Commit 7c08ff04 authored by David Cussans's avatar David Cussans

Updated readme for latest build script

parent a6d98f22
...@@ -15,34 +15,67 @@ The master firmware uses the [ipbb]( build tool, a ...@@ -15,34 +15,67 @@ The master firmware uses the [ipbb]( build tool, a
Set up the environment for Xilinx Vivado, then: Set up the environment for Xilinx Vivado, then:
mkdir work ```
cd work # Put which branch of Git to use here...
git clone IPBUS_BRANCH="-b v1.3"
( ... or curl -L | tar xvz ) TLU_BRANCH=""
source ipbb/
ipbb init build mkdir work
cd build cd work
ipbb add git -b enhancement/28
ipbb add git IPBB_VERSION="0.3.13"
ipbb proj create vivado TLU_1e firmware_AIDA:projects/TLU_v1e -t top_tlu_1e_a35.dep curl -L${IPBB_VERSION}.tar.gz | tar xvz
cd proj/TLU_1e # ( or git clone )
ipbb vivado project source ipbb-${IPBB_VERSION}/
# Set correct file as design "top"
vivado -mode tcl -nojournal -nolog -notrace -source ../../src/firmware_AIDA/projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/cfg/set_top.tcl top/top.xpr ipbb init build
# Edit the files in the IPBus repostitory to expose the 200MHz clock
sed -i 's/onehz);/onehz); clk_200_o<=clk200;/' ../../src/ipbus-firmware/boards/enclustra_ax3_pm3/base_fw/synth/firmware/hdl/enclustra_ax3_pm3_infra.vhd cd build
sed -i 's/clk125_o: out std_logic/clk125_o, clk_200_o: out std_logic/' ../../src/ipbus-firmware/boards/enclustra_ax3_pm3/base_fw/synth/firmware/hdl/enclustra_ax3_pm3_infra.vhd ipbb add git ${IPBUS_BRANCH}
# Comment out the cfg signals in the IPBus constraints file enclustra_ax3_pm3.tcl ipbb add git ${TLU_BRANCH}
pushd ../../src/ipbus-firmware/boards/enclustra_ax3_pm3/base_fw/synth/firmware/ucf # For read/write load a valid ssh key and use the repo below ....
patch < ../../../../../../../firmware_AIDA/boards/enclustra_ax3_pm3/base_fw/synth/firmware/ucf/enclustra_ax3_pm3.patch # ipbb add git ssh://
# In order to generate the VHDL to decode the addresses follow the instructions at
pushd firmware_AIDA/projects/TLU_v1e/addr_table # In order to generate the VHDL to decode the addresses follow the instructions at
/opt/cactus/bin/uhal/tools/gen_ipbus_addr_decode -v TLUaddrmap.xml echo "Generating address table VHDL from XML file"
#copy resulting file ( ipbus_decode_TLUaddrmap.vhd ) to work/build/src/firmware_AIDA/projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/hdl/ pushd src/fmc-mtlu-gw/AIDA_tlu/projects/TLU_v1e/addr_table
cp ipbus_decode_TLUaddrmap.vhd ../firmware/hdl/ pwd
/opt/cactus/bin/uhal/tools/gen_ipbus_addr_decode -v TLUaddrmap.xml
ipbb vivado impl #copy resulting file ( ipbus_decode_TLUaddrmap.vhd ) to work/build/src/fmc-mtlu-gw/AIDA_tlu/projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/hdl/
ipbb vivado bitfile mv ipbus_decode_TLUaddrmap.vhd ../firmware/hdl/
ipbb vivado package popd
echo "BUILD: patching enclustra_ax3_pm3_infra.vhd"
pushd src/ipbus-firmware/boards/enclustra_ax3_pm3/base_fw/synth/firmware/hdl
dos2unix enclustra_ax3_pm3_infra.vhd
patch < ../../../../../../../fmc-mtlu-gw/AIDA_tlu/boards/enclustra_ax3_pm3/base_fw/synth/firmware/hdl/enclustra_ax3_pm3_infra.patch
# Comment out the cfg signals in the IPBus constraints file enclustra_ax3_pm3.tcl
#echo "BUILD: patching enclustra_ax3_pm3.tcl"
#pushd src/ipbus-firmware/boards/enclustra_ax3_pm3/base_fw/synth/firmware/ucf
#patch < ../../../../../../../fmc-mtlu-gw/AIDA_tlu/boards/enclustra_ax3_pm3/base_fw/synth/firmware/ucf/enclustra_ax3_pm3.patch
echo "BUILD: ipbb proj create"
ipbb proj create vivado TLU_1e fmc-mtlu-gw:AIDA_tlu/projects/TLU_v1e -t top_tlu_1e_a35.dep
cd proj/TLU_1e
ipbb vivado project
# Set correct file as design "top"
#echo "BUILD: Setting the correct design as top"
#vivado -mode tcl -nojournal -nolog -notrace -source ../../src/fmc-mtlu-gw/AIDA_tlu/projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/cfg/set_top.tcl top/top.xpr
# Set TLU timing contraints *.xdc file to have "late" processing order
vivado -mode tcl -nojournal -nolog -notrace -source ../../src/fmc-mtlu-gw/AIDA_tlu/projects/TLU_v1e/firmware/ucf/TLU_enclustra_v1e_setProcessingOrder.tcl top/top.xpr
echo "BUILD: ipbb impl"
ipbb vivado impl
echo "BUILD: ipbb bitfile"
ipbb vivado bitfile
echo "BUILD: ipbb package"
ipbb vivado package
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