Commit 7f76b945 authored by Matthieu Cattin's avatar Matthieu Cattin

hdl: Fix bug in wishbone interface.

Command strobe should asserted even if it is already 1.
parent 26d0d907
......@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ begin
ddr_cmd_en_d <= ddr_cmd_en;
if (((ddr_burst_cnt = c_DDR_BURST_LENGTH) or
(wb_cyc_f_edge = '1' and wb_we_d = '1') or
(wb_stb_f_edge = '1' and wb_we_d = '0')) and ddr_cmd_full_i = '0') and (ddr_cmd_en = '0') then
(wb_stb_f_edge = '1' and wb_we_d = '0')) and ddr_cmd_full_i = '0') then
ddr_cmd_en <= '1'; -- might have problem if burst_cnt = BURST_LENGTH for more than 2 clk cycles
ddr_cmd_en <= '0';
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