Commit 5de66e26 authored by serrano's avatar serrano

Last comments.

git-svn-id: 7f0067c9-7624-46c7-bd39-3fb5400c0213
parent f23ac9fe
Disclaimer: not enough time to do this design justice. Focusing on VHDL
constructs, not trying to make sense of overall operation.
General Comment
There are lots of abnormal conditions detected and treated now, but
they leave no trace for diagnostics. Maybe it would make sense to add
status bits for them such that people could have a sense of how often
these abnormal conditions are hit during real operation.
Also I wanted to do a general check to make sure all inputs are
correctly registered and protected against metastability and all
outputs are registered unless there is a good reason not
to. Unfortunately I did not have time to do it, could you?
- General comment: this file is huge and difficult to assimilate in
......@@ -40,3 +51,11 @@ wf_rx_deserializer.vhd
- OK, now I see there is a timeout here as well, so maybe my comment
about resetting the rx block systematically from wf_engine_control is
not so important.
- Line 557. There is no 'else' in this 'if' statement. Is this OK?
- Line 359. "unitl" -> "until"
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