Commit b6b116bb authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

minic: Tx path fixes after simulation

parent 05fc2bee
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ entity wr_mini_nic is
g_interface_mode : t_wishbone_interface_mode := CLASSIC;
g_address_granularity : t_wishbone_address_granularity := WORD;
g_memsize_log2 : integer := 14;
g_fifo_size : integer := 512;
g_fifo_size : integer := 2048;
g_buffer_little_endian : boolean := false);
port (
......@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ architecture behavioral of wr_mini_nic is
-- TX FSM stuff
type t_tx_fsm_state is (TX_IDLE, TX_STATUS, TX_PACKET, TX_FLUSH, TX_END_PACKET);
alias ntx_desc_size is ntx_mem_d(11 downto 0);
alias ntx_desc_oob is ntx_mem_d(27 downto 12);
......@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@ architecture behavioral of wr_mini_nic is
signal ntx_stored_dat : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal ntx_stored_type : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal ntx_flush_last : std_logic;
-- RX FSM stuff
......@@ -377,9 +378,9 @@ begin -- behavioral
tx_status_word <= f_unmarshall_wrf_status(tx_fifo_q(15 downto 0));
-- signals error in transmitted frame (set by software
-- by writing again status register to TX Fifo
txf_ferror <= '1' when (txf_type = c_WRF_STATUS and tx_status_word.error = '1') else
txf_ferror <= '1' when (tx_fifo_empty = '0' and txf_type = c_WRF_STATUS and tx_status_word.error = '1') else
txf_fnew <= '1' when (txf_type = c_WRF_STATUS and tx_status_word.error = '0') else
txf_fnew <= '1' when (tx_fifo_empty = '0' and txf_type = c_WRF_STATUS and tx_status_word.error = '0') else
p_tx_fsm: process(clk_sys_i)
......@@ -395,6 +396,7 @@ begin -- behavioral
ntx_state <= TX_IDLE;
ntx_stored_dat <= (others=>'0');
ntx_stored_type <= (others=>'0');
ntx_flush_last <= '0';
case ntx_state is
when TX_IDLE =>
......@@ -404,6 +406,7 @@ begin -- behavioral
src_sel_o <= "11";
src_adr_o <= txf_type;
ntx_timeout <= to_unsigned(c_NTX_TIMEOUT, ntx_timeout'length);
ntx_flush_last <= '0';
if (tx_fifo_empty = '0' and txf_fnew = '0') then
-- if there is something in the fifo but it's not a status word,
-- we read until we find a valid status. In this case we indicate
......@@ -435,6 +438,7 @@ begin -- behavioral
src_adr_o <= c_WRF_STATUS;
src_dat_o <= txf_data;
tx_fifo_rd <= '1';
ntx_flush_last <= '0';
ntx_state <= TX_PACKET;
when TX_PACKET =>
......@@ -448,6 +452,7 @@ begin -- behavioral
src_sel_o <= "11";
src_stb_int <= '1';
tx_fifo_rd <= '1';
ntx_flush_last <= '0';
elsif (tx_fifo_empty = '0' and src_stall_i = '0' and txf_ferror = '0' and txf_type = c_WRF_BYTESEL) then
-- almost normal situation, only one byte of data is valid
src_adr_o <= c_WRF_DATA;
......@@ -455,22 +460,23 @@ begin -- behavioral
src_sel_o <= "10";
src_stb_int <= '1';
tx_fifo_rd <= '1';
elsif (tx_fifo_empty = '0' and src_stall_i = '0' and txf_type = c_WRF_OOB) then
ntx_flush_last <= '0';
elsif (tx_fifo_empty = '0' and src_stall_i = '0' and txf_ferror = '0' and txf_type = c_WRF_OOB) then
-- we got OOB in TXed frame, let's send it
src_adr_o <= c_WRF_OOB;
src_dat_o <= c_WRF_OOB_TYPE_TX & x"000";
src_stb_int <= '1';
src_dat_o <= txf_data;
src_sel_o <= "11";
tx_fifo_rd <= '0';
ntx_stored_dat <= txf_data;
ntx_state <= TX_OOB;
elsif (tx_fifo_empty = '1' or txf_fnew = '1') then
src_stb_int <= '1';
tx_fifo_rd <= '1';
ntx_flush_last <= '0';
elsif ((tx_fifo_empty = '1' or txf_fnew = '1') and src_stall_i = '0') then
-- we done with this frame
src_adr_o <= c_WRF_DATA;
src_dat_o <= txf_data;
src_stb_int <= '0';
src_sel_o <= "11";
tx_fifo_rd <= '0';
ntx_flush_last <= '0';
ntx_state <= TX_END_PACKET;
-- e.g. snk is stalling, we wait
......@@ -478,6 +484,11 @@ begin -- behavioral
src_stb_int <= '1';
ntx_stored_dat <= txf_data;
ntx_stored_type <= txf_type;
if (tx_fifo_empty = '1') then
ntx_flush_last <= '1';
ntx_flush_last <= '0';
end if;
ntx_state <= TX_FLUSH;
end if;
......@@ -485,49 +496,57 @@ begin -- behavioral
regs_in.mcr_tx_idle_i <= '0';
ntx_rst_ts_ready <= '0';
src_cyc_int <= '1';
if (src_stall_i = '0' and ntx_stored_type = c_WRF_DATA) then
src_adr_o <= c_WRF_DATA;
if (src_stall_i = '0' and (ntx_stored_type = c_WRF_DATA or ntx_stored_type = c_WRF_OOB)) then
src_adr_o <= ntx_stored_type;
src_dat_o <= ntx_stored_dat;
src_sel_o <= "11";
src_stb_int <= '1';
tx_fifo_rd <= '1';
ntx_state <= TX_PACKET;
elsif (src_stall_i = '0' and ntx_stored_type = c_WRF_BYTESEL) then
src_adr_o <= c_WRF_DATA;
src_dat_o <= ntx_stored_dat;
src_sel_o <= "10";
src_stb_int <= '1';
tx_fifo_rd <= '1';
ntx_state <= TX_PACKET;
src_stb_int <= '1';
tx_fifo_rd <= '0';
end if;
when TX_OOB =>
regs_in.mcr_tx_idle_i <= '0';
ntx_rst_ts_ready <= '0';
src_cyc_int <= '1';
src_adr_o <= c_WRF_OOB;
src_dat_o <= ntx_stored_dat;
tx_fifo_rd <= '0';
src_stb_int <= '1';
if (src_stall_i = '0') then
src_sel_o <= "11";
ntx_state <= TX_IDLE;
if (ntx_flush_last = '0' and src_stall_i = '0') then
src_stb_int <= '1';
tx_fifo_rd <= '1';
ntx_state <= TX_PACKET;
elsif (ntx_flush_last = '1' and src_stall_i = '0') then
src_stb_int <= '0';
tx_fifo_rd <= '0';
ntx_state <= TX_END_PACKET;
src_sel_o <= "11";
src_stb_int <= '1';
tx_fifo_rd <= '0';
ntx_state <= TX_FLUSH;
end if;
--when TX_OOB =>
-- regs_in.mcr_tx_idle_i <= '0';
-- ntx_rst_ts_ready <= '0';
-- src_cyc_int <= '1';
-- src_adr_o <= c_WRF_OOB;
-- src_dat_o <= ntx_stored_dat;
-- tx_fifo_rd <= '0';
-- src_stb_int <= '1';
-- if (src_stall_i = '0') then
-- src_sel_o <= "11";
-- ntx_state <= TX_IDLE;
-- else
-- src_sel_o <= "11";
-- end if;
regs_in.mcr_tx_idle_i <= '0';
ntx_rst_ts_ready <= '0';
src_stb_int <= '0';
-- timeout counter in case we never get all ACKs.
ntx_timeout <= ntx_timeout - 1;
if (ntx_ack_count = 0 or ntx_timeout_is_zero = '1') then
regs_in.mcr_tx_error_i <= ntx_timeout_is_zero;
src_cyc_int <= '0';
src_stb_int <= '0';
src_sel_o <= "11";
tx_fifo_rd <= '0';
ntx_state <= TX_IDLE;
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