Commit 41ef3252 authored by Tom Levens's avatar Tom Levens

Merge branch 'master' into 'develop'

See merge request !24
parents 51f93bef 74e10586
......@@ -37,28 +37,28 @@ from ..sourcefiles.srcfile import create_source_file
class XCIParserBase(DepParser):
"""Base class for the Xilinx XCI(X) parser"""
def _parse_xml_xci(self, f):
def _parse_xml_xci(self, xml_str):
"""Parse a Xilinx XCI IP description file in XML format"""
# extract namespaces with a regex -- not really ideal, but without pulling in
# an external xml lib I can't think of a better way.
xmlnsre = re.compile(r'''\bxmlns:(\w+)\s*=\s*"(\w+://[^"]*)"''', re.MULTILINE)
nsmap = dict(xmlnsre.findall(f))
value = ET.fromstring(f).find('spirit:componentInstances/spirit:componentInstance/spirit:instanceName', nsmap)
nsmap = dict(xmlnsre.findall(xml_str))
value = ET.fromstring(xml_str).find('spirit:componentInstances/spirit:componentInstance/spirit:instanceName', nsmap)
if not value is None:
return value.text
return None
def _parse_json_xci(self, f):
def _parse_json_xci(self, json_str):
"""Parse a Xilinx XCI IP description file in JSON format"""
data = json.loads(f)
data = json.loads(json_str)
ip_inst = data.get('ip_inst')
if ip_inst is not None:
return ip_inst.get('xci_name')
return None
def _parse_xci(self, dep_file, graph, f):
def _parse_xci(self, dep_file, graph, file):
"""Parse a Xilinx XCI IP description file to determine the provided module(s)
This file can either be in XML or JSON file format depending on the
......@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ class XCIParserBase(DepParser):
# Hacky file format detection, just check the first character of the
# file which should be "<" for XML and "{" for JSON
content =
c = content[0]
content =
c = content.splitlines()[0].strip()[0]
if c == "<":
logging.debug("Parsing xci as xml format")
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