Commit 8ffd6150 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

modules/*/wb_acq_core/acq_trigger.vhd: fix trigger alignment to last atom

We were asserting the trigger aligned with the
first atom of the sample. This is wrong as the trigger
belong to the last atom of the PRE TRIGGE state.

Thus, it belongs to the last atom of the sample.
parent 5afbdb33
......@@ -388,7 +388,10 @@ begin
end if;
end process;
-- Hold trigger signal until a we are aligned and a valid sample is found
-- Hold trigger signal until a we are aligned and a valid sample is found.
-- The aligned term here refers to the last atom of a channel sample
-- (composed of atoms). For instance, if the channel is composed of 4 atoms,
-- the last channel atom would be number 3.
p_trig_align : process (fs_clk_i)
if rising_edge(fs_clk_i) then
......@@ -404,10 +407,14 @@ begin
end if;
-- Wait until we have transfered the correct (aligned) number of samples
-- to output trigger
if trig_unaligned = '1' and acq_trig_align_cnt = acq_trig_align_cnt_max and
acq_valid_sel_out = '1' then -- will increment
trig_align <= '1';
-- to output trigger.
-- By design acq_trig_align_cnt_max would be at least 1, meaning a channel
-- composed of 2 atoms. So the arithmetic acq_trig_align_cnt_max-1 yields
-- valid values in all cases.
if trig_unaligned = '1' and acq_trig_align_cnt = acq_trig_align_cnt_max-1 and
acq_valid_sel_out = '1' then -- will increment to the last atom
trig_align <= '1'; -- Output trigger aligned with the last atom
elsif acq_valid_sel_out = '1' then
trig_align <= '0';
end if;
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