Commit 680f4629 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

syn/afc_v3/*/dbe_bpm/*.xpr: set target language as Verilog (again)

parent bfa6f12d
......@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
<Option Name="Id" Val="96ca6d9a77034d48a4aba88faf50ee90"/>
<Option Name="Part" Val="xc7a200tffg1156-1"/>
<Option Name="CompiledLibDir" Val="$PPRDIR/../../../../../../../../../opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2015.2/data"/>
<Option Name="TargetLanguage" Val="VHDL"/>
<Option Name="TargetSimulator" Val="ModelSim"/>
<Option Name="BoardPart" Val=""/>
<Option Name="SourceMgmtMode" Val="DisplayOnly"/>
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