Commit dc8f438c authored by Tomasz Wlostowski's avatar Tomasz Wlostowski

include/util: added within_range() function

parent 5fa3aea0
......@@ -43,4 +43,37 @@ int tmo_init(timeout_t *tmo, uint32_t milliseconds);
int tmo_restart(timeout_t *tmo);
int tmo_expired(timeout_t *tmo);
static inline int within_range(int x, int minval, int maxval, int wrap)
int rv;
//printf("min %d max %d x %d ", minval, maxval, x);
while (maxval >= wrap)
maxval -= wrap;
while (maxval < 0)
maxval += wrap;
while (minval >= wrap)
minval -= wrap;
while (minval < 0)
minval += wrap;
while (x < 0)
x += wrap;
while (x >= wrap)
x -= wrap;
if (maxval > minval)
rv = (x >= minval && x <= maxval) ? 1 : 0;
rv = (x >= minval || x <= maxval) ? 1 : 0;
return rv;
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