Commit 4df67092 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

modules/*/wb_acq_core/acq_fsm.vhd: fix missing pkt_full reset

This is a minor issue as we didn't rely on
the reset signal to zero it.
parent 41a10210
......@@ -287,6 +287,7 @@ begin
if fs_rst_n_i = '0' then
lmt_acq_pre_pkt_size <= to_unsigned(0, lmt_acq_pre_pkt_size'length);
lmt_acq_pos_pkt_size <= to_unsigned(0, lmt_acq_pos_pkt_size'length);
lmt_acq_full_pkt_size <= to_unsigned(0, lmt_acq_full_pkt_size'length);
lmt_shots_nb <= to_unsigned(1, lmt_shots_nb'length);
lmt_acq_pre_pkt_size <= unsigned(pre_trig_samples_i(lmt_acq_pre_pkt_size'left downto 0));
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