Commit 01ec4c29 authored by Adrian Byszuk's avatar Adrian Byszuk

Fix pipeline corruption in CPLD/MWR to DDR channel during heavy handshaking

parent 5295d518
......@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ begin
end if;
when TK_Cpld_Hdr_C =>
m_axis_rx_tready_i <= cpld_ready;
m_axis_rx_tready_i <= '1';
if m_axis_rx_tlast = '1' and m_axis_rx_tlast_r1 = '0' -- raising edge
and m_axis_rx_tready_i = '1' then
FSM_TLP_Cnt <= TK_Idle;
......@@ -597,7 +597,9 @@ begin
when ST_CplD_IDLE =>
if trn_rx_throttle = '0' then
--FSM will enter IDLE while TLP is throttled at the last TLP word when tlast is asserted
--protect from throttle at the last word of a TLP
if trn_rx_throttle = '0' and m_axis_rx_tlast_i = '0' then
case CplD_Type is
RxCplDTrn_NextState <= ST_CplD_HEAD2;
......@@ -1144,7 +1146,7 @@ begin
g_with_almost_empty => false,
g_with_almost_full => true,
g_with_count => false,
g_almost_full_threshold => 26,
g_almost_full_threshold => 24,
g_with_fifo_inferred => true)
port map(
rst_n_i => user_reset_n,
......@@ -1463,7 +1465,7 @@ begin
ddr_s2mm_cmd_tvalid_i <= '0';
ddr_s2mm_tvalid_i <= '0';
elbuf_re_st <= '1';
if elbuf_empty = '0' then
if elbuf_empty = '0' and elbuf_re = '1' then
ddr_wr_state <= st_cmd;
elbuf_re_st <= '0';
end if;
......@@ -1489,18 +1491,20 @@ begin
ddr_s2mm_cmd_tvalid_i <= '0';
ddr_s2mm_tlast_i <= elbuf_dout(C_TLAST_BIT);
ddr_s2mm_tkeep <= elbuf_dout(C_TKEEP_BTOP downto C_TKEEP_BBOT);
ddr_s2mm_tvalid_i <= not(elbuf_empty_r);
--stop reading if we are at the end of packet
elbuf_re_st <= not(elbuf_empty) and not(elbuf_dout(C_TLAST_BIT));
elbuf_empty_r <= elbuf_empty; --have to register only at data phase, otherwise tvalid will come too fast
if (elbuf_empty = '0' and elbuf_re = '1') or elbuf_dout(C_TLAST_BIT) = '1' then
--if it's the last word in a packet fifo will be already empty, so push last word unconditionally
ddr_s2mm_tdata <= elbuf_dout(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
ddr_s2mm_tvalid_i <= not(ddr_s2mm_cmd_tvalid_i); --omit 1st word after command
ddr_s2mm_tvalid_i <= not(ddr_s2mm_tready); --keep valid to push word currently present on *_tdata
end if;
if ddr_s2mm_tready = '1' and ddr_s2mm_tvalid_i = '1' and ddr_s2mm_tlast_i = '1' then
ddr_wr_state <= st_idle;
ddr_s2mm_tvalid_i <= '0';
elbuf_re_st <= '0';
elbuf_re_st <= '1';
end if;
end case;
......@@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ begin
ddr_s2mm_cmd_tvalid_i <= '0';
ddr_s2mm_tvalid_i <= '0';
elbuf_re_st <= '1';
if elbuf_empty = '0' then
if elbuf_empty = '0' and elbuf_re = '1' then
ddr_wr_state <= st_cmd;
elbuf_re_st <= '0';
end if;
......@@ -839,18 +839,20 @@ begin
ddr_s2mm_cmd_tvalid_i <= '0';
ddr_s2mm_tlast_i <= elbuf_dout(C_TLAST_BIT);
ddr_s2mm_tkeep <= elbuf_dout(C_TKEEP_BTOP downto C_TKEEP_BBOT);
ddr_s2mm_tvalid_i <= not(elbuf_empty_r);
--stop reading if we are at the end of packet
elbuf_re_st <= not(elbuf_empty) and not(elbuf_dout(C_TLAST_BIT));
elbuf_empty_r <= elbuf_empty; --have to register only at data phase, otherwise tvalid will come too fast
if (elbuf_empty = '0' and elbuf_re = '1') or elbuf_dout(C_TLAST_BIT) = '1' then
--if it's the last word in a packet fifo will be already empty, so push last word unconditionally
ddr_s2mm_tdata <= elbuf_dout(C_DBUS_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
ddr_s2mm_tvalid_i <= not(ddr_s2mm_cmd_tvalid_i); --omit 1st word after command
ddr_s2mm_tvalid_i <= not(ddr_s2mm_tready); --keep valid to push word currently present on *_tdata
end if;
if ddr_s2mm_tready = '1' and ddr_s2mm_tvalid_i = '1' and ddr_s2mm_tlast_i = '1' then
ddr_wr_state <= st_idle;
ddr_s2mm_tvalid_i <= '0';
elbuf_re_st <= '0';
elbuf_re_st <= '1';
end if;
end case;
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