Commit 63abdbf0 authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis

hdl: only store info about the trigger if there is an ongoing acquisition

parent 77bd4c90
......@@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ begin
"00" & sw_trig_fixed_delay(sw_trig_fixed_delay'HIGH) &
trig_fifo_wr <= not trig_fifo_full and acq_in_wait_trig;
trig_fifo_wr <= not trig_fifo_full;
cmp_trig_sync_fifo : generic_async_fifo
generic map (
......@@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@ begin
if rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' or trig_storage_clear = '1' then
trig_storage <= (others => '0');
elsif trig_fifo_dout(32) = '1' and trig_fifo_empty = '0' then
elsif trig_fifo_dout(32) = '1' and trig_fifo_empty = '0' and acq_in_wait_trig = '1' then
trig_storage <= trig_fifo_dout(31 downto 0);
end if;
end if;
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