Commit 85c7f196 authored by Tristan Gingold's avatar Tristan Gingold

top_tb: add a test for 2eSST.

parent a42448c7
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
-- source; if not, download it from
entity top_tb is
generic (g_SCENARIO : natural range 0 to 9 := 6);
generic (g_SCENARIO : natural range 0 to 10 := 6);
end top_tb;
library ieee;
......@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ architecture behaviour of top_tb is
type qword_array_t is array (natural range <>) of qword_t;
subtype vme_am_t is std_logic_vector (5 downto 0);
subtype vme_xam_t is std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
function hex1 (v : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0)) return character is
......@@ -284,10 +285,10 @@ begin
g_END_SN => x"000000",
g_decoder_0_adem => x"ff000000",
g_decoder_0_amcap => x"00000000_0000ff00",
g_decoder_0_amcap => x"00000001_0000ff00",
g_decoder_0_dawpr => x"84",
g_decoder_1_adem => x"fff80000",
g_decoder_1_amcap => x"ff000000_00000000",
g_decoder_1_amcap => x"ff000001_00000000",
g_decoder_1_dawpr => x"84",
g_decoder_2_adem => x"00000000",
g_decoder_2_amcap => x"00000000_00000000",
......@@ -757,6 +758,68 @@ begin
end read64_mblt;
procedure read64_2esst (addr : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
xam : vme_xam_t;
variable data : out qword_array_t)
variable odd : boolean;
assert addr (3 downto 0) = "0000"
report "unaligned read64_2e" severity error;
assert data'length mod 2 = 0 severity error;
-- Phase 1.
VME_LWORD_n_i <= xam(0);
read_setup_addr (addr (31 downto 8) & xam (7 downto 1) & '0', b"10_0000");
VME_DATA_i <= x"0000_0000";
VME_DS_n_i <= "10";
wait until (VME_DTACK_OE_o = '1' and VME_DTACK_n_o = '0')
or bus_timer = '1';
-- Phase 2.
VME_ADDR_i <= x"01" & x"00" & std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(data'length / 2, 8)) & addr (7 downto 1);
VME_DATA_i <= x"00_00_00_0" & x"0";
VME_LWORD_n_i <= addr (0);
wait for 5 ns;
VME_DS_n_i <= "11";
wait until (VME_DTACK_OE_o = '1' and VME_DTACK_n_o = '1')
or bus_timer = '1';
-- Phase 3.
VME_ADDR_i <= (others => '0');
VME_DATA_i <= x"0000_0000";
wait for 5 ns;
VME_DS_n_i <= "10";
wait until (VME_DTACK_OE_o = '1' and VME_DTACK_n_o = '0')
or bus_timer = '1';
VME_DS_n_i <= "00";
odd := true;
for i in data'range loop
if odd then
wait until (VME_DTACK_OE_o = '1' and VME_DTACK_n_o = '1')
or bus_timer = '1';
wait until (VME_DTACK_OE_o = '1' and VME_DTACK_n_o = '0')
or bus_timer = '1';
end if;
odd := not odd;
data (i) := VME_ADDR_o & VME_LWORD_n_o & VME_DATA_o;
end loop;
-- 2eSST 2.8 Transfer termination
-- Transfers always terminate on an even beat.
-- The slave terminates a read transfer by stopping the
-- data transmission and then asserting RETRY*/RESP* and
-- BERR*.
wait until (VME_BERR_n_o = '0' and VME_RETRY_n_o = '0' and VME_RETRY_OE_o = '1');
-- The master will respond by negating DS0*
VME_DS_n_i <= "11";
end read64_2esst;
procedure write_setup_addr (addr : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
lword_n : std_logic;
am : vme_am_t) is
......@@ -1371,6 +1434,26 @@ begin
report "bad read at 000 (no AM decode)" severity error;
end if;
when 10 =>
-- Test 2eSST
-- Set ADER
write8_conf (x"7_ff63", x"64");
write8_conf (x"7_ff6f", c_AM_2eVME_6U & "00");
-- Enable card
write8_conf (x"7_fffb", b"0001_0000");
read64_2esst (x"64_00_00_10", c_XAM_A32_2ESST, v64 (0 to 1));
report "at 04: " & hex8 (v64(0)(63 downto 32));
report "at 05: " & hex8 (v64(0)(31 downto 0));
report "at 06: " & hex8 (v64(1)(63 downto 32));
report "at 07: " & hex8 (v64(1)(31 downto 0));
assert v64 (0) = x"0000_0004_0000_0500"
and v64 (1) = x"0006_0000_0700_0000"
report "incorrect MBLT data 64" severity error;
-- TODO: check IACK propagation.
end case;
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