Commit 15242481 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

wrpc_failures: minor fixes

parent 7ca78545
......@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ master mode). This section contains the list of faults leading to a timing error
\snmpadd{WR-WRPC-MIB::wrpcPtpServoUpdateTime} }
\item [] \underline{Error condition}:\\
\texttt{wrpcPtpServoUpdates != wrpcPtpServoUpdates} }
\texttt{wrpcPtpServoUpdates != wrpcPtpServoUpdates\_prev} }
\item [] \underline{Action}:
\item Dump state
......@@ -275,7 +275,11 @@ Possible values:
Information whether the currently plugged SFP was matched with the
calibration values stored in the database.
calibration values stored in the database. Possible values:
\item \texttt{notInDataBase\emph{(1)}} -- currently plugged SFP could not be matched with any database entry
\item \texttt{inDataBase\emph{(2)}} -- currently plugged SFP was matched with database entry
\glspar \underline{Related problems:}}
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