Commit 271ccd5f authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

hdl/modules/*/wb_acq_core/acq_cnt.vhd: fix late shots_cnt_all assert

Previously, the shots_cnt_all signal was only asserted one cycle
later than the pck_cnt_all. On cases where both signals go high
(last packet from the transaction) this is incorrect behavior
and causes other signals to misbehave.
parent 294e1c19
......@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ architecture rtl of acq_cnt is
signal pkt_cnt_en : std_logic;
signal pkt_ct_cnt_all : std_logic;
signal pkt_ct_cnt_will_finish : std_logic;
signal shots_cnt : unsigned(c_shots_size_width-1 downto 0);
signal shots_cnt_all : std_logic;
--signal shots_cnt_all_p : std_logic;
signal lmt_pkt_size : unsigned(c_pkt_size_width-1 downto 0);
signal lmt_shots_nb : unsigned(c_shots_size_width-1 downto 0);
......@@ -131,7 +131,10 @@ begin
end if;
end process;
cnt_all_pkts_ct_done_p_o <= pkt_ct_cnt_all; -- this is necessarilly a pulse
pkt_ct_cnt_will_finish <= '1' when pkt_ct_cnt = lmt_pkt_size-1 and pkt_cnt_en = '1'
else '0';
cnt_all_pkts_ct_done_p_o <= pkt_ct_cnt_all; -- this is necessarilly a pulse
-- Number of shots
......@@ -144,12 +147,12 @@ begin
shots_cnt <= to_unsigned(0, shots_cnt'length);
if shots_cnt_all = '1' then
if pkt_ct_cnt_all = '1' then -- This case won't happen. Should we keep it?
if pkt_ct_cnt_will_finish = '1' then -- This case won't happen. Should we keep it?
shots_cnt <= to_unsigned(1, shots_cnt'length);
shots_cnt <= to_unsigned(0, shots_cnt'length);
end if;
elsif pkt_ct_cnt_all = '1' then
elsif pkt_ct_cnt_will_finish = '1' then
shots_cnt <= shots_cnt + 1;
end if;
end if;
......@@ -165,7 +168,7 @@ begin
if rst_n_i = '0' then
shots_cnt_all <= '0';
if shots_cnt = lmt_shots_nb-1 and pkt_ct_cnt_all = '1' then
if shots_cnt = lmt_shots_nb-1 and pkt_ct_cnt_will_finish = '1' then
shots_cnt_all <= '1';
shots_cnt_all <= '0';
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