Commit 893f90f2 authored by Stefan Rauch's avatar Stefan Rauch Committed by Wesley W. Terpstra

added DDR3 test driver

parent 337b6b8b
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ use work.wishbone_pkg.all;
use work.wb_cores_pkg_gsi.all;
use work.xwr_eca_pkg.all;
use work.pcie_wb_pkg.all;
use work.ddr3_mem_pkg.all;
entity scu_top is
......@@ -78,8 +79,8 @@ entity scu_top is
sfp1_tx_disable_o : out std_logic;
sfp1_txp_o : out std_logic;
sfp1_rxp_i : in std_logic;
--sfp1_txp_o : out std_logic;
--sfp1_rxp_i : in std_logic;
sfp1_mod0 : in std_logic; -- grounded by module
sfp1_mod1 : inout std_logic; -- SCL
......@@ -154,8 +155,27 @@ entity scu_top is
nWE_FSH : out std_logic;
nOE_FSH : out std_logic;
nRST_FSH : out std_logic;
WAIT_FSH : in std_logic
WAIT_FSH : in std_logic;
-- DDR3
DDR3_DQ : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
DDR3_DM : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
DDR3_BA : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
DDR3_ADDR : out std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);
DDR3_CS_n : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
DDR3_DQS : inout std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
DDR3_DQSn : inout std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
DDR3_RES_n : out std_logic;
DDR3_CKE : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
DDR3_ODT : out std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
DDR3_CAS_n : out std_logic;
DDR3_RAS_n : out std_logic;
DDR3_CLK : inout std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
DDR3_CLK_n : inout std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
DDR3_WE_n : out std_logic
......@@ -511,7 +531,7 @@ architecture rtl of scu_top is
signal sfp2_det_i: std_logic;
signal s_hpla_ch: unsigned(15 downto 0);
signal ddr3_test_status: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
......@@ -830,7 +850,32 @@ begin
-- Slave connections (INTERCON is a master)
master_i => cbar_master_i,
master_o => cbar_master_o);
ddr3_stub: ddr3_mem_example_top
port map (
clock_source => L_CLKp,
global_reset_n => nreset,
mem_addr => DDR3_ADDR,
mem_ba => DDR3_BA,
mem_cas_n => DDR3_CAS_n,
mem_cke => DDR3_CKE,
mem_clk => DDR3_CLK,
mem_clk_n => DDR3_CLK_n,
mem_cs_n => DDR3_CS_n,
mem_dm => DDR3_DM,
mem_dq => DDR3_DQ,
mem_dqs => DDR3_DQS,
mem_dqsn => DDR3_DQSn,
mem_odt => DDR3_ODT,
mem_ras_n => DDR3_RAS_n,
mem_reset_n => DDR3_RES_n,
mem_we_n => DDR3_WE_n,
pnf => open,
pnf_per_byte => open,
test_complete => lemo_led(2),
test_status => ddr3_test_status
la_counter: process (pllout_clk_sys, nreset)
......@@ -853,9 +898,9 @@ begin
lemo_en_in <= "00"; -- configure lemo 1 as output, lemo 2 as input
lemo_io1 <= eca_toggle(0 downto 0);
leds_o(0) <= eca_toggle(0);
leds_o(1) <= pio_reg(0);
--leds_o(0) <= eca_toggle(0);
--leds_o(1) <= pio_reg(0);
leds_o <= ddr3_test_status(3 downto 0);
end rtl;
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