Commit daa3054c authored by Matthieu Cattin's avatar Matthieu Cattin

hdl: Adapt interface to the new GN4124 core version.

The new GN4124 core version implements a timeout and ERR treatment on the csr wishbone interface.
parent 1a901c7b
......@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ architecture rtl of spec_top_fmc_adc_100Ms is
-- Reset
signal powerup_reset_cnt : unsigned(7 downto 0) := "00000000";
signal powerup_rst_n : std_logic := '0';
signal sw_rst_fmc0_n : std_logic := '1';
signal sw_rst_fmc0_n : std_logic := '1';
signal sw_rst_fmc0_n_o : std_logic;
signal sw_rst_fmc0_n_i : std_logic;
signal sw_rst_fmc0_n_load : std_logic;
......@@ -382,6 +382,9 @@ architecture rtl of spec_top_fmc_adc_100Ms is
signal wb_dma_we : std_logic;
signal wb_dma_ack : std_logic;
signal wb_dma_stall : std_logic;
signal wb_dma_err : std_logic;
signal wb_dma_rty : std_logic;
signal wb_dma_int : std_logic;
-- FMC ADC core to DDR wishbone bus
signal wb_ddr_adr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
......@@ -598,6 +601,9 @@ begin
csr_dat_i => cnx_slave_out(c_MASTER_GENNUM).dat,
csr_ack_i => cnx_slave_out(c_MASTER_GENNUM).ack,
csr_stall_i => cnx_slave_out(c_MASTER_GENNUM).stall,
csr_err_i => cnx_slave_out(c_MASTER_GENNUM).err,
csr_rty_i => cnx_slave_out(c_MASTER_GENNUM).rty,
csr_int_i => cnx_slave_out(c_MASTER_GENNUM).int,
-- DMA wishbone interface (pipelined)
dma_clk_i => sys_clk_125,
dma_adr_o => wb_dma_adr,
......@@ -608,7 +614,10 @@ begin
dma_cyc_o => wb_dma_cyc,
dma_dat_i => wb_dma_dat_i,
dma_ack_i => wb_dma_ack,
dma_stall_i => wb_dma_stall
dma_stall_i => wb_dma_stall,
dma_err_i => wb_dma_err,
dma_rty_i => wb_dma_rty,
dma_int_i => wb_dma_int
p2l_pll_locked <= gn4124_status(0);
......@@ -727,7 +736,7 @@ begin
led_green_o <= led_green;
-- external software reset register (to assign a non-zero default value)
p_sw_rst_fmc0: process (sys_clk_125)
p_sw_rst_fmc0 : process (sys_clk_125)
if rising_edge(sys_clk_125) then
if sys_rst_n = '0' then
......@@ -966,6 +975,11 @@ begin
ddr3_calib_done <= ddr3_status(0);
-- unused Wishbone signals
wb_dma_err <= '0';
wb_dma_rty <= '0';
wb_dma_int <= '0';
-- Assign unused outputs
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