Commit c2d45a3a authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

modules/*/wb_acq_core/*fc_fifo*: add assertion to detect fifo_fc_mux_cnt signal error

This is related to github issue #52, in that
the fifo_fc_mux_cnt signal is different than 0, after
the transaction ends. This points to an alignment
problem in the acquisition (typically trigger acquisitions)
and subsequent transactions could be wrong (first sample
belonging to the previous transaction).
parent 4c360e95
......@@ -442,6 +442,15 @@ begin
end if;
end process;
-- Assert error if fifo_fc_mux_cnt signal is anything different than zero after the
-- end of transaction
assert (not(fs_rst_n_i = '1' and ext_rst_n_i = '1') or ((fifo_fc_all_trans_done_lvl = '1' and
fifo_fc_mux_cnt = to_unsigned(0, fifo_fc_mux_cnt'length)) or -- end of transaction case
(fifo_fc_all_trans_done_sync = '0'))) -- every other case
report "[acq_fc_fifo] fifo_fc_mux_cnt signal is not 0 after the end of the transaction!"
severity failure;
fifo_fc_mux_inc <= fifo_fc_wr_en when passthrough_en_i = '1' else fifo_fc_dpram_wr_en;
-- We read the ID FIFO synchronized with the data FIFOs. So, we only need
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