Commit e2fa8940 authored by Tom Levens's avatar Tom Levens

Add MCS build, update

parent 8b0e7842
......@@ -9,31 +9,70 @@ OHWR hardware components:
The gateware implements the BST decoder and extracts the following signals on
the front-panel LEMO outputs:
* **LEMO 1:** bunch clock (40 MHz, 50% duty cycle)
* **LEMO 2:** turn clock (43 kHz, 25 ns pulse)
* **LEMO 1:** bunch clock (40 MHz, 50% duty cycle)
* **LEMO 2:** turn clock (43 kHz, 25 ns pulse)
* **LEMO 3:** injection pre-pulse (23 us pulse)
* **LEMO 4:** turn clock divided by N (23 us pulse)
* **LEMO 4:** UA9 trigger (23 us pulse)
## Building the firmware
## Hardware configuration
Building the firmware requires [hdlmake](
to create the project.
The TTC_FMC should be installed in FMC slot 1 (bottom) on the SVEC.
Generally the following steps are required to be executed from the root
directory of the project repository to build a firmware:
## Building the gateware
### Required tooling
Building the gateware requires Xilinx ISE 14.7 running on Linux.
[hdlmake] is required in order to create the ISE project.
Generating the MCS file for flashing the PROM requires the *gensdbfs* utility
from the [fpga-config-space] repository. Clone the repository and execute:
cd hdl/syn/
cd fpga-config-space/sdbfs/lib
cd ../userspace
After this, you should end up with a *svec_top.bit* file which can be loaded
onto a SVEC via VME with the following command:
Then copy the *gensdbfs* binary to somewhere in your PATH.
### Synthesising the gateware
Generally the following steps are required to be executed from the */hdl/syn/*
directory to synthesise the gateware image:
./ # Generate the file ../rtl/
hdlmake # Generate the ISE project
make # Run ISE to perform the synthesis
After ISE has completed, you should end up with the file *svec_top.bit*.
### Loading the gateware
The gateware can be loaded onto a SVEC over VME by running the following
command on the front-end:
sudo dd if=svec_top.bit of=/dev/svec.0 obs=10M
(assuming the SVEC driver is installed with LUN=0)
This is assuming the SVEC driver is installed with LUN=0. If not, then adjust
the device number as appropriate.
### Flashing the PROM
To generate the MCS file for flashing the PROM, run the script:
The resulting *image.mcs* file can be flashed via JTAG to the M25P128 SPI PROM
attached to the XC6SLX9 system FPGA.
......@@ -2,3 +2,6 @@
# A trivial script to build the SDB flash image for the SVEC. Requires sdb-tools installed in the system
PROMGEN=`which promgen`
GENSDBFS=`which gensdbfs`
if [ ! -f "$PROMGEN" ]; then
echo "You seem to not have the promgen utility. Do you have Xilinx ISE installed?"
if [ ! -f "$GENSDBFS" ]; then
echo "You seem to not have the gensdbfs. Have you compiled and installed it (check the manual)?"
gensdbfs fs image.bin
promgen -p mcs -o image.mcs -spi -data_file up 0 image.bin -w
#./bin2vmf image.bin > image.vmf
# This is an example config file, that can be used to build a filesystem
# from this very directory. Please note that gensdbfs doesn't look for
# config files in subdirectories but only in the tol-level one.
vendor = 0xce42
device = 0x5fec
position = 0x600000
position = 0
position = 0x100000
\ No newline at end of file
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