Commit 182f982f authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis

hdl: modify trigger tag data to include metavalue (0xACCE55) and also reorder…

hdl: modify trigger tag data to include metavalue (0xACCE55) and also reorder the trigger tag seconds field to make it more readable
parent b7fbece5
......@@ -1388,7 +1388,7 @@ begin
trig_tag_done <= acq_in_trig_tag and acq_in_trig_tag_d;
trig_tag_data <= X"0" & trig_storage & trigger_tag_i.coarse when trig_tag_done = '1' else
trigger_tag_i.seconds(31 downto 0) & X"000000" & trigger_tag_i.seconds(39 downto 32);
X"ACCE55" & trigger_tag_i.seconds;
-- Dual DPRAM buffers for multi-shots acquisition
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