Commit e4fc5414 authored by Christos Gentsos's avatar Christos Gentsos

bump general-cores to bring in fix for entity declaration error

parent 104264d4
Pipeline #133 failed with stage
in 2 minutes and 7 seconds
......@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@ SPEC150T-ADC build:
SPEC150T-ADC simulate:
- modelsim
- questasim
- export TMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
- export PAK=
- curl $PAK | tar xJ -C $TMP_DIR
- export CROSS_COMPILE_TARGET=$TMP_DIR/riscv/bin/riscv32-elf-
- cd hdl/testbench/wrtd_ref_spec150t_adc/
- source ~/
- source ~/
- cp /opt/compiled_libs_ise14.7/modelsim.ini .
- hdlmake makefile
- make
......@@ -64,14 +64,14 @@ SVEC-TDC-FD build:
SVEC-TDC-FD simulate:
- modelsim
- questasim
- export TMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
- export PAK=
- curl $PAK | tar xJ -C $TMP_DIR
- export CROSS_COMPILE_TARGET=$TMP_DIR/riscv/bin/riscv32-elf-
- cd hdl/testbench/wrtd_ref_svec_tdc_fd/
- source ~/
- source ~/
- cp /opt/compiled_libs_ise14.7/modelsim.ini .
- hdlmake makefile
- make
Subproject commit 7efba995e3026c16dd8b5decf3eece940098da7f
Subproject commit 8796fa8e687c1d6e9f83a3c1264f17b37c952e4f
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