Commit 4c360e95 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

modules/*/wb_acq_core/acq_fc_fifo.vhd: fix acquisition counter limit

Previously we were counting up to lmt_pkt_size, but after
the FIFOs, we aggregate the data. So, we should be counting
up to lmt_pkt_size_aggd. Although the end of transaction
flags were still correctly asserted (acq_cnt module was still
receiving the correct limit lmt_pkt_size_aggd), this could led
to miscounting on subsequent acquisitions.
parent 8ffd6150
......@@ -422,7 +422,15 @@ begin
-- Current channel ID FIFO input
fifo_fc_id_din <= std_logic_vector(lmt_curr_chan_id);
-- Change the FIFO buffer when the previous one has been written
-- Change the FIFO buffer when the previous one has been written.
-- WARNING: If the fifo_fc_mux_cnt signal is not zero at the end of transaction,
-- it means we have a problem in the transaction, typically an unaligned
-- trigger detection (trigger asserted in a atom that is not the last one).
-- We have this limitation as we aggregate atoms into a sample prior to
-- transferring it to the next module. So a fifo_fc_mux_cnt not zero means
-- we have atoms not belonging in that transaction.
-- TODO: assert error to user if that condition is detected
if fifo_fc_mux_inc = '1' then
fifo_fc_mux_cnt <= fifo_fc_mux_cnt + 1;
......@@ -703,9 +711,9 @@ begin
-- Only count when in pre_trigger or post_trigger and we haven't acquire
-- enough samples
fifo_pkt_cnt_en <= '1' when (unsigned(dbg_pkt_ct_cnt) < lmt_pre_pkt_size and
fifo_pkt_cnt_en <= '1' when (unsigned(dbg_pkt_ct_cnt) < lmt_pre_pkt_size_aggd and
fifo_fc_data_id(c_fc_payload_ratio(to_integer(lmt_curr_chan_id))-1) = "010") or -- Pre-trigger
(unsigned(dbg_pkt_ct_cnt) < lmt_full_pkt_size and
(unsigned(dbg_pkt_ct_cnt) < lmt_full_pkt_size_aggd and
fifo_fc_data_id(c_fc_payload_ratio(to_integer(lmt_curr_chan_id))-1) = "100") -- Post-trigger
else '0';
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