Commit 76f60f14 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

doc: add description for Vivado synthesis

parent 3df9509e
......@@ -165,18 +165,19 @@ PSP. Parameters and ports common to all PSPs are described in Section~\ref{sec:h
The Xilinx PSP currently supports the Spartan 6 family of FPGAs.
The Xilinx PSP currently supports the Spartan 6 and Kintex 7 (also inside Zynq) family of FPGAs.
The top-level VHDL module is located under:\\ \hrefwrpc{platform/xilinx/xwrc\_platform\_xilinx.vhd}
A VHDL package with the definition of the module can be found
under:\\ \hrefwrpc{platform/wr\_xilinx\_pkg.vhd}
Examples of (VHDL) instantiation of this module can be found in the SPEC and SVEC board support
packages (see also Sections~\ref{sec:hdl_board_spec}
Examples of (VHDL) instantiation of this module can be found in the SPEC, SVEC
and FASEC board support packages (see also Sections~\ref{sec:hdl_board_spec}
This section describes the generic parameters and ports which are
specific to the Xilinx PSP. Parameters and ports common to all PSPs
......@@ -209,6 +209,8 @@ can be chosen:
\item \href{}{VFC-HD VME board} +
\href{}{FMC DIO card} +
VME crate with a single board computer running Linux\footref{note_a20}
\item \href{}{FASEC board} +
\href{}{FMC DIO card}
To be able to test White Rabbit synchronization you would also need
......@@ -278,7 +280,7 @@ following command should be executed:
$ export PATH=/opt/altera/16.0/quartus/bin:$PATH
\subsubsection{Downloading the sources and running the synthesis}
\subsubsection{Downloading the sources}
Thanks to the \textit{hdlmake} tool, the synthesis process for the reference
designs does not differ between Xilinx and Altera/Intel based boards. The tool creates
synthesis Makefile as well as ISE/Quartus project file based on a set of
......@@ -329,7 +331,7 @@ The local copies of the submodules are stored to:
repository. Please refer to the project's documentation to find out which
version of this package you need to build.
\subsubsection{Running the synthesis (ISE, Quartus)}
The subdirectory you should enter to run the synthesis depends on the hardware
platform you use:
......@@ -379,6 +381,41 @@ scratch you can use the following commands:
\texttt{*.sof} files;
\subsubsection{Running the synthesis (Vivado)}
The workflow in Xilinx Vivado is different than for ISE and Quartus. It is
heavily based on packed IP cores and schematic entry. Therefore, if you would
like to synthesize the reference design for Zynq (FASEC board), you
need to go through two Vivado projects:
\item \texttt{<your\_location>/wr-cores/syn/wrc\_board\_fasec\_ip} - is a
project created with \textit{hdlmake} from all HDL files necessary to
synthesize the WR PTP Core with all its peripherals for Zynq (Kintex-7 FPGA).
The project contains also IP-XACT module description to generate Vivado IP
Core for further synthesis with a complete FASEC reference design.
\item \texttt{<your\_location>/wr-cores/syn/fasec\_ref\_design} - is a main
reference design project for FASEC board. It is made with the Vivado Block
Design instantiating Processing System, reset circuits, AXI interconnects
and WR PTP Core IP generated from \texttt{wrc\_board\_fasec\_ip} project.
First, please execute the \texttt{build.tcl} script in Vivado batch mode
\footnote{You can also use Tools->Run Tcl Script... from Vivado gui} to create
$ cd <your\_location>/wr-cores/syn/wrc\_board\_fasec\_ip
$ vivado -mode batch -source build.tcl
After this step, you can generate the main reference design Vivado project,
using Tcl scripts in the repository:
$ cd <your\_location>/wr-cores/syn/fasec\_ref\_design
$ vivado -mode batch -source build.tcl
Open the project file \texttt{fasec\_ref\_design.xpr} and continue with regular
Vivado flow to synthesize the bitstream.
% ==========================================================================
\subsection{LM32 software compilation}
\label{LM32 software compilation}
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