Commit edf835dd authored by Alessandro Rubini's avatar Alessandro Rubini

ppsi: new commits (and ppsi monitor fix)

Now "meanPathDelay" is called "oneWayDelay", so the new commits
force a one-line change.
Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <>
parent a5dd40d0
......@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ static void wrc_mon_std_servo(void)
cprintf(C_WHITE, "%9i ns", DSCUR(ppi)->offsetFromMaster.nanoseconds);
cprintf(C_GREY, "\nOne-way delay averaged: ");
cprintf(C_WHITE, "%9i ns", DSCUR(ppi)->meanPathDelay.nanoseconds);
cprintf(C_WHITE, "%9i ns", DSCUR(ppi)->oneWayDelay.nanoseconds);
cprintf(C_GREY, "\nObserved drift: ");
cprintf(C_WHITE, "%9i ns", SRV(ppi)->obs_drift);
ppsi @ 195d8733
Subproject commit a4492d5bc184642daddd793f31befb5b897d255e
Subproject commit 195d8733754e763dd1ae3ab21da3010d69db1157
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