• Andela Kostic's avatar
    Ensure functionality of WRPC testbench (testbench/wrc_core) · 1c80a968
    Andela Kostic authored
    The following files are changed to ensure the functionality of the WRPC
    testbench located in "testbench/wrc_core" folder of the wrpc-core repository:
    - wrc_main_sim.c
    - arch/risc-v/crt0.S
    - arch/risc-v/crt0.h
    - dev/endpoint.c
    - configs/wrpc_sim_riscv_defconfig
    Before compiling wrpc-sw for simulation, choose wrpc_sim_riscv_defconfig configuration.
    In endpoint.c, delay function is commented out in the case of simulation.
    In wrc_main_sim.c, passing information from the testbench to risc-v's software
    is fixed and mini-NIC component is initialized correctly. Also, now the program
    doesn't print the error message when the Rx FIFO of mini-NIC is empty, but
    waits until there is something in the Rx FIFO, and then continues with checking
    the correctness of the received frame.
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