
See \ref{Syslog}. Available if \texttt{CONFIG\_SYSLOG} is set.\\
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