Commit e4d1d546 authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis

[doc] various minor fixes

parent 1d3f43d3
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Input Events can be either a :ref:`local_channel`, an inbound network :ref:`mess
Output Events can be either a :ref:`local_channel`, or an outbound network :ref:`message`.
An Event is essentially a combination of an :ref:`event_id` (the "what") and a :ref:`timestamp` (the
An Event is essentially a combination of an :ref:`event_id` (the "what") and an :ref:`timestamp` (the
.. _event_id:
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ Each Message is transmitted as a single Ethernet frame, with a UDP header and a
The contents of a WRTD Event Message are again based on LXI Event Messages, with the "Domain" and
"Flag" fields (octets 3 and 36 respectively) fixed to zero.
Each Message contains an :ref:`event_id`, a :ref:`timestamp` and a sequence number. The latter is a
Each Message contains an :ref:`event_id`, an :ref:`timestamp` and a sequence number. The latter is a
counter that gets increased by one every time a new Event is generated.
.. hint:: The sequence counter can be used to detect lost or duplicate Messages.
......@@ -112,8 +112,9 @@ order).
(:numref:`hw_dev`), gateware (:numref:`gw_dev`) and firmware (:numref:`fw_dev`).
* Before you embark however on a new design, please have a look first at the existing reference
designs. :numref:`ref_nodes` presents the currently available reference WRTD Nodes that come
pre-programmed with their gateware and firmware.
designs; it could be that one of them is appropriate for your task. :numref:`ref_nodes` presents
the currently available reference WRTD Nodes that come pre-programmed with their gateware and
* Whether you develop your own Node or use one of the reference Nodes, :numref:`usage` describes how
to access and control your Node. :numref:`clib` provides all the details on how to use the C
......@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ The following specifications are relevant to and used by WRTD:
* `LXI Core Specification`_
* `LXI Event Messaging Extended Function`_
The remainder of this section presents the provided API, split in
.. _api_error:
Error Handling API
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