Commit 0303489d authored by li hongming's avatar li hongming

Solve bug in wr_minic_nic.vhd.

            The bug is introduced by the sentence "wb_out.adr(4 downto 0)=x"02"",
            which should be wb_out.adr(4 downto 0)=b"00010".
parent f1b7521d
......@@ -347,7 +347,8 @@ begin -- behavioral
-- sniff wb access to generate rx_fifo_rd every time the RX_FIFO register is
-- read
rx_fifo_rd <= '1' when(wb_out.cyc='1' and wb_out.stb='1' and wb_out.adr(7 downto 0)=x"02" and wb_in.ack='1') else
-- fix the range of wb_out.adr, hongming
rx_fifo_rd <= '1' when(wb_out.cyc='1' and wb_out.stb='1' and wb_out.adr(4 downto 0)=b"00010" and wb_in.ack='1') else
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