Commit 81cf88a2 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

dev_io/dev_io_core.c: don't create SDB if device not supported

As of now, devices that do not support SDB will fail,
as it does not implement a timeout mechanism.

For instance, Ethernet devices will wait forever to
receive the SDB magic number, but this will never happen.
So, avoid creating SDB in the first place until we have
a proper timeout/failover mechanism.
parent 3211f2aa
......@@ -278,10 +278,14 @@ devio_t * devio_new (char *name, uint32_t id, char *endpoint_dev,
self->sdbfs->flags = 0;
self->sdbfs->read = _devio_read_llio_block;
/* Create SDB */
err = sdbfs_dev_create (self->sdbfs);
ASSERT_TEST (err == 0, "Could not create SDBFS",
err_sdbfs_create, DEVIO_ERR_SMIO_DO_OP);
/* Create SDB. If the device does not support SDB, this will fail.
* So, avoid creating SDB in this case, for now, as some unsupported
* endpoints do not have timeout implemented just yet */
if (llio_get_type (self->llio) == PCIE_DEV) {
err = sdbfs_dev_create (self->sdbfs);
ASSERT_TEST (err == 0, "Could not create SDBFS",
err_sdbfs_create, DEVIO_ERR_SMIO_DO_OP);
/* Init sm_io_thsafe_server_ops_h. For now, we assume we want zmq
* for exchanging messages between smio and devio instances */
......@@ -319,7 +323,9 @@ err_disp_table_thsafe_ops_alloc:
zhashx_destroy (&self->sm_io_h);
sdbfs_dev_destroy (self->sdbfs);
if (llio_get_type (self->llio) == PCIE_DEV) {
sdbfs_dev_destroy (self->sdbfs);
free (self->sdbfs);
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