Commit e723ed57 authored by Andrea Boccardi's avatar Andrea Boccardi

debug features for SRAM2 in the application FPGA

parent ddc0466d
...@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ module AddressDecoderWBApp( ...@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ module AddressDecoderWBApp(
input AckDebugRegs_i, input AckDebugRegs_i,
output reg StbDebugRegs_o, output reg StbDebugRegs_o,
input [31:0] DatDebugInRegs_ib32,
input AckDebugInRegs_i,
output reg StbDebugInRegs_o,
input [31:0] DatSram1Controller_ib32, input [31:0] DatSram1Controller_ib32,
input AckSram1Controller_i, input AckSram1Controller_i,
output reg StbSram1Controller_o, output reg StbSram1Controller_o,
...@@ -18,14 +22,18 @@ module AddressDecoderWBApp( ...@@ -18,14 +22,18 @@ module AddressDecoderWBApp(
output reg StbSram2Controller_o); output reg StbSram2Controller_o);
always @(posedge Clk_ik) begin always @(posedge Clk_ik) begin
Ack_o <= AckDebugRegs_i || AckSram1Controller_i || AckSram2Controller_i; Ack_o <= AckDebugInRegs_i || AckDebugRegs_i || AckSram1Controller_i || AckSram2Controller_i;
Dat_ob32 <= 32'h0; Dat_ob32 <= 32'h0;
StbDebugRegs_o <= 1'b0; StbDebugRegs_o <= 1'b0;
StbDebugInRegs_o <= 1'b0;
StbSram1Controller_o <= 1'b0; StbSram1Controller_o <= 1'b0;
StbSram2Controller_o <= 1'b0; StbSram2Controller_o <= 1'b0;
if (Adr_ib21[20:2]=='h0) begin // FROM 00_0000 TO 00_0003 (WB) == FROM 80_0000 TO 80_000C (VME) <- 4 regs (16B) if (Adr_ib21[20:2]=='h0) begin // FROM 00_0000 TO 00_0003 (WB) == FROM 80_0000 TO 80_000C (VME) <- 4 regs (16B)
StbDebugRegs_o <= Stb_i; StbDebugRegs_o <= Stb_i;
Dat_ob32 <= DatDebugRegs_ib32; Dat_ob32 <= DatDebugRegs_ib32;
end else if (Adr_ib21[20:2]=='h1) begin // FROM 00_0004 TO 00_0007 (WB) == FROM 80_0010 TO 80_001C (VME) <- 4 regs (16B)
StbDebugInRegs_o <= Stb_i;
Dat_ob32 <= DatDebugInRegs_ib32;
end else if (Adr_ib21[20:19]==2'h1) begin // FROM 08_0000 TO 0F_FFFF == FROM A0_0000 TO BF_FFFC (VME) end else if (Adr_ib21[20:19]==2'h1) begin // FROM 08_0000 TO 0F_FFFF == FROM A0_0000 TO BF_FFFC (VME)
StbSram1Controller_o <= Stb_i; StbSram1Controller_o <= Stb_i;
Dat_ob32 <= DatSram1Controller_ib32; Dat_ob32 <= DatSram1Controller_ib32;
...@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ wire [31:0] DatMasterO_b32, DatMasterI_b32; ...@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ wire [31:0] DatMasterO_b32, DatMasterI_b32;
wire [31:0] DebugReg0, DebugReg1, DebugReg2, DebugReg3; wire [31:0] DebugReg0, DebugReg1, DebugReg2, DebugReg3;
wire [31:0] DatDebugRegsrO_b32; wire [31:0] DatDebugRegsrO_b32;
wire StbDebugRegs, AckDebugRegs; wire StbDebugRegs, AckDebugRegs;
wire [31:0] DatDebugInRegsrO_b32;
wire StbDebugInRegs, AckDebugInRegs;
wire StbSram1Controller, AckSram1Controller; wire StbSram1Controller, AckSram1Controller;
wire [31:0] DatSram1ControllerO_b32; wire [31:0] DatSram1ControllerO_b32;
wire StbSram2Controller, AckSram2Controller; wire StbSram2Controller, AckSram2Controller;
...@@ -107,6 +109,10 @@ AddressDecoderWBApp i_AddressDecoderWB( ...@@ -107,6 +109,10 @@ AddressDecoderWBApp i_AddressDecoderWB(
.AckDebugRegs_i(AckDebugRegs), .AckDebugRegs_i(AckDebugRegs),
.StbDebugRegs_o(StbDebugRegs), .StbDebugRegs_o(StbDebugRegs),
.DatSram1Controller_ib32(DatSram1ControllerO_b32), .DatSram1Controller_ib32(DatSram1ControllerO_b32),
.AckSram1Controller_i(AckSram1Controller), .AckSram1Controller_i(AckSram1Controller),
.StbSram1Controller_o(StbSram1Controller), .StbSram1Controller_o(StbSram1Controller),
...@@ -119,8 +125,8 @@ AddressDecoderWBApp i_AddressDecoderWB( ...@@ -119,8 +125,8 @@ AddressDecoderWBApp i_AddressDecoderWB(
// Debug Registers // Debug Registers
//##################################### //#####################################
Generic4OutputRegs #(.Reg0Default(32'ha), .Reg1Default(32'hb), .Reg2Default(32'hc), .Reg3Default(32'hd)) Generic4OutputRegs #(.Reg0Default(32'h0), .Reg1Default(32'h0), .Reg2Default(32'h0), .Reg3Default(32'h0))
i_DebugRegs( i_DebugOutRegs(
.Rst_irq(Rst_rq), .Rst_irq(Rst_rq),
.Clk_ik(Clk_k), .Clk_ik(Clk_k),
.Cyc_i(Cyc), .Cyc_i(Cyc),
...@@ -159,6 +165,7 @@ WbToCy7c1470 i_Sram1Controller( ...@@ -159,6 +165,7 @@ WbToCy7c1470 i_Sram1Controller(
.SramBws_onb4(Sram1Bws_nb4)); .SramBws_onb4(Sram1Bws_nb4));
wire [20:0] AdrSram2Controller = {2'b0, Adr_b21[18:0]}; wire [20:0] AdrSram2Controller = {2'b0, Adr_b21[18:0]};
WbToCy7c1470 i_Sram2Controller( WbToCy7c1470 i_Sram2Controller(
...@@ -177,5 +184,27 @@ WbToCy7c1470 i_Sram2Controller( ...@@ -177,5 +184,27 @@ WbToCy7c1470 i_Sram2Controller(
.SramWe_on(Sram2We_n), .SramWe_on(Sram2We_n),
.SramOe_on(Sram2Oe_n), .SramOe_on(Sram2Oe_n),
.SramBws_onb4(Sram2Bws_nb4)); .SramBws_onb4(Sram2Bws_nb4));
assign AckSram2Controller = 1'b0;
assign Sram2Data_b36 = DebugReg1[31] ? {4'b0, DebugReg0} : 36'hz;
assign Sram2Address_b21 = DebugReg1[20:0];
assign Sram2Clk_k = Clk_k;
assign Sram2We_n = ~DebugReg1[31];
assign Sram2Oe_n = DebugReg1[31];
assign Sram2Bws_nb4 = 4'h0;
Generic4InputRegs DebugInRegs (
endmodule endmodule
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