Commit ac96c3ad authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis Committed by Dimitris Lampridis

hdl: update all dependencies and testbench

In order to get latest releases and dma misaligment fix.
Signed-off-by: Dimitris Lampridis's avatarDimitris Lampridis <>
parent 3a6a3fa6
Subproject commit 28dad2087c8df45056179796c9337c149e3cec03 Subproject commit 70f9de318f155764fdd4b7e1ae7f9c5b77131930
Subproject commit 63f3671351127a398006e01f66b37adb7eda9a37 Subproject commit 258eb8e00f99f795fe9b98840b01ac4a8b92ec94
Subproject commit 91d5eface7608d306991d2c1aa4e6f5210e9305c Subproject commit e763762405dd5274d342285dbc64683221f1fb15
Subproject commit 266a209cb945e7946c99ec01bace6990d08688bc Subproject commit 1e9e50ecafc0584d42eb0ccd5682fb08ed32549d
Subproject commit ce6b58a38c12da91494dafc2a77cce6f16c0762f Subproject commit 7d85d3b7bcb88186cd49a8646053f67d3aceab41
Subproject commit 6abee52c1b5f3c2a40e202eb9f5890c05e0d7f66 Subproject commit f85c29dbca768bedd709b3f43448706c7d27b76d
Subproject commit 3dcac4483417a159f0b9495adab0c15b7b45692b Subproject commit a72a4223e2e1b521ba839f5623ee2857cf4fae10
...@@ -301,18 +301,14 @@ architecture rtl of fmc_adc_100Ms_core is ...@@ -301,18 +301,14 @@ architecture rtl of fmc_adc_100Ms_core is
signal wb_ddr_fifo_full : std_logic; signal wb_ddr_fifo_full : std_logic;
signal wb_ddr_fifo_wr : std_logic; signal wb_ddr_fifo_wr : std_logic;
signal wb_ddr_fifo_rd : std_logic; signal wb_ddr_fifo_rd : std_logic;
signal wb_ddr_fifo_valid : std_logic;
signal wb_ddr_fifo_wr_en : std_logic; signal wb_ddr_fifo_wr_en : std_logic;
-- RAM address counter -- RAM address counter
signal ram_addr_cnt : unsigned(24 downto 0); signal ram_addr_cnt : unsigned(28 downto 0);
signal test_data_en : std_logic; signal test_data_en : std_logic;
signal trig_addr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal trig_addr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal mem_ovr : std_logic; signal mem_ovr : std_logic;
-- Wishbone interface to DDR
signal wb_ddr_stall_t : std_logic;
-- IO from CSR registers -- IO from CSR registers
signal csr_regin : t_fmc_adc_100ms_csr_master_in; signal csr_regin : t_fmc_adc_100ms_csr_master_in;
signal csr_regout : t_fmc_adc_100ms_csr_master_out; signal csr_regout : t_fmc_adc_100ms_csr_master_out;
...@@ -1064,7 +1060,7 @@ begin ...@@ -1064,7 +1060,7 @@ begin
end if; end if;
end process p_shots_cnt; end process p_shots_cnt;
multishot_buffer_sel <= std_logic(shots_cnt(0)); multishot_buffer_sel <= not std_logic(shots_cnt(0));
shots_done <= '1' when shots_cnt = to_unsigned(1, shots_cnt'length) else '0'; shots_done <= '1' when shots_cnt = to_unsigned(1, shots_cnt'length) else '0';
remaining_shots <= std_logic_vector(shots_cnt); remaining_shots <= std_logic_vector(shots_cnt);
...@@ -1366,7 +1362,7 @@ begin ...@@ -1366,7 +1362,7 @@ begin
p_dpram_addra_cnt : process (sys_clk_i) p_dpram_addra_cnt : process (sys_clk_i)
begin begin
if rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then if rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' then if sys_rst_n_i = '0' or single_shot = '1' then
dpram_addra_cnt <= (others => '0'); dpram_addra_cnt <= (others => '0');
dpram_addra_trig <= (others => '0'); dpram_addra_trig <= (others => '0');
dpram_addra_post_done <= (others => '0'); dpram_addra_post_done <= (others => '0');
...@@ -1389,10 +1385,14 @@ begin ...@@ -1389,10 +1385,14 @@ begin
-- DPRAM inputs -- DPRAM inputs
dpram0_addra <= std_logic_vector(dpram_addra_cnt); dpram0_addra <= std_logic_vector(dpram_addra_cnt);
dpram1_addra <= std_logic_vector(dpram_addra_cnt); dpram1_addra <= std_logic_vector(dpram_addra_cnt);
dpram0_dina <= sync_fifo_dout(63 downto 0) when acq_in_trig_tag = '0' else trig_tag_data; dpram0_dina <= sync_fifo_dout(63 downto 0)
dpram1_dina <= sync_fifo_dout(63 downto 0) when acq_in_trig_tag = '0' else trig_tag_data; when acq_in_trig_tag = '0' else trig_tag_data;
dpram0_wea <= (samples_wr_en and sync_fifo_valid) or acq_in_trig_tag when multishot_buffer_sel = '0' else '0'; dpram1_dina <= sync_fifo_dout(63 downto 0)
dpram1_wea <= (samples_wr_en and sync_fifo_valid) or acq_in_trig_tag when multishot_buffer_sel = '1' else '0'; when acq_in_trig_tag = '0' else trig_tag_data;
dpram0_wea <= not single_shot and ((samples_wr_en and sync_fifo_valid) or acq_in_trig_tag)
when multishot_buffer_sel = '0' else '0';
dpram1_wea <= not single_shot and ((samples_wr_en and sync_fifo_valid) or acq_in_trig_tag)
when multishot_buffer_sel = '1' else '0';
cmp_multishot_dpram0 : generic_dpram cmp_multishot_dpram0 : generic_dpram
...@@ -1453,10 +1453,9 @@ begin ...@@ -1453,10 +1453,9 @@ begin
p_dpram_addrb_cnt : process (sys_clk_i) p_dpram_addrb_cnt : process (sys_clk_i)
begin begin
if rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then if rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then
if sys_rst_n_i = '0' then if sys_rst_n_i = '0' or single_shot = '1' then
dpram_addrb_cnt <= (others => '0'); dpram_valid_t <= '0';
dpram_valid_t <= '0'; dpram_valid <= '0';
dpram_valid <= '0';
else else
if trig_tag_done = '1' then if trig_tag_done = '1' then
dpram_addrb_cnt <= dpram_addra_trig - unsigned(pre_trig_value(c_DPRAM_DEPTH-1 downto 0)); dpram_addrb_cnt <= dpram_addra_trig - unsigned(pre_trig_value(c_DPRAM_DEPTH-1 downto 0));
...@@ -1483,7 +1482,7 @@ begin ...@@ -1483,7 +1482,7 @@ begin
generic map ( generic map (
g_DATA_WIDTH => 65, g_DATA_WIDTH => 65,
g_SIZE => 256, g_SIZE => 256,
...@@ -1509,15 +1508,15 @@ begin ...@@ -1509,15 +1508,15 @@ begin
-- One clock cycle delay for the FIFO's VALID signal. Since the General Cores -- One clock cycle delay for the FIFO's VALID signal. Since the General Cores
-- package does not offer the possibility to use the FWFT feature of the FIFOs, -- package does not offer the possibility to use the FWFT feature of the FIFOs,
-- we simulate the valid flag here according to Figure 4-7 in ref. [1]. -- we simulate the valid flag here according to Figure 4-7 in ref. [1].
p_wb_ddr_fifo_valid : process (sys_clk_i) is -- p_wb_ddr_fifo_valid : process (sys_clk_i) is
begin -- begin
if rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then -- if rising_edge(sys_clk_i) then
wb_ddr_fifo_valid <= wb_ddr_fifo_rd; -- wb_ddr_fifo_valid <= wb_ddr_fifo_rd;
if (wb_ddr_fifo_empty = '1') then -- if (wb_ddr_fifo_empty = '1') then
wb_ddr_fifo_valid <= '0'; -- wb_ddr_fifo_valid <= '0';
end if; -- end if;
end if; -- end if;
end process; -- end process;
p_wb_ddr_fifo_input : process (sys_clk_i) p_wb_ddr_fifo_input : process (sys_clk_i)
begin begin
...@@ -1544,11 +1543,13 @@ begin ...@@ -1544,11 +1543,13 @@ begin
wb_ddr_fifo_wr <= wb_ddr_fifo_wr_en and not(wb_ddr_fifo_full); wb_ddr_fifo_wr <= wb_ddr_fifo_wr_en and not(wb_ddr_fifo_full);
wb_ddr_fifo_rd <= not(wb_ddr_fifo_empty or wb_ddr_stall_t); wb_ddr_fifo_rd <= not(wb_ddr_fifo_empty or wb_ddr_master_i.stall);
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- RAM address counter (32-bit word address) -- Wishbone master (to DDR)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- RAM address counter (64-bit word address)
p_ram_addr_cnt : process (wb_ddr_clk_i) p_ram_addr_cnt : process (wb_ddr_clk_i)
begin begin
if rising_edge(wb_ddr_clk_i) then if rising_edge(wb_ddr_clk_i) then
...@@ -1557,70 +1558,81 @@ begin ...@@ -1557,70 +1558,81 @@ begin
else else
if acq_start = '1' then if acq_start = '1' then
ram_addr_cnt <= (others => '0'); ram_addr_cnt <= (others => '0');
elsif wb_ddr_fifo_valid = '1' then elsif wb_ddr_fifo_empty = '0' and wb_ddr_master_i.stall = '0' then
ram_addr_cnt <= ram_addr_cnt + 1; ram_addr_cnt <= ram_addr_cnt + 1;
end if; end if;
end if; end if;
end if; end if;
end process p_ram_addr_cnt; end process p_ram_addr_cnt;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with acq_fsm_state select
wb_ddr_master_o.cyc <=
dpram_valid or not wb_ddr_fifo_empty when "001",
'1' when others;
wb_ddr_master_o.stb <= not wb_ddr_fifo_empty;
-- Convert to 32-bit word addressing for Wishbone
wb_ddr_master_o.adr <= "00" & std_logic_vector(ram_addr_cnt) & "0";
wb_ddr_master_o.we <= '1';
wb_ddr_master_o.sel <= X"FF";
with test_data_en select
wb_ddr_master_o.dat <=
x"00000000" & "000" & std_logic_vector(ram_addr_cnt) when '1',
wb_ddr_fifo_dout(63 downto 0) when others;
-- Store trigger DDR address (byte address) -- Store trigger DDR address (byte address)
p_trig_addr : process (wb_ddr_clk_i) p_trig_addr : process (wb_ddr_clk_i)
begin begin
if rising_edge(wb_ddr_clk_i) then if rising_edge(wb_ddr_clk_i) then
if wb_ddr_rst_n_i = '0' then if wb_ddr_rst_n_i = '0' then
trig_addr <= (others => '0'); trig_addr <= (others => '0');
else else
if wb_ddr_fifo_dout(64) = '1' and wb_ddr_fifo_valid = '1' then if wb_ddr_fifo_dout(64) = '1' and wb_ddr_fifo_empty = '0' then
trig_addr <= "0000" & std_logic_vector(ram_addr_cnt) & "000"; -- Convert to byte addressing
trig_addr <= std_logic_vector(ram_addr_cnt) & "000";
end if; end if;
end if; end if;
end if; end if;
end process p_trig_addr; end process p_trig_addr;
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- p_wb_master : process (wb_ddr_clk_i)
-- Wishbone master (to DDR) -- begin
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- if rising_edge(wb_ddr_clk_i) then
p_wb_master : process (wb_ddr_clk_i) -- if wb_ddr_rst_n_i = '0' then
begin -- wb_ddr_master_o.cyc <= '0';
if rising_edge(wb_ddr_clk_i) then -- wb_ddr_master_o.we <= '0';
if wb_ddr_rst_n_i = '0' then -- wb_ddr_master_o.stb <= '0';
wb_ddr_master_o.cyc <= '0'; -- wb_ddr_master_o.adr <= (others => '0');
wb_ddr_master_o.we <= '0'; -- wb_ddr_master_o.dat <= (others => '0');
wb_ddr_master_o.stb <= '0'; -- wb_ddr_stall_t <= '0';
wb_ddr_master_o.adr <= (others => '0'); -- else
wb_ddr_master_o.dat <= (others => '0'); -- if wb_ddr_fifo_valid = '1' then
wb_ddr_stall_t <= '0'; -- wb_ddr_master_o.stb <= '1';
else -- wb_ddr_master_o.adr <= "0000000" & std_logic_vector(ram_addr_cnt);
if wb_ddr_fifo_valid = '1' then -- if test_data_en = '1' then
wb_ddr_master_o.stb <= '1'; -- wb_ddr_master_o.dat <= x"00000000" & "0000000" & std_logic_vector(ram_addr_cnt);
wb_ddr_master_o.adr <= "0000000" & std_logic_vector(ram_addr_cnt); -- else
if test_data_en = '1' then -- wb_ddr_master_o.dat <= wb_ddr_fifo_dout(63 downto 0);
wb_ddr_master_o.dat <= x"00000000" & "0000000" & std_logic_vector(ram_addr_cnt); -- end if;
else -- else
wb_ddr_master_o.dat <= wb_ddr_fifo_dout(63 downto 0); -- wb_ddr_master_o.stb <= '0';
end if; -- end if;
wb_ddr_master_o.stb <= '0'; -- if wb_ddr_fifo_valid = '1' then
end if; -- wb_ddr_master_o.cyc <= '1';
-- wb_ddr_master_o.we <= '1';
if wb_ddr_fifo_valid = '1' then -- elsif (wb_ddr_fifo_empty = '1') and (acq_fsm_state = "001") then
wb_ddr_master_o.cyc <= '1'; -- wb_ddr_master_o.cyc <= '0';
wb_ddr_master_o.we <= '1'; -- wb_ddr_master_o.we <= '0';
elsif (wb_ddr_fifo_empty = '1') and (acq_fsm_state = "001") then -- end if;
wb_ddr_master_o.cyc <= '0';
wb_ddr_master_o.we <= '0'; -- wb_ddr_stall_t <= wb_ddr_master_i.stall;
end if;
-- end if;
wb_ddr_stall_t <= wb_ddr_master_i.stall; -- end if;
-- end process p_wb_master;
end if;
end if;
end process p_wb_master;
wb_ddr_master_o.sel <= X"FF";
-- Trigout -- Trigout
board = "spec"
sim_tool = "modelsim"
sim_top = "main"
action = "simulation"
target = "xilinx"
syn_device = "xc6slx45t"
vcom_opt = "-93 -mixedsvvh"
# Allow the user to override fetchto using:
# hdlmake -p "fetchto='xxx'"
if locals().get('fetchto', None) is None:
include_dirs = [
fetchto + "/gn4124-core/hdl/sim/gn4124_bfm",
fetchto + "/general-cores/sim/",
fetchto + "/general-cores/modules/wishbone/wb_spi/",
fetchto + "/ddr3-sp6-core/hdl/sim/",
files = [
modules = {
"local" : [
# Do not fail during hdlmake fetch
exec(open(fetchto + "/general-cores/tools/").read())
ctrls = ["bank3_64b_32b" ]
This diff is collapsed.
vsim -quiet -t 10fs -L unisim work.main -voptargs=+acc -suppress 143,1270,8617,8683,8684,8822
set StdArithNoWarnings 1
set NumericStdNoWarnings 1
radix -hexadecimal
log -r /*
run -all
vsim -quiet -t 10fs -L unisim work.main -suppress 1270,8617,8683,8684,8822
set StdArithNoWarnings 1
set NumericStdNoWarnings 1
run -all
This diff is collapsed.
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