Commit 5ddf77fb authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

dev_io/dev_io_core.c: fix smio base address

It was missing the SDB prefix address (got from
LLIO) and the "first" offset from the current SDB device.
parent a28a964b
......@@ -127,8 +127,12 @@ static devio_err_e _devio_unregister_all_sm_raw (devio_t *self);
static int _devio_read_llio_block (struct sdbfs *fs, int offset, void *buf,
int count)
return llio_read_block (((devio_t *)fs->drvdata)->llio,
BAR4_ADDR | (offset), count, (uint32_t *) buf);
devio_t *devio = (devio_t *)fs->drvdata;
llio_t *llio = devio->llio;
uint64_t llio_sdb_prefix_addr = llio_get_sdb_prefix_addr (llio);
return llio_read_block (llio, llio_sdb_prefix_addr |
(offset), count, (uint32_t *) buf);
/* Default signal handlers */
......@@ -854,7 +858,8 @@ static devio_err_e _devio_register_sm_raw (devio_t *self, uint32_t smio_id, uint
th_args->inst_id = used_inst_id;
"[dev_io_core:register_sm] Calling boot func\n");
"[dev_io_core:register_sm] Calling boot func for SMIO \"%s\" @ %016"PRIX64", instance %u\n",
smio_mod_handler->name, base, used_inst_id);
self->pipes_mgmt [pipe_mgmt_idx] = zactor_new (smio_startup, th_args);
ASSERT_TEST (self->pipes_mgmt [pipe_mgmt_idx] != NULL, "Could not spawn SMIO thread",
......@@ -986,12 +991,18 @@ static devio_err_e _devio_register_all_sm_raw (devio_t *self)
while ((d = sdbutils_next_device (self->sdbfs)) != NULL) {
c = &d->sdb_component;
p = &c->product;
smio_id = ntohl(p->device_id);
/* Try to register SMIO. If not found, nothing is done. Also,
* alloc the next available inst_id for this SMIO (if already present) */
_devio_register_sm_raw (self, smio_id, self->sdbfs->base[
self->sdbfs->depth], 0, true);
uint64_t llio_sdb_prefix_addr = llio_get_sdb_prefix_addr (self->llio);
uint64_t smio_base_addr = (long long) self->sdbfs->base[self->sdbfs->depth] + ntohll(c->addr_first);
uint64_t smio_full_base_addr = llio_sdb_prefix_addr | smio_base_addr;
"[dev_io_core:register_all_sm_raw] Calling register_sm_raw () for smio_id %u @ %016"PRIX64"\n",
smio_id, smio_full_base_addr);
_devio_register_sm_raw (self, smio_id, llio_sdb_prefix_addr |
smio_full_base_addr, 0, true);
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