Commit d8fcce99 authored by John Gill's avatar John Gill

Scripts, mmcm for clk_sys62m5, maxdelays and cdc waiver infrastructure.

parent 9bd051d8
# Every register in a synchroniser chain should be marked as a ASYNC_REG in the RTL.
# Unfortunately not all are, and changing the RTL involves people, so we do it here
# in the constraints.
set need_async_reg [get_cells -hier -filter {name=~*_reg && file_name=~*dmtd_sampler.vhd}]
lappend need_async_reg [get_cells -hier -filter {name=~*mdio_wr_spec_rx_cal_stat_sync*_reg && file_name=~*ep_pcs_tbi_mdio_wb.vhd}]
set_property ASYNC_REG true [get_cells $need_async_reg]
create_waiver -type CDC -id CDC-13 \
-from [get_pins inst_core/inst_regs/init_clock_ctrl_clk_sel_reg_reg/C] \
-to [get_pins inst_BUFGMUX_CTRL/S1] \
-user jgill \
-description "Select line on BUFGMUX timing not required."
create_waiver -type CDC -id CDC-13 \
-from [get_pins inst_core/inst_regs/init_clock_ctrl_clk_sel_reg_reg/C] \
-to [get_pins inst_BUFGMUX_CTRL/S0] \
-user jgill \
-description "Select line on BUFGMUX timing not required."
create_waiver -type CDC -id CDC-10 \
-from [get_pins inst_BUFGMUX_CTRL/O] \
-to [get_pins {inst_WR_CORE/WRPC/U_SOFTPLL/U_Wrapped_Softpll/gen_feedback_dmtds[0].DMTD_FB/gen_builtin.U_Sampler/gen_straight.clk_i_d0_reg/D}] \
-user jgill \
-description "Waiver combinational logic into dmtd_deglitch synchroniser - it comes from a Pads->ibfds->MMCM->bufgmux"
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