Commit eb448f2e authored by Adam Wujek's avatar Adam Wujek 💬

Merge branch adam-ci

Signed-off-by: Adam Wujek's avatarAdam Wujek <>
parents 87e16c93 ba051461
# This Makefile can be called by the Continuous Integration (CI) tool to execute all
# testbenches added for CI
# Author: Adam Wujek, CERN 2017
all: $(TB_DIRS) summary summary_total summary_xml
FW_RMQ_UDP_BIN = ../../tests/firmware/rmq-udp/fw-rmq-udp.bin
wrtd-system: $(FW_RMQ_UDP_BIN)
$(MAKE) -C $(@D) defconfig
$(MAKE) -C $(@D)
@echo $@
@echo "Run HDL-MAKE"
cd "$@"; \
$(HDLMAKE_PATH)/hdl-make 2>&1
@echo "Run make"
$(MAKE) -C $@ $(TARGET) -j 1
@echo "Run vsim"
cd "$@" ;\
vsim -c -do "" -l transcript."$@".txt;\
echo "vsim returned $$?"
summary: $(TB_DIRS)
@echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
@echo "Summary:"
@for d in $(TB_DIRS); do \
if [ -f $$d/transcript."$$d".txt ]; then \
echo "Warnings for $$d:"; \
cat $$d/transcript."$$d".txt | grep Warning:; \
if [ $$? -eq 1 ]; then echo "None"; fi ;\
echo "Errors for $$d:"; \
cat $$d/transcript."$$d".txt | grep Error:; \
if [ $$? -eq 1 ]; then echo "None"; fi ;\
echo "Fatals for $$d:"; \
cat $$d/transcript."$$d".txt | grep Fatal:; \
if [ $$? -eq 1 ]; then echo "None"; fi ;\
else \
echo "No transcript file for $$d"; \
fi \
# Run tasks all before summary_total, because if there is a failure summary_total breaks the make execution
summary_total: summary summary_xml
@echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------"
@echo ""
@echo "Summary total:"
@echo "+---------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+----------+"
@echo "| Test bench | Warnings | Errors | Fatals |"
@echo "+---------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+----------+"
for d in $(TB_DIRS); do \
if [ -f $$d/transcript."$$d".txt ]; then \
printf "| %-50s" $$d; \
printf "| %8d " `cat $$d/transcript."$$d".txt | grep Warning: | wc -l`; \
error_n=`cat $$d/transcript."$$d".txt | grep Error: | wc -l`; \
printf "| %8d " $$error_n;\
if [ $$error_n -gt 0 ]; then is_error=1; fi ;\
fatal_n=`cat $$d/transcript."$$d".txt | grep Fatal: | wc -l`; \
printf "| %8d |\n" $$fatal_n;\
if [ $$fatal_n -gt 0 ]; then is_error=1; fi ;\
else \
printf "| %-30s" $$d; \
echo "| No transcript file! |"; is_error=1; \
fi \
done ;\
echo "+---------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+----------+";\
if [ $$is_error -gt 0 ]; then exit 1; fi ;
summary_xml: summary
@echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' > $(test_results_xml)
@echo '<testsuites tests="0" failures="0" disabled="0" errors="0" time="0" name="AllTests">' >> $(test_results_xml)
@for d in $(TB_DIRS); do \
echo -n " <testsuite name=\""$$d"\" tests=\"1\" failures=\"" >> $(test_results_xml) ;\
if [ -f $$d/transcript."$$d".txt ]; then \
error_n=`cat $$d/transcript."$$d".txt | grep Error: | wc -l`; \
fatal_n=`cat $$d/transcript."$$d".txt | grep Fatal: | wc -l`; \
if [ $$error_n -gt 0 ] || [ $$fatal_n -gt 0 ]; then is_test_error=1; fi ;\
echo -n $$is_test_error >> $(test_results_xml);\
else \
is_test_error=2; \
echo -n "1" >> $(test_results_xml); \
fi; \
echo "\" disabled=\"0\" errors=\"0\" time=\"0\">" >> $(test_results_xml) ;\
echo " <testcase name=\""$$d"\" status=\"run\" time=\"0\" classname=\""Testbench"\">" >> $(test_results_xml) ;\
if [ $$is_test_error -eq 1 ]; then \
if [ $$error_n -gt 0 ]; then \
echo " <failure message=\"Errors\" type=\"\"><![CDATA[" >> $(test_results_xml) ;\
cat $$d/transcript."$$d".txt | grep Error: >> $(test_results_xml);\
echo " ]]></failure>" >> $(test_results_xml) ;\
if [ $$fatal_n -gt 0 ]; then \
echo " <failure message=\"Fatals\" type=\"\"><![CDATA[" >> $(test_results_xml) ;\
cat $$d/transcript."$$d".txt | grep Fatal: >> $(test_results_xml);\
echo " ]]></failure>" >> $(test_results_xml) ;\
fi ;\
if [ $$is_test_error -eq 2 ]; then \
echo " <failure message=\"Output file not found\" type=\"\">" >> $(test_results_xml) ;\
echo "<![CDATA[Output file not found. Testbench didnt run.]]>" >> $(test_results_xml) ;\
echo " </failure>" >> $(test_results_xml) ;\
fi ;\
echo " </testcase>" >> $(test_results_xml) ;\
echo " </testsuite>" >> $(test_results_xml) ;\
done ;\
echo "</testsuites>" >> $(test_results_xml)
@for d in $(TB_DIRS); do \
if [ -f $$d/Makefile ]; then \
$(MAKE) -C $$d $@; \
rm -f $$d/Makefile; \
fi \
-include Makefile.specific
DIRS := rmq-udp
TRTL ?= ../..
TRTL_SW = $(TRTL)/software
all clean cleanall modules install modules_install: $(DIRS)
clean: TARGET = clean
cleanall: TARGET = cleanall
modules: TARGET = modules
install: TARGET = install
modules_install: TARGET = modules_install
DOT-CONFIGS = $(addsuffix /.config,$(DIRS))
$(MAKE) -C $@ $(TARGET)
$(MAKE) -C $(@D) defconfig
.PHONY: all clean cleanall modules install modules_install
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