Commit 64005495 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

modules/*/wb_acq_core/*axis_write.vhd: fix comment about 8GB maximum BTT

The maximum BTT is, in fact, 8MB and not 8GB.
parent 43369a5a
......@@ -708,11 +708,10 @@ begin
-- To/From AXIS Stream to Memory Mapped Commands
axis_s2mm_cmd_tvalid_o <= fc_valid_cmd;
-- With 23 bits we can transfer up to 8GB of data, which will always be enough
-- for our purposes. We always set the datamover to transfer the maximum ammount
-- of data. If we finish early, we can just abort the transaction asserting
-- the LTAST stream signal (typical case). WARNING: the datamover MUST be
-- set the support Indeterminate BTT!
-- With 23 bits we can transfer up to 8MB of data. We always set the datamover
-- to transfer the maximum ammount of data. If we finish early, we can just
-- abort the transaction asserting the LTAST stream signal (typical case).
-- WARNING: the datamover MUST be set the support Indeterminate BTT!
axis_s2mm_cmd_tdata_o(c_axis_cmd_tdata_btt_top_idx downto
c_axis_cmd_tdata_btt_bot_idx) <=
std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(c_ddr_axis_max_btt, c_axis_cmd_tdata_btt_width)); -- cmd_btt (Bytes to transfer)
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