Commit cd3680a0 authored by Matthieu Cattin's avatar Matthieu Cattin

Bug fix in command enable signal generation.

The command enable signal was not properly generated for single read cycle.
parent 5bd12eae
......@@ -261,8 +261,8 @@ begin
ddr_cmd_en_d <= ddr_cmd_en;
if (((ddr_burst_cnt = c_DDR_BURST_LENGTH) or
(wb_we_f_edge = '1') or
(wb_stb_f_edge = '1' and wb_we_d = '0')) and ddr_cmd_full_i = '0') and (ddr_cmd_en = '0')then
--(wb_we_f_edge = '1') or
(wb_stb_f_edge = '1' and wb_cyc_d = '1')) and ddr_cmd_full_i = '0') and (ddr_cmd_en = '0')then
ddr_cmd_en <= '1'; -- might have problem if burst_cnt = BURST_LENGTH for more than 2 clk cycles
ddr_cmd_en <= '0';
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