Commit c527b49c authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

doc: add aux clk interface

parent 417f1e9d
\subsubsection{Aux clocks}
\caption{Aux clock synchronization interface}
The WRPC can syntonize auxiliary clock signals to the White Rabbit timebase. It
is done with a similar PLL that is used to discipline the local reference clock
(section \ref{basic:clk_rst}). WRPC provides tuning values for the VCXO producing
clock signal which is connected to \emph{clk\_aux\_i}.
\section{Timing system}
Timing system outputs are mandatory part of WRPC PLLs that discipline local
\hline {\bf name} & {\bf size} & {\bf description} \\
\emph{dac\_hpll\_load\_p1\_o} & 1 & validates DAC value on data port \\
\emph{dac\_hpll\_data\_o} & 16 & DAC value for tuning helper (DMTD) VCXO\\
\emph{dac\_dpll\_load\_p1\_o} & 1 & validates DAC value on data port \\
\emph{dac\_dpll\_data\_o} & 16 & DAC value for tuning main (ref) VCXO\\
......@@ -38,5 +38,6 @@ Section~\ref{sec:hdl_board_spec}).
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