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  • Benny Simonsen's avatar
    New feature: Specify top library · 8af57fac
    Benny Simonsen authored and Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold committed
    By default - and prior to this - the top level library i work.
    It is possible to specify top level library, via prefix in Manifest top_module value as described in updated documentation.
    In summary:
    - top_module = topmodule -> Default, top_library = work
    - top_module = .topmodule -> top_library from Manifest library
    - top_module = ?.topmodule -> top_library autodetected, experimental, used in test 114
    testsuite Makefile.ref files have been updated with TOP_LIBRARY. Where TOP_LIBRARY was hardcoded (most often work), it have been replaced by TOP_LIBRARY.
    Test 008 command change: changed to ghdl ... work.module (prior work. was not included) Compile output is identical for both commands.
    (included in this commit)
    Test 114: needs to be updated: syn_top value must start with ?. to autodetect top library (included in next commit)
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