Commit 522bc216 authored by tstana's avatar tstana

Thedi: added my Monday comment (sorry if this is a re-post... still getting used to SVN)

git-svn-id: 665b4545-5c6b-4c24-801b-41150b02b44b
parent 97beda2c
TODO (for me):
- check comments vs. user manual before final commit
- VMEAccessDecode: check specifications to see if WB process needs reset
- check for VHDL comments and coding guidelines
- synthesize design and check for latches in VMEAmMatch.vhd
General stuff
Really like the fact that you wrote a lot of comments in the file headers. These
are very descriptive and very easy to read, which helps users quickly get up to
speed on how they can use your core in their design.
It might help to have some comments accompanying your entity ports. This can
help users quickly instantiate your core (or components of your core), in case
they need them.
You have some more detailed comments below.
- line 8: typo
"This component check [...]"
should be:
"This component checkS [...]"
- line 20: typo
"[...] the block diagram the main component are two [...]"
should be
"[...] the block diagram the main componentS are two [...]"
"[...] there are two main components in the block diagram [...]"
- line 66: the "!!!" at the end is a bit aggressive towards the reader :)
I would advise you to change it to a full stop (".") or a simple exclamation
mark ("!")
- line 71: typo:
"corrisponding" -> "corresponding"
- line 83:
"corrisponding" -> "corresponding"
"the VME Master need to know", should be either
"the VME Masters need to know", or
"the VME Master needs to know"
- line 87: typo
"corrisponding" -> "corresponding"
- line 91: typos
"eg: lets imagine" -> "let's imagine"
"we want be able to access" -> "we want to (be able TO) access"
- line 93: typo:
"corrisponding" -> "corresponding"
- line 106: typo
"[...] so we need of two functions [...]" -> "[...] so we need two functions
I would not encourage using VHDL code in the comments to describe what you want
to do. I mean here things like in line 13, where you say "AmMatch <= [...]",
and particularly things like "to_integer(unsigned([...]))".
Comments are supposed to be verbose descriptions of what your design does, avoid
using code inside your comments. The reader can read and understand the code
himself. If you *must* use code that you think makes your comments more
understandable, try to make your code as simple as possible. Using "to_integer"
and its lengthy brothers adds unnecessary details that can otherwise be
easily understood by the reader.
- line 9: typo
"corrispondent" -> "corresponding"
- lines 11-13: maybe you could make the comments a little clearer; at the moment
they seem a bit fuzzy to me, you have a bunch of unfinished sentences there that
don't make too much sense.
- line 14: typo
"[...] different address wide [...]" -> "[...] different address widths [...]"
- p_AMmatch:
Are you sure the synthesis tool is not inferring latches here? You have a pretty
large amount of conditions uncovered, is it capable of generating registers with
enable from that? I will try to synthesize your design to see if it can...
Expect an answer on this shortly. :)
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