Commit 3babcdcb authored by Adrian Byszuk's avatar Adrian Byszuk

Fix PCIe lane order for AFCv3. Enable higher quality DDR input clock

parent 34fd541a
......@@ -20,6 +20,24 @@ set_property IN_TERM UNTUNED_SPLIT_50 [get_ports ddr_sys_clk_n]
#place DDR input PLL close input pins and DDR logic
set_property LOC PLLE2_ADV_X1Y1 [get_cells plle2_adv_inst]
#XDC supplied by PCIe IP core generates GTP connection in reverse order, we have to swap it.
#Simply providing correct connections will generate errors "Cannot set LOC ... because the bel is occupied by ..."
#So, firstly set PCIe lanes to temporary locations
set_property LOC GTPE2_CHANNEL_X0Y0 [get_cells -hier -filter {name=~ */pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[0].gt_wrapper_i/gtp_channel.gtpe2_channel_i}]
set_property LOC GTPE2_CHANNEL_X0Y1 [get_cells -hier -filter {name=~ */pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[1].gt_wrapper_i/gtp_channel.gtpe2_channel_i}]
set_property LOC GTPE2_CHANNEL_X0Y2 [get_cells -hier -filter {name=~ */pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[2].gt_wrapper_i/gtp_channel.gtpe2_channel_i}]
set_property LOC GTPE2_CHANNEL_X0Y3 [get_cells -hier -filter {name=~ */pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[3].gt_wrapper_i/gtp_channel.gtpe2_channel_i}]
# ..., and then the correct ones:
# PCIe Lane 0
set_property LOC GTPE2_CHANNEL_X0Y4 [get_cells -hier -filter {name=~ */pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[0].gt_wrapper_i/gtp_channel.gtpe2_channel_i}]
# PCIe Lane 1
set_property LOC GTPE2_CHANNEL_X0Y5 [get_cells -hier -filter {name=~ */pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[1].gt_wrapper_i/gtp_channel.gtpe2_channel_i}]
# PCIe Lane 2
set_property LOC GTPE2_CHANNEL_X0Y6 [get_cells -hier -filter {name=~ */pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[2].gt_wrapper_i/gtp_channel.gtpe2_channel_i}]
# PCIe Lane 3
set_property LOC GTPE2_CHANNEL_X0Y7 [get_cells -hier -filter {name=~ */pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[3].gt_wrapper_i/gtp_channel.gtpe2_channel_i}]
### Timing constraints
create_clock -name pci_sys_clk -period 10 [get_ports pci_sys_clk_p]
......@@ -213,6 +213,9 @@ begin
ddr_inclk_buf : IBUFGDS
generic map(
IBUF_LOW_PWR => false
port map
(o => pll_clkin,
i => ddr_sys_clk_p,
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