Commit da843140 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

hdl/*/wb_fmc516/*: simpler valid data generation

Also, only generic fifos from general-cores are used.
No more coregen stuff here
parent 895722b8
modules = { "local" : ["coregen"] };
#modules = { "local" : ["coregen"] };
files = [ "wb_fmc516.vhd", "xwb_fmc516.vhd", "fmc516_adc_clk.vhd",
files = [ "wb_fmc516.vhd", "xwb_fmc516.vhd", "fmc516_adc_clk.vhd",
"fmc516_adc_data.vhd", "fmc516_adc_buf.vhd", "fmc516_adc_iface.vhd",
"wbgen/wb_fmc516_regs_pkg.vhd", "wbgen/wb_fmc516_regs.vhd",
# Select between synthesis or simulation components
if (action == "synthesis" ):
if(target == "xilinx" and syn_device[0:4].upper()=="XC6V"):
files = ["cdc_fifo.ngc", "adc_data_cdc_fifo.ngc", "cdc_fifo.vhd", "adc_data_cdc_fifo.vhd"];
print "WARNING: Device not supported for synthesis using the FMC516 core!"
elif (action == "simulation"):
if (target == "xilinx"):
files = ["cdc_fifo.vhd", "adc_data_cdc_fifo.vhd"];
print "WARNING: Device not supported for simulation using the FMC516 core!"
......@@ -339,100 +339,26 @@ begin
-- On the other hand, BUFG and BUFR/BUFIO are not guaranteed to be phase-matched,
-- as they drive independently clock nets. Hence, a FIFO is needed to employ
-- a clock domain crossing.
gen_generic_bufr_bufg_fifo : if g_sim = 0 generate
-- Xilinx coregen async 250 MHz fifo, 512 depth, 16-bit width,
-- built-in fifo primitive, stardard fifo (no fall through)
--cmp_adc_data_async_fifo : cdc_fifo
--port map (
-- rst => sys_rst,
-- -- write port
-- wr_clk => adc_clk_bufr_i,
-- din => adc_data_ff_d2,
-- wr_en => adc_fifo_wr,
-- full => adc_fifo_full,
-- -- read port
-- rd_clk => adc_clk_bufg_i,
-- dout => adc_data_bufg_sync,
-- rd_en => adc_fifo_rd,
-- valid => adc_fifo_valid,
-- empty => adc_fifo_empty
-- Xilinx coregen async 250 MHz fifo, 16 depth, 16-bit width,
-- distributed ram primitive, stardard fifo (no fall through),
-- cycle accurate simulation model
--cmp_adc_data_async_fifo : adc_data_cdc_fifo
--port map (
-- rst => sys_rst,
-- -- write port
-- wr_clk => adc_clk_bufr_i,
-- din => adc_data_ff_d2,
-- wr_en => adc_fifo_wr,
-- full => adc_fifo_full,
-- -- read port
-- rd_clk => adc_clk_bufg_i,
-- dout => adc_data_bufg_sync,
-- rd_en => adc_fifo_rd,
-- valid => adc_fifo_valid,
-- empty => adc_fifo_empty
--adc_data_valid_out <= adc_fifo_valid;
cmp_adc_data_async_fifo : generic_async_fifo
generic map(
g_data_width => c_num_adc_bits,
g_size => async_fifo_size
port map(
rst_n_i => sys_rst_n_i,
-- write port
clk_wr_i => adc_clk_bufr_i,
d_i => adc_data_ff_d2,
we_i => adc_fifo_wr,
wr_full_o => adc_fifo_full,
-- read port
clk_rd_i => adc_clk_bufg_i,
q_o => adc_data_bufg_sync,
rd_i => adc_fifo_rd,
rd_empty_o => adc_fifo_empty
end generate;
-- Instanciate a inferred async fifo as the xilinx primitives
-- are not cycle accurate in behavioural simulation for ISim
gen_inferred_bufr_bufg_fifo : if g_sim = 1 generate
cmp_inferred_async_fifo : inferred_async_fifo
generic map (
g_data_width => c_num_adc_bits,
g_size => async_fifo_size,
g_almost_empty_threshold => 3,
g_almost_full_threshold => async_fifo_size-3
port map(
rst_n_i => sys_rst_n_i,
-- write port
clk_wr_i => adc_clk_bufr_i,
d_i => adc_data_ff_d2,
we_i => adc_fifo_wr,
wr_full_o => adc_fifo_full,
-- read port
clk_rd_i => adc_clk_bufg_i,
q_o => adc_data_bufg_sync,
rd_i => adc_fifo_rd,
rd_empty_o => adc_fifo_empty
end generate;
cmp_adc_data_async_fifo : generic_async_fifo
generic map(
g_data_width => c_num_adc_bits,
g_size => async_fifo_size
port map(
rst_n_i => sys_rst_n_i,
-- write port
clk_wr_i => adc_clk_bufr_i,
d_i => adc_data_ff_d2,
we_i => adc_fifo_wr,
wr_full_o => adc_fifo_full,
-- read port
clk_rd_i => adc_clk_bufg_i,
q_o => adc_data_bufg_sync,
rd_i => adc_fifo_rd,
rd_empty_o => adc_fifo_empty
--Generate valid signal for adc_data_o.
--Just delay the valid adc_fifo_rd signal as the fifo takes
......@@ -441,10 +367,10 @@ begin
p_gen_valid : process (adc_clk_bufg_i)
if rising_edge (adc_clk_bufg_i) then
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' then
adc_data_valid_out <= adc_fifo_rd;
if adc_fifo_empty = '1' then
adc_data_valid_out <= '0';
adc_data_valid_out <= adc_fifo_rd;
end if;
end if;
end process;
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