Commit a2fb4d4e authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek 💬 Committed by Grzegorz Daniluk

doc: sort commands

Signed-off-by: Adam Wujek's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parent b533df3d
......@@ -1360,166 +1360,183 @@ tools used to build and run it, you can write to our mailing list
\begin{longtable}{ p{7.5cm} p{7cm} }
\code{help} & lists available commands in this instance of the WRPC \\
\code{ver} & prints which version of wrpc is running \\
\code{calibration} & (legacy) tries to read t2/4 phase transition value from
the Flash/EEPROM (in WR Master or GrandMaster mode), or executes the t24p
calibration procedure and stores its result to the Flash/EEPROM (in WR
Slave mode) \\
\code{config} & prints the Kconfig file used to build this instance of
WRPC. It is an optional command, enabled at build time by
\texttt{CONFIG\_CMD\_CONFIG} \\
\code{config} & prints the dot-config file used to build this instance of
WRPC and ppsi. It is an optional command, enabled at build time by
\texttt{CONFIG\_CMD\_CONFIG}. \\
\code{ps} & prints the list of running tasks (processes) in the CPU.
For each task you get the number of iterations and the CPU time consumed
since boot or last reset of values\\
\code{delays}& \\
\code{delays <tx> <rx>} & gets or sets the constant delays in frame
transmission, only available if \texttt{CONFIG\_CMD\_LL}. Delays are
expressed in picoseconds. \\
\code{ps reset} & zeroes the profiling information reported by
the \code{ps} command\\
\code{devmem <addr>} & \\
\code{devmem <addr> <value>} & reads or writes a 32-bit word from memory
and/or FPGA registers. Only available if \texttt{CONFIG\_CMD\_LL} is
set. \\
\code{verbose <digits>} & sets PPSi verbosity. See the PPSi manual
about the meaning of the digits (hint: \texttt{verbose 1111} is a good first bet to
see how the PTP system is working) \\
\code{diag} & diagnostics for auxiliary user registers in HDL. Only available
if \texttt{CONFIG\_AUX\_DIAG}.\\
\code{pll init <mode> <ref\_channel> <align\_pps>} & manually runs
spll\_init() function to initialize SoftPll \\
\code{diag ro <reg\_no>} & reads register <reg\_no> from read-only bank.\\
\code{pll cl <channel>} & checks if SoftPLL is locked for the channel\\
\code{diag rw <reg\_no>} & reads register <reg\_no> from read-write bank.\\
\code{pll sps <channel> <picoseconds>} & sets phase shift for the channel\\
\code{diag w <reg\_no>} & writes register <reg\_no> from read-write bank. \\
\code{pll gps <channel>} & gets current and target phase shift for the channel\\
\code{faketemp} & \\
\code{faketemp <T1> <T2> <T3>} & reads or sets the three fake temperatures,
used to test the temperature/syslog mechanism. Available if
\texttt{CONFIG\_FAKE\_TEMPERATURES} is set. \\
\code{pll start <channel>} & starts SoftPLL for the channel\\
\code{gui} & starts GUI WRPC monitor \\
\code{pll stop <channel>} & stops SoftPLL for the channel\\
\code{help} & lists available commands in this instance of the WRPC \\
\code{pll sdac <index> <val>} & sets the dac\\
\code{init add <cmd>} & adds shell command at the end of the initialization
script \\
\code{pll gdac <index>} & gets dac's value\\
\code{init boot} & executes the script stored in Flash/EEPROM (the same
action is done automatically when WRPC starts after resetting LM32) \\
\code{gui} & starts GUI WRPC monitor\\
\code{init erase} & erases the initialization script in Flash/EEPROM \\
\code{stat} & toggles reporting of loggable statistics. You can pass
\texttt{on} or \texttt{off} as argument as an alternative to toggling\\
\code{init show} & prints all commands from the script stored in
Flash/EEPROM \\
\code{stat bts} & prints bitslide value for established WR Link,
needed by the calibration procedure\\
\code{ip get} & \\
\code{ip set <ip>} & reports or sets the IPv4 address of the WRPC (only
available if \texttt{CONFIG\_IP} is set at build time \\
\code{refresh} & changes the update time period of the gui and stat
commands. Default period is 1 second. If you set the period to 0, the log
message is only generated one time.\\
\code{ltest} & \\
\code{ltest fake <nsecs>} & fakes delay to trigger latency failures (for
testing). \\
\code{ptp start} & starts WR PTP daemon\\
\code{ltest <secs> <msecs>} & reads or sets the latency-test sending
interval. See \ref{Latency Test}. Available if
\texttt{CONFIG\_LATENCY\_PROBE} is set. \\
\code{ptp stop} & stops WR PTP daemon\\
\code{ltest quiet} & disables sending latency messages to Syslog. \\
\code{ptp e2e} & select end-to-end PTP mechanism. If configured you can set \texttt{p2p} mode, and \texttt{delay}/\texttt{pdelay} as aliases.\\
\code{ltest verbose} & enables sending latency messages to Syslog. \\
\code{ptp gm|master|slave} & sets WRPC to operate as Grandmaster
clock (requires external 10MHz and 1-PPS reference), Master or Slave. After
setting the mode, \texttt{ptp start} must be re-issued\\
\code{mac getp} & reads the persistent MAC address stored in Flash/EEPROM \\
\code{ptp <cmd> <cmd> ...} & you can concatenate several of the above sbcommands in a single \texttt{ptp} command. With no arguments, the command reports the current values.\\
\code{mac get} & prints WRPC's MAC address \\
\code{mode gm|master|slave} & (legacy) sets WRPC to operate as Grandmaster
clock (requires external 10MHz and 1-PPS reference), Master or Slave. After
setting the mode, \texttt{ptp start} must be re-issued\\
\code{mac setp <mac>} & stores the persistent MAC address in Flash/EEPROM \\
\code{calibration} & (legacy) tries to read t2/4 phase transition value from the
Flash/EEPROM (in WR Master or GrandMaster mode), or executes the t24p
calibration procedure and stores its result to the Flash/EEPROM (in WR
Slave mode)\\
\code{mac set <mac>} & sets the MAC address of WRPC \\
\code{time} & prints current time from WRPC\\
\code{mode gm|master|slave} & (legacy) sets WRPC to operate as Grandmaster
clock (requires external 10MHz and 1-PPS reference), Master or Slave.
After setting the mode, \texttt{ptp start} must be re-issued \\
\code{time raw} & prints current time in a raw format (seconds, nanoseconds)\\
\code{pll cl <channel>} & checks if SoftPLL is locked for the channel \\
\code{time set <sec> <nsec>} & sets WRPC time\\
\code{pll gdac <index>} & gets dac's value \\
\code{time setsec <sec>} & sets only seconds of the WRPC time
(useful for setting time in GrandMaster mode, when nanoseconds counter is
aligned to external 1-PPS and 10 MHz)\\
\code{pll gps <channel>} & gets current and target phase shift for the
channel \\
\code{time setnsec <nsec>} & sets only nanoseconds of the WRPC time\\
\code{pll init <mode> <ref\_channel> <align\_pps>} & manually runs
\texttt{spll\_init()} function to initialize SoftPll \\
\code{sfp erase} & erases the SFP database stored in the Flash/EEPROM\\
\code{pll sdac <index> <val>} & sets the dac \\
\code{sfp add <PN> <deltaTx> <deltaRx> <alpha>} & stores calibration
parameters for SFP to a file in Flash/EEPROM\\
\code{pll sps <channel> <picoseconds>} & sets phase shift for the channel \\
\code{sfp show} & prints all SFP transceivers stored in database\\
\code{pll start <channel>} & starts SoftPLL for the channel \\
\code{sfp match} & prints the ID of a currently used SFP
transceiver and tries to load the calibration parameters for it\\
\code{pll stop <channel>} & stops SoftPLL for the channel \\
\code{init erase} & erases the initialization script in Flash/EEPROM \\
\code{ps} & prints the list of running tasks (processes) in the CPU. For
each task you get the number of iterations and the CPU time consumed since
boot or last reset of values \\
\code{init add <cmd>} & adds shell command at the end of the
initialization script\\
\code{ps reset} & zeroes the profiling information reported by the \code{ps}
command \\
\code{init show} & prints all commands from the script stored in Flash/EEPROM\\
\code{ptp <e2e|p2p>} & select end-to-end PTP mechanism. If configured you can
set \texttt{p2p} mode, and \texttt{delay}/\texttt{pdelay} as aliases. \\
\code{init boot} & executes the script stored in Flash/EEPROM (the same action
is done automatically when WRPC starts after resetting LM32)\\
\code{ptp gm|master|slave} & sets WRPC to operate as Grandmaster clock
(requires external 10MHz and 1-PPS reference), Master or Slave. After
setting the mode, \texttt{ptp start} must be re-issued \\
\code{mac get} & prints WRPC's MAC address\\
\code{ptp start} & starts WR PTP daemon \\
\code{mac getp} & reads the persistent MAC address stored in Flash/EEPROM\\
\code{ptp stop} & stops WR PTP daemon \\
\code{mac set <mac>} & sets the MAC address of WRPC\\
\code{ptp <cmd> <cmd> ...} & you can concatenate several of the above
subcommands in a single \texttt{ptp} command. With no arguments,
the command reports the current values.\\
\code{mac setp <mac>} & stores the persistent MAC address in Flash/EEPROM\\
\code{refresh} & changes the update time period of the gui and stat commands.
Default period is 1 second. If you set the period to 0, the log message is
only generated one time. \\
\code{sdb} & prints devices connected to the Wishbone bus inside WRPC\\
\code{sdb} & prints devices connected to the Wishbone bus inside WRPC \\
\code{ip get} & \\
\code{ip set <ip>} & reports or sets the IPv4 address of the WRPC (only available if \texttt{CONFIG\_IP} is set at build time\\
\code{vlan} & \\
\code{sfp add <PN> <deltaTx> <deltaRx> <alpha>} & stores calibration
parameters for SFP to a file in Flash/EEPROM \\
\code{vlan set <n>} & reports or sets the active vlan used for sending/receiving network frames. The command exists only if \texttt{CONFIG\_VLAN} is set.\\
\code{vlan off} & disables vlans. Available if \texttt{CONFIG\_VLAN} is set.\\
\code{sfp erase} & erases the SFP database stored in the Flash/EEPROM \\
\code{w1} & lists onewire devices on the bus\\
\code{sfp match} & prints the ID of a currently used SFP transceiver and
tries to load the calibration parameters for it \\
\code{w1w <offset> <byte> [<byte> ...]}& \\
\code{sfp show} & prints all SFP transceivers stored in database \\
\code{w1r <offset> <len>} & if \texttt{CONFIG\_W1} is set and a OneWire EEPROM exists, write and read data. For writing, \texttt{byte} values are decimal\\
\code{stat} & toggles reporting of loggable statistics. You can pass
\texttt{on} or \texttt{off} as argument as an alternative to toggling \\
\code{stat bts} & prints bitslide value for established WR Link, needed by
the calibration procedure \\
\code{delays <tx> <rx>} & gets or sets the constant delays in frame transmission, only available if \texttt{CONFIG\_CMD\_LL}. Delays are expressed in picoseconds.\\
\code{syslog off} & \\
\code{syslog <ipaddr> <macaddr>} & disables or sets your \textit{syslog}
server. See \ref{Syslog}. Available if \texttt{CONFIG\_SYSLOG} is set. \\
\code{devmem <addr>} & \\
\code{temp} & reports current temperatures. \\
\code{devmem <addr> <value>} & reads or writes a 32-bit word from memory and/or FPGA registers. Only available if \texttt{CONFIG\_CMD\_LL} is set .\\
\code{time} & prints current time from WRPC \\
\code{diag} & diagnostics for auxiliary user registers in HDL. Only available if \texttt{CONFIG\_AUX\_DIAG}.\\
\code{diag ro <reg\_no>} & reads register <reg\_no> from read-only bank.\\
\code{diag rw <reg\_no>} & reads register <reg\_no> from read-write bank.\\
\code{diag w <reg\_no>} & writes register <reg\_no> from read-write bank.\\
\code{time raw} & prints current time in a raw format (seconds, nanoseconds) \\
\code{temp} & reports current temperatures.\\
\code{time setnsec <nsec>} & sets only nanoseconds of the WRPC time \\
\code{faketemp} & \\
\code{time setsec <sec>} & sets only seconds of the WRPC time (useful for
setting time in GrandMaster mode, when nanoseconds counter is aligned to
external 1-PPS and 10 MHz) \\
\code{faketemp <T1> <T2> <T3>} & reads or sets the three fake temperatures, used to test the temperature/syslog mechanism. Available if \texttt{CONFIG\_FAKE\_TEMPERATURES} is set.\\
\code{time set <sec> <nsec>} & sets WRPC time \\
\code{ltest} & \\
\code{verbose <digits>} & sets PPSi verbosity. See the PPSi manual about the
meaning of the digits (hint: \texttt{verbose 1111} is a good first bet to
see how the PTP system is working) \\
\code{ltest <secs> <msecs>} & reads or sets the latency-test sending interval.
See \ref{Latency Test}. Available if \texttt{CONFIG\_LATENCY\_PROBE} is set.\\
\code{ver} & prints which version of wrpc is running \\
\code{ltest fake <nsecs>} & fakes delay to trigger latency failures (for testing).\\
\code{vlan} & \\
\code{vlan set <n>} & reports or sets the active vlan used for
sending/receiving network frames. The command exists only if
\texttt{CONFIG\_VLAN} is set.\\
\code{ltest verbose} & enables sending latency messages to Syslog.\\
\code{vlan off} & disables vlans. Available if \texttt{CONFIG\_VLAN} is
set. \\
\code{ltest quiet} & disables sending latency messages to Syslog.\\
\code{w1} & lists onewire devices on the bus \\
\code{syslog off} & \\
\code{w1w <offset> <byte> [<byte> ...]}& \\
\code{syslog <ipaddr> <macaddr>} & disables or sets your \textit{syslog} server.
See \ref{Syslog}. Available if \texttt{CONFIG\_SYSLOG} is set.\\
\code{w1r <offset> <len>} & if \texttt{CONFIG\_W1} is set and a OneWire
EEPROM exists, write and read data. For writing, \texttt{byte} values are
decimal \\
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