Commit ee7c6d45 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

hdl/modules/*/wb_acq_core: fix wrong counter comparison with pre/full packet

Instead of comparing to the byte sized pre/full
packet we should be comparing transmitted words.
parent fe80e0c6
......@@ -691,9 +691,9 @@ begin
-- Only count up to the sample when in pre_trigger or post_trigger and we haven't
-- acquire enough samples
pl_cmd_cnt_en <= '1' when (unsigned(dbg_cmd_pkt_ct_cnt) < lmt_pre_pkt_size and
pl_cmd_cnt_en <= '1' when (unsigned(dbg_cmd_pkt_ct_cnt) < lmt_pre_pkt_size_aggd and
fc_data_id_cmd = "010") or -- Pre-trigger
(unsigned(dbg_cmd_pkt_ct_cnt) < lmt_full_pkt_size and
(unsigned(dbg_cmd_pkt_ct_cnt) < lmt_full_pkt_size_aggd and
fc_data_id_cmd = "100") -- Post-trigger
else '0';
......@@ -702,9 +702,9 @@ begin
-- Only count up to the sample when in pre_trigger or post_trigger and we haven't
-- acquire enough samples
pl_pld_cnt_en <= '1' when (unsigned(dbg_pld_pkt_ct_cnt) < lmt_pre_pkt_size and
pl_pld_cnt_en <= '1' when (unsigned(dbg_pld_pkt_ct_cnt) < lmt_pre_pkt_size_aggd and
fc_data_id_cmd = "010") or -- Pre-trigger
(unsigned(dbg_pld_pkt_ct_cnt) < lmt_full_pkt_size and
(unsigned(dbg_pld_pkt_ct_cnt) < lmt_full_pkt_size_aggd and
fc_data_id_cmd = "100") -- Post-trigger
else '0';
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