Commit 216a80bd authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

modules/*/wb_acq_core/*: revert bogus test changes

parent d723dab4
......@@ -882,10 +882,7 @@ begin
rst_n_o => acq_stop_rst_n_ext_sync
----------------------- acq_fsm_rstn_fs_sync_o <= acq_stop_rst_n_fs_sync;
----------------------- acq_fsm_rstn_ext_sync_o <= acq_stop_rst_n_ext_sync;
acq_fsm_rstn_fs_sync_o <= '1';
acq_fsm_rstn_ext_sync_o <= '1';
acq_fsm_rstn_fs_sync_o <= acq_stop_rst_n_fs_sync;
acq_fsm_rstn_ext_sync_o <= acq_stop_rst_n_ext_sync;
end rtl;
......@@ -161,8 +161,6 @@ architecture rtl of acq_trigger is
signal acq_num_atoms : t_acq_num_atoms;
signal acq_num_atoms_uncoalesced : t_acq_num_atoms := to_unsigned(2, t_acq_num_atoms'length);
signal acq_num_atoms_uncoalesced_log2 : t_acq_num_atoms := to_unsigned(2, t_acq_num_atoms'length);
-- signal acq_num_coalesce_max : t_acq_coalesce;
-- signal acq_coalesce_cnt : t_acq_coalesce;
signal acq_valid_in : std_logic;
signal acq_id_in : t_acq_id;
signal acq_valid_sel_out : std_logic;
......@@ -229,7 +227,6 @@ begin
acq_num_atoms <= to_unsigned(0, acq_num_atoms'length);
acq_num_atoms_uncoalesced <= to_unsigned(0, acq_num_atoms_uncoalesced'length);
acq_num_atoms_uncoalesced_log2 <= to_unsigned(0, acq_num_atoms_uncoalesced_log2'length);
-- acq_num_coalesce_max <= to_unsigned(0, acq_num_coalesce_max'length);
acq_min_align_max <= to_unsigned(0, acq_min_align_max'length);
lmt_valid <= lmt_valid_i;
......@@ -243,8 +240,6 @@ begin
acq_num_atoms_uncoalesced_log2 <= to_unsigned(c_num_atoms_uncoalesced_log2_array(to_integer(lmt_curr_chan_id_i)),
-- acq_num_coalesce_max <= to_unsigned(c_num_coalesce_array(to_integer(lmt_curr_chan_id_i)),
-- acq_num_coalesce_max'length) - 1;
acq_min_align_max <= to_unsigned(c_min_align_array(to_integer(lmt_curr_chan_id_i)),
acq_min_align_max'length) - 1;
......@@ -278,21 +273,12 @@ begin
acq_data_in <= (others => '0');
acq_valid_in <= '0';
acq_id_in <= to_unsigned(0, acq_id_in'length);
-- acq_coalesce_cnt <= to_unsigned(0, acq_coalesce_cnt'length);
acq_valid_in <= acq_valid_i;
if acq_valid_i = '1' then
acq_data_in <= acq_data_i;
acq_id_in <= acq_id_i;
-- -- Increment the coalesce counter each valid bit, so we know
-- -- where we are in the data stream
-- acq_coalesce_cnt <= acq_coalesce_cnt + 1;
-- if acq_coalesce_cnt = acq_num_coalesce_max then
-- acq_coalesce_cnt <= to_unsigned(0, acq_coalesce_cnt'length);
-- end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
......@@ -368,7 +354,6 @@ begin
int_trig_data_se <= (others => '0');
-- Get only the uncoalesced part of the Data Trigger channel ID
-- if acq_curr_coalesce_id = acq_coalesce_cnt then
if acq_curr_coalesce_id = dtrig_id_in then
int_trig_data_se <= int_trig_data;
end if;
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