Commit edb232e3 authored by Jean-Paul Ricaud's avatar Jean-Paul Ricaud

VHDL : changed pin assignement for the LINAC synchronized inhibition


 On branch development

	modified:   fpga/sources/src_linacSYNCLOCK/linacSYNCLOCK_config.txt
	modified:   fpga/sources/src_linacSYNCLOCK/linacSYNCLOCK_top.vhdl
parent aff9f900
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Configuration : synchronization of the interlock of the LINAC synchronization
signals ; 1 inputs - 4 outputs
SW : 5-4-3-2-1-0
IO0 : input - interlock signal
IO1 : input - precharge event
......@@ -97,10 +97,10 @@ architecture rtl_linacSYNCLOCK_top of linacSYNCLOCK_top is
s_holdPrecharge <= (OTHERS => '0');
s_holdInterlock <= (OTHERS => '0');
elsif (rising_edge(p_linacSYNCLOCK_clk60MHz)) then
s_holdPrecharge(0) <= p_linacSYNCLOCK_inTTL(0); -- pre-charge signal
s_holdPrecharge(0) <= p_linacSYNCLOCK_inTTL(1); -- pre-charge signal
s_holdPrecharge(1) <= s_holdPrecharge(0);
s_holdPrecharge(2) <= s_holdPrecharge(1);
s_holdInterlock(0) <= p_linacSYNCLOCK_inTTL(1); -- interlock signal
s_holdInterlock(0) <= p_linacSYNCLOCK_inTTL(0); -- interlock signal
s_holdInterlock(1) <= s_holdInterlock(0);
s_holdInterlock(2) <= s_holdInterlock(1);
end if;
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