Commit a9fe4a52 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

hdl/*/*_adc_common/fmc_adc_pkg.vhd: add ref clk function

As the ref_clk equal to "c_num_adc_channels" means
"external reference clock" we use a function to generate
the correct reference clock in all cases
parent 27ca18de
......@@ -265,6 +265,8 @@ package fmc_adc_pkg is
function f_std_logic_to_bool(input : std_logic) return boolean;
function f_adc_ref_clk(ref_clk : t_ref_adc_clk) return natural;
-- Components declaration
......@@ -743,6 +745,18 @@ package body fmc_adc_pkg is
end if;
end f_std_logic_to_bool;
function f_adc_ref_clk(ref_clk : t_ref_adc_clk)
return natural
constant c_ref_clk_any : natural := 1; -- Any clock from 0 to c_num_adc_channels-1
if (ref_clk = c_num_adc_channels) then -- External reference clock
return c_ref_clk_any;
return ref_clk;
end if;
end f_adc_ref_clk;
---- revise function and make it generic? Does it worth it?
--function f_mmcm_params(clk_in : real)
-- return t_mmcm_param
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