Commit d342f521 authored by Javier D. Garcia-Lasheras's avatar Javier D. Garcia-Lasheras

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release-2.1'

parents aabe6c84 8bd44158
......@@ -46,16 +46,16 @@ master_doc = 'index'
# General information about the project.
project = u'hdlmake'
copyright = u'2014, CERN'
copyright = u'2013-2015, CERN'
# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
version = '2.0'
version = '2.1'
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
release = '2.0'
release = '2.1'
# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
# for a list of supported languages.
......@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
Welcome to hdlmake's documentation!
.. warning:: The full project documentation is under development. Check this space as new content will be added in the coming days.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
......@@ -95,6 +93,8 @@ Supported Tools
| Xilinx PlanAhead | Yes | No |
| Xilinx Vivado | Yes | No |
| Altera Quartus | Yes | n.a. |
| Microsemi (Actel) Libero | Yes | n.a. |
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Supported Tools
| Aldec Active-HDL | n.a. | Yes |
| Icarus Verilog | n.a. | Verilog |
| Icarus Verilog | n.a. | Yes |
| GHDL | n.a. | VHDL |
......@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ Despite the fact that ``hdlmake`` was originally designed to be used in Linux en
First, install a valid Cygwin environment for your Windows machine. I order to access to the full set of features from ``hdlmake``, you must choose at least the following packages when deploying Cygwin:
- python (choose the most updated 2.7 release)
- python (choose the most up-to-date 2.7 release)
- openssh
- git-svn
- git
......@@ -301,6 +301,8 @@ Each of the modules contains a single testbench file written in the appropriated
While in Verilog the is:
.. code-block:: python
files = [
......@@ -376,7 +378,7 @@ The following common top specific Manifest variables describes the simulation:
- ``action``: indicates that we are going to perform a simulation.
- ``sim_tool``: indicates that modelsim is going to be the simulation we are going to use.
- ``top_module``: indicates the name of the top HDL entity/instance that is going to be simulated.
- ``sim_post_cmd``: indicates a command that can be issued after the simulation process has finnished.
- ``sim_post_cmd``: indicates a command that must be issued after the simulation process has finnished.
Now, if we want to launch the simulation, we must follow the next steps. First, get into the folder containing the top we want to execute and run ``hdlmake`` without arguments. e.g. for VHDL:
......@@ -392,11 +394,11 @@ This generates a simulation Makefile that can be executed by issuing the well kn
user@host:~$ make
user@host:~$ vsim -do ../ -i counter_tb
But, because we have already defined a post simulation command into the, the generated Makefile allows us to combine the compilation and the test run in a single command:
But, because we have already defined a post simulation command into the, the generated Makefile allows us to combine the compilation and the test run in a single command. In this way, the second command is not required:
.. code-block:: bash
user@host:~$ make sim_post_cmd
user@host:~$ make
If everything goes well, a graphical viewer should appear showing the simulated waveform. Note that every simulation top in the ``sim`` folder includes a tool specific ``sim_post_command``, so all the simulations in this example can be generated by using the same simple command sequence that has been exposed here.
......@@ -471,6 +473,8 @@ Note that we have a different tool associated to each of the different supported
If we focus on the ``spec_v4_ise`` test case, we can see the following contents in the associated folder:
.. code-block:: bash
user@host:~$ tree -d -L 1 counter/syn/spec_v4_ise
|-- verilog
......@@ -618,13 +622,268 @@ This will tell Hdlmake to fetch modules to the project catalog. Let's see how it
And we finally get the original project we started with.
Pre and Post synthesis / simulation commands
As we have already seen in the simulation example, ``hdlmake`` allows for the injection of optional external shell commands that
are executed just before and/or just after the selected action has been executed. By using this feature, we can automate other custom tasks
in addition to the ``hdlmake`` specific ones.
If a external command has been defined in the top Manifest, this is automatically written by ``hdlmake`` into the generated Makefile.
In this way, the external commands are automatically executed in order when a ``make`` command is issued.
In order to add external commands to a synthesis top makefile, the following parameters must be introduced:
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| syn_pre_cmd | str | Command to be executed before synthesis | None |
| syn_post_cmd | str | Command to be executed after synthesis | None |
As a very simple example, we can introduce both extra commands in the top synthesis makefile we have previously seen:
.. code-block:: python
target = "xilinx"
action = "synthesis"
syn_device = "xc6slx45t"
syn_grade = "-3"
syn_package = "fgg484"
syn_top = "spec_top"
syn_project = "demo.xise"
syn_tool = "ise"
syn_pre_cmd = "echo This is executed just before the synthesis"
syn_post_cmd = "echo This is executed just after the synthesis"
modules = {
"local" : [ "../../../top/spec_v4/verilog" ],
Now, if we want to add external commands to a simulation top makefile, the following parameters must be introduced:
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| sim_pre_cmd | str | Command to be executed before simulation | None |
| sim_post_cmd | str | Command to be executed after simulation | None |
As a very simple example, we can introduce both extra commands in the top simulation makefile we have previously seen:
.. code-block:: python
action = "simulation"
sim_tool = "modelsim"
top_module = "counter_tb"
sim_pre_cmd = "echo This is executed just before the simulation"
sim_post_cmd = "echo This is executed just after the simulation"
modules = {
"local" : [ "../../../testbench/counter_tb/verilog" ],
**Multiline commands:**
If you need to execute a more complex action from the pre/post synthesis/simulation commands, you can point to an
external shell script or program. As an alternative, you can use a multiline string in order to inject multiple
commands into the Makefile.
As a first option, multiple commands can be launched by spliting a single long string into one piece per command.
The drawback for this approach is that the original single line is reconstructed an inserted into the Makefile, so
the specific external command Makefile target include just a single entry. This is why, in the following example,
semicolons are used in order to separate the sequential commands:
.. code-block:: python
syn_pre_cmd = (
"mkdir /home/user/Workspace/test1;"
"mkdir /home/user/Workspace/test2;"
"mkdir /home/user/Workspace/test3;"
"mkdir /home/user/Workspace/test4;"
"mkdir /home/user/Workspace/test5"
A cleaner alternative, is using a multiline text in which line return and tabulation characters has been introduced
in order to separate in different lines each of the commans when they are written into the Makefiles. In the
following example, this approach is exemplified:
.. code-block:: python
syn_pre_cmd = (
"mkdir /home/user/Workspace/test1\n\t\t"
"mkdir /home/user/Workspace/test2\n\t\t"
"mkdir /home/user/Workspace/test3\n\t\t"
"mkdir /home/user/Workspace/test4\n\t\t"
"mkdir /home/user/Workspace/test5"
Custom variables and conditional execution
In order to give an extra level of flexibility when defining the files and modules that are going to be used in a
specific project, ``hdlmake`` allows for the introduction of custom variables in the top Manifest that can then be
accessed from inside all of the Manifests in the design hierarchy. This is a very handy feature when different synthesis
or simulation configurations in complex designs should be selected from the top level Manifest when running ``hdlmake``.
As a very simple example of how this mechanism can be used, suppose that we want to simulate a design that uses a module for which
two different harware descriptions are available, one in VHDL and one in Verilog (mixed language is a common feature of commercial
simulation tools and is an under-development feature for Icarus Verilog).
For this purpose, we introduce an ``if`` clause inside a children Manifest in which the ``simulate_vhdl`` boolean variable
is used to select the content of the following ``modules`` to be scanned:
.. code-block:: python
if simulate_vhdl:
print("We are using the VHDL module")
modules = {
"local" : [ "../../../modules/counter/vhdl" ],
print("We are using the Verilog module")
modules = {
"local" : [ "../../../modules/counter/verilog" ],
Now, in order to define the ``simulate_vhdl`` variable value, we can use two different approachs.
The first one is to include this as a new variable in the top, i.e.:
.. code-block:: python
action = "simulation"
sim_tool = "modelsim"
top_module = "counter_tb"
simulate_vhdl = False
modules = {
"local" : [ "../../../testbench/counter_tb/verilog" ],
But we can also define the variable value by injecting custom Python code from the command line
when ``hdlmake`` is executed:
.. code-block:: bash
hdlmake --py "simulate_vhdl = False" auto
.. note:: New custom variables are not allowed outside the TOP In this way, despite the fact that all of the Pyhton code in the used files is executed when ``hdlmake`` is launched, not all of the Python constructions can be implemented.
.. note:: In order to allow the insertion of new custom variables in the child Manifests, you can try the ``--allow-unknown`` experimental feature. By specifiying this optional argument to the ``hdlmake`` command line, a warning message is raised when an unknown option or variable is defined in a child, but the variable itself is inserted and processed.
Remote synthesis with Xilinx ISE
When using ISE synthesis, ``hdlmake`` allows for the implementation of a centralized synthesis machine.
For this purpose, when running ``hdlmake`` an extra remote synthesis target is created in the Makefile so that
the actual resource intensive synthesis process is executed in a remote machine instead of in the local one.
In order to do that, when a remote synthesis is performed the local machine connects to the synthesis server through
a secure TCP/IP connection by using SSL. For this purpose, the following tools need to be installed:
| Machine | Communication Software |
| Client | ISE, ssh-server, rsync, screen (optional) |
| Server | ssh-client, rsync, screen (optional) |
.. note:: You'll need a local ISE deployment if you want to regenerate the synthesis Makefile or the ISE project (.xise),
files that are mandatory to perform both local and remote synthesis. But, if you have a valid Makefile and ISE project, you can
launch the remote synthesis from a local machine in which the ISE toolchain is not installed.
Before running the remote synthesis Makefile targets, there are different parameters that need to defined for proper operation.
These can be defined as shell environmental variables or, alternatively, inside the Makefile itself:
| Environmental Variable | Makefile Variable | Description |
| HDLMAKE_RSYNTH_USER | USER | Remote synthesis user in the host machine |
| HDLMAKE_RSYNTH_SERVER | SERVER | IP/Address of the remote synthesis server |
| HDLMAKE_RSYNTH_ISE_PATH | ISE_PATH | Path of the ISE binaries in the server |
In addition, an optional ``HDLMAKE_RSYNTH_USE_SCREEN`` environmental variable can be set to 1 in order to use ``screen``
when the remote connection is stablished. If this variable is not defined or set to other value,
a standard shell connection is used (by using ``screen``, the remote synthesis feedback messages are smoothly printed).
As an example, in order to launch a remote synthesis by using the ``screen`` interface to connect with the user "javi",
available inside the 64 bit Linux machine placed at address in the local network which features
a Xilinx ISE deployment in the default installation folder, we should issue:
.. code-block:: bash
export HDLMAKE_RSYNTH_ISE_PATH=/opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/lin64/
Once this parameters are defined, we can use any of the available remote synthesis Makefile targets,
that are enumerated in the following table:
| Remote Makefile Target | Target Description |
| remote | Transfer required files to the remote server and run the synthesis |
| sync | Copy back the synthesis outcomes in the server to the local folder |
| cleanremote | Delete the remote synthesis folder to free space in the server |
Incremental synthesis in Xilinx ISE
Note that, for both local and remote Xilinx ISE synthesis, the synthesis process in the Makefile generated by ``hdlmake``
performs the complete process by running a step-by-step approach that goes from synthesis to bitstream generation
instead of executing a single "build_all" command. Going through this step-by-step path, the synthesis process
scans for already performed ISE steps, so that only the pending ones are actually executed
(this information is stored in the associated .gise file).
The different Xilinx ISE steps that are performed by the synthesis makefile are:
- Synthesize - XST
- Translate
- Map
- Place & Route
- Generate Programming File
The main advantage of this approach is that, when synthesizing complex designs, the process can be resumed if
it fails or is halted and the already performed jobs don't need to be re-launched. The drawback is that a little time
overhead is introduced while scanning for the already completed stuff, and this can be noticed if the design is trivial.
If you want to re-synthesize the whole system from the start without scanning for already performed jobs,
just perform a ``make clean`` or ``make cleanremote`` before executing the ``make`` or ``make remote`` command.
Advanced examples
**EVO project**: PlanAhead synthesis project for the Zedboard platform, powered by Xilinx Zynq based ARM Dual Cortex-A9 processor plus Artix grade FPGA and performing an asynchronous logic demo:
**UMV, Mentor Questa & System Verilog simulation**: Work in progress, ready to be merged into Main branch.
**UMV, Mentor Questa & System Verilog simulation**: A test example involving these tools and languages is included in the ``hdlmake`` source tree.
You can find it inside the ``tests/questa_uvm_sv`` folder.
hdlmake supported actions/commands
......@@ -633,7 +892,7 @@ hdlmake supported actions/commands
Check environment (``check-env``)
Check environment for HDLMAKE-related settings. This scan the top Manifest and report if the potentially used tools or/and environment variables are met or not.
Check environment for HDLMake-related settings. This scan the top Manifest and report if the potentially used tools or/and environment variables are met or not.
Print manifest file variables description (``manifest-help``)
......@@ -700,6 +959,8 @@ Automatic execution (``auto``)
This is the default action for hdlmake, the one that is run when a command is not given.
.. note:: The ``auto`` command is just inferred if the issued command is a plain ``hdlmake``. If an optional argument is provided, you need to specify the specific command that is going to be executed.
The basic behaviour will be defined by the value of the ``action`` manifest parameter in the hierachy top ````. This can be set to ``simulation`` or ``synthesis``, and the associated command sequence will be:
......@@ -721,62 +982,148 @@ Manifest variables description
Top Manifest variables
action ; [<type 'str'>] ; What is the action that should be taken (simulation/synthesis), default=""
top_module ; [<type 'str'>] ; Top level entity for synthesis and simulation, default=None
incl_makefiles ; [<type 'list'>, <type 'str'>]; List of .mk files appended to toplevel makefile, default=[]
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| action | str | What is the action that should be taken (simulation/synthesis) | "" |
| top_module | str | Top level entity for synthesis and simulation | None |
| incl_makefiles | list, str | List of .mk files appended to toplevel makefile | [] |
Universal variables
fetchto ; [<type 'str'>] ; Destination for fetched modules , default=None
modules ; [<type 'dict'>] ; List of local modules , default={}
files ; [<type 'str'>, <type 'list'>]; List of files from the current module , default=[]
library ; [<type 'str'>] ; Destination library for module's VHDL files , default=work
include_dirs ; [<type 'list'>, <type 'str'>]; Include dirs for Verilog sources , default=None
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| fetchto | str | Destination for fetched modules | None |
| modules | dict | List of local modules | {} |
| files | str, list | List of files from the current module | [] |
| library | str | Destination library for module's VHDL files | work |
| include_dirs | list, str | Include dirs for Verilog sources | None |
Simulation variables
sim_tool ; [<type 'str'>] ; Simulation tool to be used (e.g. isim, vsim, iverilog), default=None
sim_pre_cmd ; [<type 'str'>] ; Command to be executed before simulation , default=None
sim_post_cmd ; [<type 'str'>] ; Command to be executed after simulation , default=None
vsim_opt ; [<type 'str'>] ; Additional options for vsim , default=""
vcom_opt ; [<type 'str'>] ; Additional options for vcom , default=""
vlog_opt ; [<type 'str'>] ; Additional options for vlog , default=""
vmap_opt ; [<type 'str'>] ; Additional options for vmap , default=""
Basic simulation variables:
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| sim_tool | str | Simulation tool to be used (e.g. isim, vsim, iverilog) | None |
| sim_pre_cmd | str | Command to be executed before simulation | None |
| sim_post_cmd | str | Command to be executed after simulation | None |
Modelsim/VSim specific variables:
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| vsim_opt | str | Additional options for vsim | "" |
| vcom_opt | str | Additional options for vcom | "" |
| vlog_opt | str | Additional options for vlog | "" |
| vmap_opt | str | Additional options for vmap | "" |
iverilog_opt ; [<type 'str'>] ; Additional options for iverilog , default=""
quartus_preflow; [<type 'str'>] ; Quartus pre-flow script file , default=None
quartus_postmodule; [<type 'str'>] ; Quartus post-module script file , default=None
quartus_postflow; [<type 'str'>] ; Quartus post-flow script file , default=None
Icarus Verilog specific variables:
sim_only_files ; [<type 'list'>, <type 'str'>]; List of files that are used only in simulation, default=[]
bit_file_targets; [<type 'list'>, <type 'str'>]; List of files that are used only in simulation, default=[]
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| iverilog_opt | str | Additional options for iverilog | "" |
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| sim_only_files | list, str | List of files that are used only in simulation | [] |
| bit_file_targets | list, str | List of files that are used only in simulation | [] |
Synthesis variables
target ; [<type 'str'>] ; What is the target architecture , default=""
syn_tool ; [<type 'str'>] ; Tool to be used in the synthesis , default=None
syn_device ; [<type 'str'>] ; Target FPGA device , default=None
syn_grade ; [<type 'str'>] ; Speed grade of target FPGA , default=None
syn_package ; [<type 'str'>] ; Package variant of target FPGA , default=None
syn_top ; [<type 'str'>] ; Top level module for synthesis , default=None
syn_project ; [<type 'str'>] ; Project file name , default=None
syn_ise_version; [<type 'type'>, <type 'str'>]; Force particular ISE version , default=None
syn_pre_cmd ; [<type 'str'>] ; Command to be executed before synthesis , default=None
syn_post_cmd ; [<type 'str'>] ; Command to be executed after synthesis , default=None
Basic synthesis variables:
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| target | str | What is the target architecture | "" |
| syn_tool | str | Tool to be used in the synthesis | None |
| syn_device | str | Target FPGA device | None |
| syn_grade | str | Speed grade of target FPGA | None |
| syn_package | str | Package variant of target FPGA | None |
| syn_top | str | Top level module for synthesis | None |
| syn_project | str | Project file name | None |
| syn_pre_cmd | str | Command to be executed before synthesis | None |
| syn_post_cmd | str | Command to be executed after synthesis | None |
Xilinx ISE specific variables:
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| syn_ise_version | str | Force particular ISE version | None |
Altera QuartusII specific variables:
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| quartus_preflow | str | Quartus pre-flow script file | None |
| quartus_postmodule | str | Quartus post-module script file | None |
| quartus_postflow | str | Quartus post-flow script file | None |
Miscellaneous variables
syn_name ; [<type 'str'>] ; Name of the folder at remote synthesis machine, default=None
force_tool ; [<type 'str'>] ; Force certain version of a tool, e.g. 'ise < 13.2' or 'iverilog == 0.9.6, default=None
| Name | Type | Description | Default |
| syn_name | str | Name of the folder at remote synthesis machine | None |
| force_tool | str | Force certain version of a tool, e.g. 'ise < 13.2' or 'iverilog == 0.9.6 | None |
.. _args:
......@@ -830,4 +1177,10 @@
Force hdlmake to generate the makefile, even if the specified tool is missing.
.. warning:: this is an experimental feature!!
Allow the insertion of new options or variables inside the child Manifest. Is this is option is not specified, the only place in which new options or variables can be defined is the top Manifest.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 CERN
# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 CERN
# Author: Pawel Szostek (
# Multi-tool support by Javier D. Garcia-Lasheras (
......@@ -103,9 +103,21 @@ def main():
# Load global tool object (
if not top_mod.action:
logging.error("`action' manifest variable has to be specified. "
"Otherwise hdlmake doesn't know how to handle the project")
if top_mod.action == "synthesis":
if not top_mod.syn_tool:
logging.error("`syn_tool' manifest variable has to be specified. "
"Otherwise hdlmake doesn't know how to synthesize the project")
tool_name = top_mod.syn_tool
elif top_mod.action == "simulation":
if not top_mod.sim_tool:
logging.error("`sim_tool' manifest variable has to be specified. "
"Otherwise hdlmake doesn't know how to simulate the project")
tool_name = top_mod.sim_tool'import tool module: ' + tool_name)
......@@ -209,7 +221,7 @@ def _get_parser():
usage = """hdlmake [command] [options]"""
description = """Release 2014\n
description = """Version 2.1\n
To see optional arguments for particular command type:
hdlmake <command> --help
......@@ -265,6 +277,9 @@ def _get_parser():
parser.add_argument("--generate-project-vhd", help="generate project.vhd file with a meta package describing the project",
dest="generate_project_vhd", default=False, action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--force", help="force hdlmake to generate the makefile, even if the specified tool is missing", default=False, action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--allow-unknown", dest="allow_unknown",
default=False, help="allow unknown option insertions in the child Manifests", action="store_true")
return parser
......@@ -49,29 +49,29 @@ class GenerateRemoteSynthesisMakefile(Action):
def _search_tcl_file(self, directory=None):
# This function is used in _generate_remote_ise_makefile
if directory is None:
directory = "."
filenames = os.listdir(directory)
tcls = []
for filename in filenames:
file_parts = filename.split('.')
if file_parts[len(file_parts)-1] == "tcl":
if len(tcls) == 0:
return None
if len(tcls) > 1:
logging.warning("Multiple tcls in the current directory: " + str(tcls) + "\n" +
"Picking the first one: " + tcls[0])
return tcls[0]
def _generate_tcl(self):
# This function is used in _generate_remote_ise_makefile
f = open("run.tcl", "w")
f.write("project open " + self.top_module.syn_project + '\n')
f.write("process run {Generate Programming File} -force rerun_all\n")
#def _search_tcl_file(self, directory=None):
# # This function is used in _generate_remote_ise_makefile
# if directory is None:
# directory = "."
# filenames = os.listdir(directory)
# tcls = []
# for filename in filenames:
# file_parts = filename.split('.')
# if file_parts[len(file_parts)-1] == "tcl":
# tcls.append(filename)
# if len(tcls) == 0:
# return None
# if len(tcls) > 1:
# logging.warning("Multiple tcls in the current directory: " + str(tcls) + "\n" +
# "Picking the first one: " + tcls[0])
# return tcls[0]
#def _generate_tcl(self):
# # This function is used in _generate_remote_ise_makefile
# f = open("run.tcl", "w")
# f.write("project open " + self.top_module.syn_project + '\n')
# f.write("process run {Generate Programming File} -force rerun_all\n")
# f.close()
def _generate_remote_synthesis_makefile(self, tool_object):
......@@ -80,14 +80,14 @@ class GenerateRemoteSynthesisMakefile(Action):
top_mod = self.modules_pool.get_top_module()
tcl = self._search_tcl_file()
if tcl is None:
tcl = "run.tcl"
#tcl = self._search_tcl_file()
#if tcl is None:
# self._generate_tcl()
# tcl = "run.tcl"
files = self.modules_pool.build_global_file_set()
sff = SourceFileFactory()
files.add(, module=None))
files.add("run.tcl", module=None))
files.add(, module=None))
tool_object.generate_remote_synthesis_makefile(files=files, name=top_mod.syn_name,
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ end sdb_meta_pkg;""")
env = self.env
if not self.options.force:
if self.env[path_key] is None:
logging.error("Can't generate an " + name + " project. " + name + " not found.")
logging.error("Can't generate the " + name + " project. " + name + " not found.")
if not env[version_key]:
logging.error(name + " version cannot be deduced. Cannot generate " + name + " "
......@@ -206,6 +206,9 @@ class Module(object):
if self.parent is None:
allow_unknown = True
extra_context = {}
if global_mod.options.allow_unknown is True:
allow_unknown = True
allow_unknown = False
extra_context = dict(global_mod.top_module.manifest_dict) # copy the dictionary
......@@ -38,11 +38,16 @@ class SourceFile(DepFile):
assert isinstance(path, basestring)
assert isinstance(module, Module)
self.library = library
if not library:
self.library = "work"
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.path + self.library)
class VHDLFile(SourceFile):
def __init__(self, path, module, library=None, vcom_opt=None):
......@@ -64,8 +69,6 @@ class VHDLFile(SourceFile):
class VerilogFile(SourceFile):
def __init__(self, path, module, library=None, vlog_opt=None, include_dirs=None):
if not library:
library = "work"
SourceFile.__init__(self, path=path, module=module, library=library)
if not vlog_opt:
self.vlog_opt = ""
......@@ -122,6 +125,14 @@ class PPRFile(File):
# Xilinx PlanAhead Project
class XPRFile(File):
# Xilinx Vivado Project
class BDFile(File):
# Xilinx Block Design
class XCOFile(File):
# Xilinx Core Generator File
......@@ -251,6 +262,10 @@ class SourceFileFactory:
nf = XMPFile(path=path, module=module)
elif extension == 'ppr':
nf = PPRFile(path=path, module=module)
elif extension == 'xpr':
nf = XPRFile(path=path, module=module)
elif extension == 'bd':
nf = BDFile(path=path, module=module)
elif extension == 'xco':
nf = XCOFile(path=path, module=module)
elif extension == 'ldf':
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 CERN
# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 CERN
# Author: Pawel Szostek (
# Multi-tool support by Javier D. Garcia-Lasheras (
......@@ -56,7 +56,9 @@ run.command \
#target for performing local simulation
sim: sim_pre_cmd
local: sim_pre_cmd simulation sim_post_cmd
makefile_text_1 = makefile_tmplt_1.substitute(
......@@ -86,7 +88,7 @@ sim: sim_pre_cmd
sim_post_cmd: sim
#target for cleaning all intermediate stuff
......@@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ clean:
mrproper: clean
\t\trm -f *.vcd *.asdb
.PHONY: mrproper clean sim sim_pre_cmd sim_post_cmd
.PHONY: mrproper clean sim_pre_cmd sim_post_cmd simulation
"""Common functionality shared by multiple tools."""
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 CERN
# Author: Pawel Szostek (
# Multi-tool support by Javier D. Garcia-Lasheras (
# This file is part of Hdlmake.
# Hdlmake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Hdlmake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Hdlmake. If not, see <>.
from makefile_writer import MakefileWriter
import os
import string
from string import Template
class VsimMakefileWriter(MakefileWriter):
"""A Makefile writer for simulation suitable for vsim based simulators.
Currently used by:
- Modelsim
- Riviera
def __init__(self):
# additional global flags to pass to every invocation of these commands
self.vcom_flags = ["-quiet", ]
self.vsim_flags = []
self.vlog_flags = ["-quiet", ]
self.vmap_flags = []
# These are variables that will be set in the makefile
# The key is the variable name, and the value is the variable value
self.custom_variables = {}
# Additional sim dependencies (e.g. modelsim.ini)
self.additional_deps = []
# Additional things removed during a clean e.g. simulator temp files
self.additional_clean = []
# These are files copied into your working directory by a make rule
# The key is the filename, the value is the file source path
self.copy_rules = {}
super(VsimMakefileWriter, self).__init__()
def generate_simulation_makefile(self, fileset, top_module):
"""Write a properly formatted Makefile for the simulator.
The Makefile format is shared, but flags, dependencies, clean rules,
etc are defined by the specific tool.
from srcfile import VerilogFile, VHDLFile, SVFile
tmp = """## variables #############################
PWD := $(shell pwd)
for var, value in self.custom_variables.iteritems():
self.writeln("%s := %s" % (var, value))
self.writeln("VCOM_FLAGS := %s" % (' '.join(self.vcom_flags)))
self.writeln("VSIM_FLAGS := %s" % (' '.join(self.vsim_flags)))
self.writeln("VLOG_FLAGS := %s" % (' '.join(self.vlog_flags)))
self.writeln("VMAP_FLAGS := %s" % (' '.join(self.vmap_flags)))
self.write("VERILOG_SRC := ")
for vl in fileset.filter(VerilogFile):
self.write(vl.rel_path() + " \\\n")
self.write("VERILOG_OBJ := ")
for vl in fileset.filter(VerilogFile):
# make a file compilation indicator (these .dat files are made even if
# the compilation process fails) and add an ending according to file's
# extension (.sv and .vhd files may have the same corename and this
# causes a mess
self.write(os.path.join(vl.library, vl.purename, "." + vl.purename + "_" + vl.extension()) + " \\\n")
libs = set(f.library for f in fileset)
self.write("VHDL_SRC := ")
for vhdl in fileset.filter(VHDLFile):
self.write(vhdl.rel_path() + " \\\n")
# list vhdl objects (_primary.dat files)
self.write("VHDL_OBJ := ")
for vhdl in fileset.filter(VHDLFile):
# file compilation indicator (important: add _vhd ending)
self.write(os.path.join(vhdl.library, vhdl.purename, "." + vhdl.purename + "_" + vhdl.extension()) + " \\\n")
self.write('LIBS := ')
self.write(' '.join(libs))
# tell how to make libraries
self.write('LIB_IND := ')
self.write(' '.join([lib + "/." + lib for lib in libs]))
self.writeln("## rules #################################")
self.writeln("local: sim_pre_cmd simulation sim_post_cmd")
self.writeln("simulation: %s $(LIB_IND) $(VERILOG_OBJ) $(VHDL_OBJ)" % (' '.join(self.additional_deps)),)
self.writeln("$(VERILOG_OBJ) : " + ' '.join(self.additional_deps))
self.writeln("$(VHDL_OBJ): $(LIB_IND) " + ' '.join(self.additional_deps))
simcommands = string.Template("""sim_pre_cmd:
if top_module.sim_pre_cmd:
sim_pre_cmd = top_module.sim_pre_cmd
sim_pre_cmd = ''
if top_module.sim_post_cmd:
sim_post_cmd = top_module.sim_post_cmd
sim_post_cmd = ''
simcommands = simcommands.substitute(sim_pre_cmd=sim_pre_cmd,
for filename, filesource in self.copy_rules.iteritems():
self.write(self.__create_copy_rule(filename, filesource))
tmp = "\t\trm -rf $(LIBS) " + ' '.join(self.additional_clean)
self.writeln(".PHONY: clean sim_pre_cmd sim_post_cmd simulation")
for lib in libs:
self.write(lib + "/." + lib + ":\n")
vmap_command = "vmap $(VMAP_FLAGS)"
self.write(' '.join(["\t(vlib", lib, "&&", vmap_command,
lib, "&&", "touch", lib + "/." + lib, ")"]))
self.write(' '.join(["||", "rm -rf", lib, "\n"]))
# rules for all _primary.dat files for sv
for vl in fileset.filter(VerilogFile):
self.write("%s: %s" % (os.path.join(vl.library, vl.purename, ".%s_%s" % (vl.purename, vl.extension())),
for dep_file in [dfile for dfile in vl.depends_on if dfile is not vl]:
if dep_file in fileset: # the dep_file is compiled -> we depend on marker file
name = dep_file.purename
extension = dep_file.extension()
self.write(" \\\n" + os.path.join(dep_file.library, name, ".%s_%s" % (name, extension)))
else: #the file is included -> we depend directly on the file
self.write(" \\\n" + dep_file.rel_path())
# ##
# self.write("\t\tvlog -work "+vl.library)
# self.write(" $(VLOG_FLAGS) ")
# if isinstance(vl, SVFile):
# self.write(" -sv ")
# incdir = "+incdir+"
# incdir += '+'.join(vl.include_dirs)
# incdir += " "
# self.write(incdir)
# self.writeln(vl.vlog_opt+" $<")
compile_template = Template("\t\tvlog -work ${library} $$(VLOG_FLAGS) ${sv_option} +incdir+${include_dirs} ${vlog_opt} $$<")
compile_line = compile_template.substitute(library=vl.library,
sv_option="-sv" if isinstance(vl, SVFile) else "",
self.write("\t\t@mkdir -p $(dir $@)")
self.writeln(" && touch $@ \n\n")
# list rules for all _primary.dat files for vhdl
for vhdl in fileset.filter(VHDLFile):
lib = vhdl.library
purename = vhdl.purename
# each .dat depends on corresponding .vhd file
self.write("%s: %s" % (os.path.join(lib, purename, "." + purename + "_" + vhdl.extension()),
for dep_file in vhdl.depends_on:
if dep_file in fileset: # the dep_file is compiled -> we depend on marker file
name = dep_file.purename
extension = dep_file.extension()
self.write(" \\\n" + os.path.join(dep_file.library, name, ".%s_%s" % (name, extension)))
else: #the file is included -> we depend directly on the file
self.write(" \\\n" + dep_file.rel_path())
self.writeln(' '.join(["\t\tvcom $(VCOM_FLAGS)", vhdl.vcom_opt, "-work", lib, "$< "]))
self.writeln("\t\t@mkdir -p $(dir $@) && touch $@ \n")
def __create_copy_rule(self, name, src):
"""Get a Makefile rule named name, which depends on src, copying it to
the local directory."""
rule = """%s: %s
\t\tcp $< . 2>&1
""" % (name, src)
return rule
def __get_rid_of_vsim_incdirs(self, vlog_opt=""):
if not vlog_opt:
vlog_opt = ""
vlogs = vlog_opt.split(' ')
ret = []
for v in vlogs:
if not v.startswith("+incdir+"):
return ' '.join(ret)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 CERN
# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 CERN
# Author: Pawel Szostek (
# Multi-tool support by Javier D. Garcia-Lasheras (
......@@ -61,7 +61,9 @@ $$(PROJECT)1.sty \
#target for performing local synthesis
local: syn_pre_cmd check_tool
local: syn_pre_cmd check_tool synthesis syn_post_cmd
\t\techo "prj_project open \"$$(PROJECT).ldf\"" > run.tcl
\t\techo "prj_run PAR -impl $$(PROJECT)" >> run.tcl
\t\techo "prj_run Export -impl $$(PROJECT) -task Bitgen" >> run.tcl
......@@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ local: syn_pre_cmd check_tool
syn_post_cmd: local
......@@ -87,7 +89,7 @@ clean:
\t\trm -f *.jed
.PHONY: mrproper clean syn_pre_cmd syn_post_cmd local check_tool
.PHONY: mrproper clean syn_pre_cmd syn_post_cmd synthesis local check_tool
if top_mod.syn_pre_cmd:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 CERN
# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 CERN
# Author: Pawel Szostek (
# Multi-tool support by Javier D. Garcia-Lasheras (
......@@ -61,7 +61,9 @@ GHDL_CRAP := \
#target for performing local simulation
sim: sim_pre_cmd
local: sim_pre_cmd simulation sim_post_cmd
makefile_text_1 = makefile_tmplt_1.substitute(
......@@ -82,7 +84,7 @@ sim: sim_pre_cmd
sim_post_cmd: sim
#target for cleaning all intermediate stuff
......@@ -93,7 +95,7 @@ clean:
mrproper: clean
\t\trm -f *.vcd
.PHONY: mrproper clean sim sim_pre_cmd sim_post_cmd
.PHONY: mrproper clean sim_pre_cmd sim_post_cmd simulation
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 CERN
# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 CERN
# Author: Pawel Szostek (
# Multi-tool support by Javier D. Garcia-Lasheras (
......@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ FAMILY_NAMES = {
"XC6V": "Virtex6",
"XC5V": "Virtex5",
"XC4V": "Virtex4",
"XC7Z": "Zynq",
"XC7V": "Virtex7",
"XC7K": "Kintex7",
"XC7A": "Artix7"}
......@@ -116,23 +118,23 @@ class ToolControls(MakefileWriter):
remote_name_tmpl = "R_NAME:={0}"
files_tmpl = "FILES := {0}"
user_tmpl = user_tmpl.format("$(HDLMAKE_RSYNTH_USER)#take the value from the environment")
user_tmpl = user_tmpl.format("$(HDLMAKE_RSYNTH_USER)# take the value from the environment")
test_tmpl = """__test_for_remote_synthesis_variables:
ifeq (x$(USER),x)
\t@echo "Remote synthesis user is not set.\
\t@echo "Remote synthesis user is not set. \
You can set it by editing variable USER in the makefile or setting env. variable HDLMAKE_RSYNTH_USER." && false
ifeq (x$(SERVER),x)
\t@echo "Remote synthesis server is not set.\
\t@echo "Remote synthesis server is not set. \
You can set it by editing variable SERVER in the makefile or setting env. variable HDLMAKE_RSYNTH_SERVER." && false
ifeq (x$(ISE_PATH),x)
\t@echo "Remote synthesis server is not set.\
\t@echo "Remote synthesis server is not set. \
You can set it by editing variable ISE_PATH in the makefile or setting env. variable HDLMAKE_RSYNTH_ISE_PATH." && false
if server is None:
server_tmpl = server_tmpl.format("$(HDLMAKE_RSYNTH_SERVER)#take the value from the environment")
server_tmpl = server_tmpl.format("$(HDLMAKE_RSYNTH_SERVER)# take the value from the environment")
server_tmpl = server_tmpl.format(server)
......@@ -150,7 +152,7 @@ endif
self.writeln(files_tmpl.format(' \\\n'.join([s.rel_path() for s in files])))
self.writeln("#target for running synthesis in the remote location")
self.writeln("remote: __test_for_remote_synthesis_variables __send __do_synthesis")
self.writeln("remote: __test_for_remote_synthesis_variables generate_tcl __send __do_synthesis")
self.writeln("__send_back: __do_synthesis")
self.writeln("__do_synthesis: __send")
self.writeln("__send: __test_for_remote_synthesis_variables")
......@@ -235,21 +237,29 @@ webtalk_pn.xml \
#target for performing local synthesis
local: syn_pre_cmd check_tool
local: syn_pre_cmd check_tool generate_tcl synthesis syn_post_cmd
\t\techo "project open $$(PROJECT)" > run.tcl
\t\techo "process run {Generate Programming File} -force rerun_all" >> run.tcl
\t\techo "process run {Synthesize - XST}" >> run.tcl
\t\techo "process run {Translate}" >> run.tcl
\t\techo "process run {Map}" >> run.tcl
\t\techo "process run {Place & Route}" >> run.tcl
\t\techo "process run {Generate Programming File}" >> run.tcl
\t\t${xtclsh_path} run.tcl
syn_post_cmd: local
#target for cleaing all intermediate stuff
#target for cleaning all intermediate stuff
\t\trm -f $$(ISE_CRAP)
\t\trm -rf xst xlnx_auto_*_xdb iseconfig _xmsgs _ngo
......@@ -258,7 +268,7 @@ clean:
\t\trm -f *.bit *.bin *.mcs
.PHONY: mrproper clean syn_pre_scipt syn_post_cmd local check_tool
.PHONY: mrproper clean syn_pre_cmd syn_post_cmd synthesis local check_tool
if top_mod.syn_pre_cmd:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 CERN
# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 CERN
# Author: Pawel Szostek (
# Modified to allow ISim simulation by Lucas Russo (
# Modified to allow ISim simulation by Adrian Byszuk (
......@@ -86,14 +86,16 @@ ISIM_FLAGS :=
VLOGCOMP_FLAGS := -intstyle default -incremental -initfile xilinxsim.ini """ + self.__get_rid_of_isim_incdirs(top_module.vlog_opt) + """
make_preambule_p2 = string.Template("""## rules #################################
sim: sim_pre_cmd xilinxsim.ini $$(LIB_IND) $$(VERILOG_OBJ) $$(VHDL_OBJ) fuse
local: sim_pre_cmd simulation sim_post_cmd
simulation: xilinxsim.ini $$(LIB_IND) $$(VERILOG_OBJ) $$(VHDL_OBJ) fuse
$$(VERILOG_OBJ): $$(LIB_IND) xilinxsim.ini
$$(VHDL_OBJ): $$(LIB_IND) xilinxsim.ini
sim_post_cmd: sim
xilinxsim.ini: $$(XILINX_INI_PATH)/xilinxsim.ini
......@@ -104,7 +106,7 @@ fuse:
\t\trm -rf ./xilinxsim.ini $$(LIBS) fuse.xmsgs fuse.log fuseRelaunch.cmd isim isim.log \
isim.wdb isim_proj isim_proj.*
.PHONY: clean sim_pre_cmd sim_post_cmd
.PHONY: clean sim_pre_cmd sim_post_cmd simulation
#open the file and write the above preambule (part 1)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 CERN
# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 CERN
# Author: Pawel Szostek (
# Multi-tool support by Javier D. Garcia-Lasheras (
......@@ -70,10 +70,13 @@ class ToolControls(MakefileWriter):
makefile_tmplt_1 = string.Template("""TOP_MODULE := ${top_module}
run.command \
#target for performing local simulation
sim: sim_pre_cmd
local: sim_pre_cmd simulation sim_post_cmd
makefile_text_1 = makefile_tmplt_1.substitute(
......@@ -99,7 +102,7 @@ sim: sim_pre_cmd
sim_post_cmd: sim
#target for cleaning all intermediate stuff
......@@ -110,7 +113,7 @@ clean:
mrproper: clean
\t\trm -f *.vcd *.vvp
.PHONY: mrproper clean sim sim_pre_cmd sim_post_cmd
.PHONY: mrproper clean sim_pre_cmd sim_post_cmd simulation
if top_module.sim_pre_cmd:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 CERN
# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 CERN
# Author: Pawel Szostek (
# Multi-tool support by Javier D. Garcia-Lasheras (
......@@ -61,7 +61,9 @@ LIBERO_CRAP := \
#target for performing local synthesis
local: syn_pre_cmd check_tool
local: syn_pre_cmd check_tool synthesis syn_post_cmd
\t\techo "open_project -file {$$(PROJECT)/$$(PROJECT).prjx}" > run.tcl
\t\techo "update_and_run_tool -name {GENERATEPROGRAMMINGDATA}" >> run.tcl
\t\techo "save_project" >> run.tcl
......@@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ local: syn_pre_cmd check_tool
syn_post_cmd: local
......@@ -87,7 +89,7 @@ clean:
\t\trm -f *.pdb *.stp
.PHONY: mrproper clean syn_pre_cmd syn_post_cmd local check_tool
.PHONY: mrproper clean syn_pre_cmd syn_post_cmd synthesis local check_tool
if top_mod.syn_pre_cmd:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 CERN
# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 CERN
# Author: Pawel Szostek (
# Multi-tool support by Javier D. Garcia-Lasheras (
......@@ -33,15 +33,16 @@ import string
from string import Template
import fetch
from makefile_writer import MakefileWriter
from .. common.sim_makefile_support import VsimMakefileWriter
XmlImpl = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation()
MODELSIM_STANDARD_LIBS = ['ieee', 'std']
class ToolControls(MakefileWriter):
class ToolControls(VsimMakefileWriter):
def __init__(self):
super(ToolControls, self).__init__()
def detect_version(self, path):
......@@ -60,164 +61,17 @@ class ToolControls(MakefileWriter):
def generate_simulation_makefile(self, fileset, top_module):
from srcfile import VerilogFile, VHDLFile, SVFile
make_preambule_p1 = """## variables #############################
PWD := $(shell pwd)
VCOM_FLAGS := -quiet -modelsimini modelsim.ini
VLOG_FLAGS := -quiet -modelsimini modelsim.ini """ + self.__get_rid_of_vsim_incdirs(top_module.vlog_opt) + """
self.vcom_flags.extend(["-modelsimini", "modelsim.ini"])
self.vlog_flags.extend(["-modelsimini", "modelsim.ini"])
self.vmap_flags.extend(["-modelsimini", "modelsim.ini"])
if global_mod.env["modelsim_path"]:
make_preambule_p1 = make_preambule_p1.format(os.path.join(global_mod.env["modelsim_path"], ".."))
modelsim_ini_path = os.path.join(global_mod.env["modelsim_path"], "..")
make_preambule_p1 = make_preambule_p1.format(os.path.join("$(HDLMAKE_MODELSIM_PATH)", ".."))
make_preambule_p2 = string.Template("""## rules #################################
sim: sim_pre_cmd modelsim.ini $$(LIB_IND) $$(VERILOG_OBJ) $$(VHDL_OBJ)
$$(VHDL_OBJ): $$(LIB_IND) modelsim.ini
sim_post_cmd: sim
modelsim.ini: ${modelsim_ini_path}
\t\tcp $$< . 2>&1
\t\trm -rf ./modelsim.ini $$(LIBS) transcript *.vcd *.wlf
.PHONY: clean sim_pre_cmd sim_post_cmd
#open the file and write the above preambule (part 1)
self.write("VERILOG_SRC := ")
for vl in fileset.filter(VerilogFile):
self.write(vl.rel_path() + " \\\n")
self.write("VERILOG_OBJ := ")
for vl in fileset.filter(VerilogFile):
#make a file compilation indicator (these .dat files are made even if
#the compilation process fails) and add an ending according to file's
#extension (.sv and .vhd files may have the same corename and this
#causes a mess
self.write(os.path.join(vl.library, vl.purename, "."+vl.purename+"_"+vl.extension()) + " \\\n")
libs = set(f.library for f in fileset)
self.write("VHDL_SRC := ")
for vhdl in fileset.filter(VHDLFile):
self.write(vhdl.rel_path() + " \\\n")
#list vhdl objects (_primary.dat files)
self.write("VHDL_OBJ := ")
for vhdl in fileset.filter(VHDLFile):
#file compilation indicator (important: add _vhd ending)
self.write(os.path.join(vhdl.library, vhdl.purename, "."+vhdl.purename+"_"+vhdl.extension()) + " \\\n")
self.write('LIBS := ')
self.write(' '.join(libs))
#tell how to make libraries
self.write('LIB_IND := ')
self.write(' '.join([lib+"/."+lib for lib in libs]))
if top_module.sim_pre_cmd:
sim_pre_cmd = top_module.sim_pre_cmd
sim_pre_cmd = ''
if top_module.sim_post_cmd:
sim_post_cmd = top_module.sim_post_cmd
sim_post_cmd = ''
make_preambule_p2 = make_preambule_p2.substitute(sim_pre_cmd=sim_pre_cmd,
modelsim_ini_path=os.path.join("$(MODELSIM_INI_PATH)", "modelsim.ini"))
for lib in libs:
self.write(' '.join(["\t(vlib", lib, "&&", "vmap", "-modelsimini modelsim.ini",
lib, "&&", "touch", lib+"/."+lib, ")"]))
self.write(' '.join(["||", "rm -rf", lib, "\n"]))
#rules for all _primary.dat files for sv
for vl in fileset.filter(VerilogFile):
self.write("%s: %s" % (os.path.join(vl.library, vl.purename, ".%s_%s" % (vl.purename, vl.extension())),
for dep_file in [dfile for dfile in vl.depends_on if dfile is not vl]:
if dep_file in fileset: # the dep_file is compiled -> we depend on marker file
name = dep_file.purename
extension = dep_file.extension()
self.write(" \\\n" + os.path.join(dep_file.library, name, ".%s_%s" % (name, extension)))
else: #the file is included -> we depend directly on the file
self.write(" \\\n" + dep_file.rel_path())
# self.write("\t\tvlog -work "+vl.library)
# self.write(" $(VLOG_FLAGS) ")
# if isinstance(vl, SVFile):
# self.write(" -sv ")
# incdir = "+incdir+"
# incdir += '+'.join(vl.include_dirs)
# incdir += " "
# self.write(incdir)
# self.writeln(vl.vlog_opt+" $<")
compile_template = Template("\t\tvlog -work ${library} $$(VLOG_FLAGS) ${sv_option} +incdir+${include_dirs} ${vlog_opt} $$<")
compile_line = compile_template.substitute(library=vl.library,
sv_option = "-sv" if isinstance(vl, SVFile) else "",
self.write("\t\t@mkdir -p $(dir $@)")
self.writeln(" && touch $@ \n\n")
#list rules for all _primary.dat files for vhdl
for vhdl in fileset.filter(VHDLFile):
lib = vhdl.library
purename = vhdl.purename
#each .dat depends on corresponding .vhd file
self.write("%s: %s" % (os.path.join(lib, purename, "."+purename+"_" + vhdl.extension()),
for dep_file in vhdl.depends_on:
if dep_file in fileset: # the dep_file is compiled -> we depend on marker file
name = dep_file.purename
extension = dep_file.extension()
self.write(" \\\n" + os.path.join(dep_file.library, name, ".%s_%s" % (name, extension)))
else: #the file is included -> we depend directly on the file
self.write(" \\\n" + dep_file.rel_path())
self.writeln(' '.join(["\t\tvcom $(VCOM_FLAGS)", vhdl.vcom_opt, "-work", lib, "$< "]))
self.writeln("\t\t@mkdir -p $(dir $@) && touch $@\n")
modelsim_ini_path = os.path.join("$(HDLMAKE_MODELSIM_PATH)", "..")
self.custom_variables["MODELSIM_INI_PATH"] = modelsim_ini_path
self.additional_clean.extend(["./modelsim.ini", "transcript", "*.vcd", "*.wlf"])
def __get_rid_of_vsim_incdirs(self, vlog_opt):
if not vlog_opt:
vlog_opt = ""
vlogs = vlog_opt.split(' ')
ret = []
for v in vlogs:
if not v.startswith("+incdir+"):
return ' '.join(ret)
self.copy_rules["modelsim.ini"] = os.path.join("$(MODELSIM_INI_PATH)", "modelsim.ini")
super(ToolControls, self).generate_simulation_makefile(fileset, top_module)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 CERN
# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 CERN
# Author: Pawel Szostek (
# Multi-tool support by Javier D. Garcia-Lasheras (
......@@ -64,7 +64,9 @@ planAhead.* \
#target for performing local synthesis
local: syn_pre_cmd check_tool
local: syn_pre_cmd check_tool synthesis syn_post_cmd
\t\techo "open_project $$(PROJECT).ppr" > run.tcl
\t\techo "reset_run synth_1" >> run.tcl
\t\techo "reset_run impl_1" >> run.tcl
......@@ -81,7 +83,7 @@ local: syn_pre_cmd check_tool
syn_post_cmd: local
......@@ -96,7 +98,7 @@ clean:
\t\trm -f *.bit
.PHONY: mrproper clean syn_pre_cmd syn_post_cmd local check_tool
.PHONY: mrproper clean syn_pre_cmd syn_post_cmd synthesis local check_tool
if top_mod.syn_pre_cmd:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 CERN
# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 CERN
# Author: Pawel Szostek (
# Multi-tool support by Javier D. Garcia-Lasheras (
......@@ -73,7 +73,9 @@ $$(PROJECT).sta.summary \
#target for performing local synthesis
local: syn_pre_cmd check_tool
local: syn_pre_cmd check_tool synthesis syn_post_cmd
\t\techo "load_package flow" > run.tcl
\t\techo "project_open $$(PROJECT)" >> run.tcl
\t\techo "execute_flow -compile" >> run.tcl
......@@ -82,7 +84,7 @@ local: syn_pre_cmd check_tool
syn_post_cmd: local
......@@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ clean:
\t\trm -f *.sof *.pof *.jam *.jbc *.ekp *.jic
.PHONY: mrproper clean syn_pre_cmd syn_post_cmd local check_tool
.PHONY: mrproper clean syn_pre_cmd syn_post_cmd synthesis local check_tool
if top_mod.syn_pre_cmd:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 CERN
# Author: Pawel Szostek (
# Multi-tool support by Javier D. Garcia-Lasheras (
# Riviera tool added by Josh Smith (
# This file is part of Hdlmake.
# Hdlmake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Hdlmake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Hdlmake. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import print_function
from .. common.sim_makefile_support import VsimMakefileWriter
# as of 2014.06, these are the standard libraries
# included in an installation
'ieee', 'std', 'cpld',
'vl', 'vital95', 'vital2000',
'synopsys', 'aldec', 'vtl',
'vtl_dbg', 'assertions', 'ieee_proposed',
'ovm_2_0_3', 'ovm_2_1_2', 'uvm_1_0p1',
'uvm_1_1d', 'uvm', 'osvvm',
# there are many vendor specific libraries available
# a few of them are listed here
class ToolControls(VsimMakefileWriter):
def __init__(self):
super(ToolControls, self).__init__()
self.additional_clean.extend(["*.asdb", "*.vcd", ])
def detect_version(self, path):
def get_keys(self):
tool_info = {
'name': 'Riviera',
'id': 'riviera',
'windows_bin': 'vsim',
'linux_bin': 'vsim'
return tool_info
def get_standard_libraries(self):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 CERN
# Author: Pawel Szostek (
# Multi-tool support by Javier D. Garcia-Lasheras (
# This file is part of Hdlmake.
# Hdlmake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Hdlmake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Hdlmake. If not, see <>.
import subprocess
import sys
import os
import string
from string import Template
import fetch
import logging
from makefile_writer import MakefileWriter
VIVADO_STANDARD_LIBS = ['ieee', 'std']
class ToolControls(MakefileWriter):
def detect_version(self, path):
return 'unknown'
def get_keys(self):
tool_info = {
'name': 'vivado',
'id': 'vivado',
'windows_bin': 'vivado',
'linux_bin': 'vivado',
'project_ext': 'xpr'
return tool_info
def get_standard_libraries(self):
def generate_synthesis_makefile(self, top_mod, tool_path):
makefile_tmplt = string.Template("""PROJECT := ${project_name}
#target for performing local synthesis
local: syn_pre_cmd check_tool synthesis syn_post_cmd
\t\techo "open_project $$(PROJECT).xpr" > run.tcl
\t\techo "reset_run synth_1" >> run.tcl
\t\techo "reset_run impl_1" >> run.tcl
\t\techo "launch_runs synth_1" >> run.tcl
\t\techo "wait_on_run synth_1" >> run.tcl
\t\techo "launch_runs impl_1" >> run.tcl
\t\techo "wait_on_run impl_1" >> run.tcl
\t\techo "launch_runs impl_1 -to_step write_bitstream" >> run.tcl
\t\techo "wait_on_run impl_1" >> run.tcl
\t\techo "exit" >> run.tcl
\t\t${vivado_sh_path} -mode tcl -source run.tcl
\t\tcp $$(PROJECT).runs/impl_1/${syn_top}.bit ${syn_top}.bit
#target for cleaning all intermediate stuff
\t\trm -f $$(PLANAHEAD_CRAP)
\t\trm -rf .Xil $$(PROJECT).cache $$(PROJECT).data $$(PROJECT).runs $$(PROJECT).xpr
#target for cleaning final files
\t\trm -f *.bit
.PHONY: mrproper clean syn_pre_cmd syn_post_cmd synthesis local check_tool
if top_mod.syn_pre_cmd:
syn_pre_cmd = top_mod.syn_pre_cmd
syn_pre_cmd = ''
if top_mod.syn_post_cmd:
syn_post_cmd = top_mod.syn_post_cmd
syn_post_cmd = ''
if top_mod.force_tool:
ft = top_mod.force_tool
check_tool = """python $(HDLMAKE_HDLMAKE_PATH)/hdlmake _conditioncheck --tool {tool} --reference {reference} --condition "{condition}"\\
|| (echo "{tool} version does not meet condition: {condition} {reference}" && false)
check_tool = ''
makefile_text = makefile_tmplt.substitute(syn_top=top_mod.syn_top,
vivado_sh_path=os.path.join(tool_path, "vivado"))
for f in top_mod.incl_makefiles:
if os.path.exists(f):
self.write("include %s\n" % f)
def generate_remote_synthesis_makefile(self, files, name, cwd, user, server):"Remote Vivado wrapper")
def generate_synthesis_project(self, update=False, tool_version='', top_mod=None, fileset=None): = []
self.files = []
self.filename = top_mod.syn_project
self.header = None
self.tclname = 'temporal.tcl'
if update is True:"Existing project detected: updating...")
else:"No previous project: creating a new one...")
self.execute()"Vivado project file generated.")
def emit(self):
f = open(self.tclname, "w")
for p in
f.write('update_compile_order -fileset sources_1\n')
f.write('update_compile_order -fileset sim_1\n')
def execute(self):
tmp = 'vivado -mode tcl -source {0}'
cmd = tmp.format(self.tclname)
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
## But do not wait till Vivado finish, start displaying output immediately ##
while True:
out =
if out == '' and p.poll() != None:
if out != '':
def add_files(self, fileset):
for f in fileset:
def add_property(self, new_property):
def add_initial_properties(self,
PAPP = _VivadoProjectProperty
self.add_property(PAPP(name='part', value=syn_device+syn_package+syn_grade, objects='current_project'))
# self.add_property(PAPP(name='board_part', value='', objects='current_project'))
self.add_property(PAPP(name='target_language', value='VHDL', objects='current_project'))
# self.add_property(PAPP(name='ng.output_hdl_format', value='VHDL', objects='get_filesets sim_1'))
# the bitgen b arg generates a raw configuration bitstream
# self.add_property(PAPP(name='steps.bitgen.args.b', value='true', objects='get_runs impl_1'))
self.add_property(PAPP(name='top', value=syn_top, objects='get_property srcset [current_run]'))
def create_project(self):
tmp = 'create_project {0} ./'
self.header = tmp.format(self.filename)
def update_project(self):
tmp = 'open_project ./{0}'
self.header = tmp.format(self.filename+'.xpr')
def __emit_properties(self):
tmp = "set_property {0} {1} [{2}]"
ret = []
for p in
line = tmp.format(, p.value, p.objects)
return ('\n'.join(ret))+'\n'
def __emit_files(self):
tmp = "add_files -norecurse {0}"
tcl = "source {0}"
ret = []
from srcfile import VHDLFile, VerilogFile, SVFile, UCFFile, NGCFile, XMPFile, XCOFile, BDFile, TCLFile
for f in self.files:
if isinstance(f, VHDLFile) or isinstance(f, VerilogFile) or isinstance(f, SVFile) or isinstance(f, UCFFile) or isinstance(f, NGCFile) or isinstance(f, XMPFile) or isinstance(f, XCOFile) or isinstance(f, BDFile):
line = tmp.format(f.rel_path())
elif isinstance(f, TCLFile):
line = tcl.format(f.rel_path())
return ('\n'.join(ret))+'\n'
class _VivadoProjectProperty:
def __init__(self, name=None, value=None, objects=None): = name
self.value = value
self.objects = objects
def emit(self):
tmp = "set_property {0} {1} [{2}]"
line = tmp.format(, self.value, self.objects)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013 CERN
# Author: Tomasz Wlostowski (
# Copyright (c) 2013-2015 CERN
# Author:
# Tomasz Wlostowski (
# Adrian Fiergolski (
# This file is part of Hdlmake.
......@@ -22,142 +24,101 @@
from new_dep_solver import DepParser
import logging
import re
def _remove_gaps(buf, delims, gap_chars, lower_strings=False):
da = {}
for d in delims:
da[d] = False
prev_is_gap = False
buf2 = ""
lines = []
for c in buf:
for d in delims:
if c == d:
da[d] = not da[d]
within_string = any(da.values()) and not (c in delims)
if not within_string:
if(c in gap_chars):
if(not prev_is_gap):
prev_is_gap = True
buf2 += " "
prev_is_gap = False
buf2 += c
if c == ";" or c == "\n":
buf2 = ""
buf2 += c
prev_is_gap = False
return lines
class VHDLPreprocessor(object):
def __init__(self):
self.vhdl_file = None
def remove_comments_and_strings(self, s):
pattern = re.compile( '--.*?$|".?"', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE )
return re.sub(pattern,"", s)
def _preporcess_file(self, file_content, file_name, library):
logging.debug("preprocess file %s (of length %d) in library %s" % (file_name, len(file_content), library) )
return self.remove_comments_and_strings(file_content)
def preprocess(self, vhdl_file):
self.vhdl_file = vhdl_file
file_path = vhdl_file.file_path
buf = open(file_path, "r").read()
return self._preporcess_file(file_content = buf, file_name = file_path, library = vhdl_file.library)
class VHDLParser(DepParser):
def __init__(self, dep_file):
DepParser.__init__(self, dep_file)
self.preprocessor = VHDLPreprocessor()
def parse(self, dep_file):
from dep_file import DepRelation
if dep_file.is_parsed:
return"Parsing %s" % dep_file.path)
content = open(dep_file.file_path, "r")
buf = ""
# stage 1: strip comments
for l in content.readlines():
ci = l.find("--")
if ci == 0:
while ci > 0:
quotes = l[:ci].count('"') # ignore comments in strings
if quotes % 2 == 0:
l = l[:ci-1]
ci = l.find("--", ci+1)
buf += l
# stage 2: remove spaces, crs, lfs, strip strings (we don't need them)
buf2 = ""
string_literal = char_literal = False
prev_is_gap = False
gap_chars = " \r\n\t"
lines = []
for c in buf:
if c == '"' and not char_literal:
string_literal = not string_literal
if c == "'" and not string_literal:
char_literal = not char_literal
within_string = (string_literal or char_literal) and (c != '"') and (c != "'")
if(not within_string):
if(c in gap_chars):
if(not prev_is_gap):
prev_is_gap = True
buf2 += " "
prev_is_gap = False
buf2 += c.lower()
if c == ";":
buf2 = ""
prev_is_gap = False
import re
patterns = {
"use": "^ *use +(\w+) *\. *(\w+) *\. *\w+ *;",
"entity": "^ *entity +(\w+) +is +(port|generic)",
"package": "^ *package +(\w+) +is",
"arch_begin": "^ *architecture +(\w+) +of +(\w+) +is +",
"arch_end": "^ *end +(\w+) +;",
"instance": "^ *(\w+) *\: *(\w+) *(port|generic) *map"
compiled_patterns = map(lambda p: (p, re.compile(patterns[p])), patterns)
within_architecture = False
for l in lines:
matches = filter(lambda (k, v): v is not None, map(lambda (k, v): (k, re.match(v, l)), compiled_patterns))
if(not len(matches)):
what, g = matches[0]
if(what == "use"):
dep_file.add_relation(DepRelation(".", DepRelation.USE, DepRelation.PACKAGE))
if(what == "package"):
buf = self.preprocessor.preprocess(dep_file)
#use packages
use_pattern = re.compile("^\s*use\s+(\w+)\s*\.\s*(\w+)", re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE )
def do_use(s) :
if ( == "work" ) : #work is the current library in VHDL
logging.debug("use package %s.%s" % (dep_file.library, ) )
dep_file.add_relation(DepRelation("%s.%s" % (dep_file.library, ) , DepRelation.USE, DepRelation.PACKAGE))
else :
logging.debug("use package %s.%s" % (, )
dep_file.add_relation(DepRelation("%s.%s" % (,, DepRelation.USE, DepRelation.PACKAGE))
re.subn(use_pattern, do_use, buf)
#new entity
entity_pattern = re.compile("^\s*entity\s+(\w+)\s+is\s+(?:port|generic|end)", re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE )
def do_entity(s) :
logging.debug("found entity %s.%s" % ( dep_file.library, ) )
dep_file.add_relation(DepRelation("%s.%s" % (dep_file.library,,
dep_file.add_relation(DepRelation("%s.%s" % (dep_file.library,,
re.subn(entity_pattern, do_entity, buf)
#new package
package_pattern = re.compile("^\s*package\s+(\w+)\s+is", re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE )
def do_package(s) :
logging.debug("found package %s.%s" % (dep_file.library, ))
dep_file.add_relation(DepRelation("%s.%s" % (dep_file.library,,
elif(what == "entity"):
re.subn(package_pattern, do_package, buf)
instance_pattern = re.compile("^\s*(\w+)\s*\:\s*(\w+)\s*(?:port\s+map|generic\s+map|\s*;)", re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE )
instance_from_library_pattern = re.compile("^\s*(\w+)\s*\:\s*entity\s*(\w+)\s*\.\s*(\w+)\s*(?:port\s+map|generic\s+map|\s*;)", re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE )
libraries = set([dep_file.library])
def do_instance(s) :
for lib in libraries :
logging.debug("-> instantiates %s.%s as %s" % (lib,, )
dep_file.add_relation(DepRelation("%s.%s" % (lib,,
dep_file.add_relation(DepRelation("%s.%s" % (dep_file.library,,
def do_instance_from_library(s) :
if ( == "work" ) : #work is the current library in VHDL
logging.debug("-> instantiates %s.%s as %s" % (dep_file.library,, )
dep_file.add_relation(DepRelation("%s.%s" % (dep_file.library,,
elif(what == "package"):
dep_file.add_relation(DepRelation("%s.%s" % (dep_file.library,,
elif(what == "arch_begin"):
arch_name =
within_architecture = True
elif(what == "arch_end" and within_architecture and == arch_name):
within_architecture = False
elif(what == "instance" and within_architecture):
else :
logging.debug("-> instantiates %s.%s as %s" % (,, )
dep_file.add_relation(DepRelation("%s.%s" % (,,
re.subn(instance_pattern, do_instance, buf)
re.subn(instance_from_library_pattern, do_instance_from_library, buf)
library_pattern = re.compile("^\s*library\s*(\w+)\s*;", re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE )
def do_library(s) :
logging.debug("use library %s" %
re.subn(library_pattern, do_library, buf)
dep_file.is_parsed = True
......@@ -34,17 +34,9 @@ from srcfile import SourceFileFactory
class VerilogPreprocessor(object):
# Reserved verilog preprocessor keywords. The list is certainly not full
vpp_keywords = ["define", "line", "include", "elsif", "ifdef", "endif", "else", "undef", "timescale"]
# List of `include search paths
vpp_searchdir = ["."]
# List of macro definitions
vpp_macros = []
# Dictionary of files sub-included by each file parsed
vpp_filedeps = {}
# Reserved verilog preprocessor keywords. The list is certainly not full
vpp_keywords = ["define", "line", "include", "elsif", "ifdef", "endif", "else", "undef", "timescale"]
# Verilog `define class
class VL_Define(object):
......@@ -73,6 +65,13 @@ class VerilogPreprocessor(object):
def __init__(self):
self.vpp_stack = self.VL_Stack()
self.vlog_file = None
# List of `include search paths
self.vpp_searchdir = ["."]
# List of macro definitions
self.vpp_macros = []
# Dictionary of files sub-included by each file parsed
self.vpp_filedeps = {}
def _find_macro(self, name):
for m in self.vpp_macros:
......@@ -137,7 +136,7 @@ class VerilogPreprocessor(object):
return mdef
def _preprocess_file(self, file_content, file_name):
def _preprocess_file(self, file_content, file_name, library):
exps = {"include": re.compile("^\s*`include\s+\"(.+)\""),
"define": re.compile("^\s*`define\s+(\w+)(?:\(([\w\s,]*)\))?(.*)"),
"ifdef_elsif": re.compile("^\s*`(ifdef|ifndef|elsif)\s+(\w+)\s*$"),
......@@ -145,11 +144,11 @@ class VerilogPreprocessor(object):
vl_macro_expand = re.compile("`(\w+)(?:\(([\w\s,]*)\))?")
# init dependencies
self.vpp_filedeps[file_name] = []
self.vpp_filedeps[file_name + library] = []
cur_iter = 0
logging.debug("preprocess file %s (of length %d)" % (file_name, len(file_content)))
logging.debug("preprocess file %s (of length %d) in library %s" % (file_name, len(file_content), library))
# print("BUF '%s'" %buf)
buf = self._remove_comment(file_content)
while True:
......@@ -188,12 +187,12 @@ class VerilogPreprocessor(object):
if matches["include"]:
included_file_path = self._search_include(, os.path.dirname(file_name))
logging.debug("File being parsed %s includes %s" % (file_name, included_file_path))
logging.debug("File being parsed %s (library %s) includes %s" % (file_name, library, included_file_path))
line = self._preprocess_file(file_content=open(included_file_path, "r").read(),
file_name=included_file_path, library=library)
self.vpp_filedeps[file_name + library].append(included_file_path)
# add the whole include chain to the dependencies of the currently parsed file
self.vpp_filedeps[file_name + library].extend(self.vpp_filedeps[included_file_path + library])
new_buf += line + '\n'
n_expansions += 1
......@@ -235,7 +234,7 @@ class VerilogPreprocessor(object):
self.vlog_file = vlog_file
file_path = vlog_file.file_path
buf = open(file_path, "r").read()
return self._preprocess_file(file_content=buf, file_name=file_path)
return self._preprocess_file(file_content=buf, file_name=file_path, library = vlog_file.library)
def _find_first(self, f, l):
x = filter(f, l)
......@@ -535,6 +534,7 @@ class VerilogParser(DepParser):
return buf2
def parse(self, dep_file):
i = 0;
if dep_file.is_parsed:
return"Parsing %s" % dep_file.path)
......@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ class VerilogParser(DepParser):
#add includes as dependencies
includes = self.preprocessor.vpp_filedeps[dep_file.path]
includes = self.preprocessor.vpp_filedeps[dep_file.path + dep_file.library]
for f in includes:
dep_file.depends_on.add(SourceFileFactory().new(path=f, module=dep_file.module))
logging.debug( "%s has %d includes." % (str(dep_file), len(includes)))
......@@ -561,15 +561,15 @@ class VerilogParser(DepParser):
#and HdlMake will anyway create dependency marking my_other_module as requested package
import_pattern = re.compile("(\w+) *::(\w+|\\*)")
def do_imports(s):
logging.debug("file %s imports/uses %s package" %( dep_file.path , ) )
dep_file.add_relation(DepRelation(, DepRelation.USE, DepRelation.PACKAGE))
logging.debug("file %s imports/uses %s.%s package" %( dep_file.path , dep_file.library, ) )
dep_file.add_relation( DepRelation( "%s.%s" % (dep_file.library, , DepRelation.USE, DepRelation.PACKAGE))
re.subn(import_pattern, do_imports, buf)
m_inside_package = re.compile("package\s+(\w+)\s*(?:\(.*?\))?\s*(.+?)endpackage", re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
def do_package(s):
logging.debug("found pacakge %s"
dep_file.add_relation(DepRelation(, DepRelation.PROVIDE, DepRelation.PACKAGE))
logging.debug("found pacakge %s.%s" %(dep_file.library, )
dep_file.add_relation(DepRelation( "%s.%s" % (dep_file.library,, DepRelation.PROVIDE, DepRelation.PACKAGE))
re.subn(m_inside_package, do_package, buf)
#modules and instatniations
......@@ -577,15 +577,15 @@ class VerilogParser(DepParser):
m_instantiation = re.compile("(?:\A|\\s*)\s*(\w+)\s+(?:#\s*\(.*?\)\s*)?(\w+)\s*\(.*?\)\s*", re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
def do_module(s):
logging.debug("found module %s"
dep_file.add_relation(DepRelation(, DepRelation.PROVIDE, DepRelation.ENTITY))
logging.debug("found module %s.%s" % (dep_file.library, ))
dep_file.add_relation(DepRelation( "%s.%s" % (dep_file.library,, DepRelation.PROVIDE, DepRelation.ENTITY))
def do_inst(s):
mod_name =
if(mod_name in self.reserved_words):
logging.debug("-> instantiates %s as %s" % (, ))
dep_file.add_relation(DepRelation(, DepRelation.USE, DepRelation.ENTITY))
logging.debug("-> instantiates %s.%s as %s" % (dep_file.library,, ))
dep_file.add_relation(DepRelation( "%s.%s" % (dep_file.library,, DepRelation.USE, DepRelation.ENTITY))
re.subn(m_instantiation, do_inst,
re.subn(m_inside_module, do_module, buf)
action = "simulation"
sim_tool = "iverilog"
top_module = "counter_tb"
sim_pre_cmd ="echo IMPORTANT, IVerilog always needs a Verilog testbench, no matter if the DUT is written in VHDL!"
sim_post_cmd = "vvp counter_tb.vvp; gtkwave counter_tb.vcd"
files = [
action = "simulation"
sim_tool = "riviera"
top_module = "counter_tb"
sim_post_cmd = "vsim -do ../"
modules = {
"local" : [ "../../../testbench/counter_tb/verilog" ],
action = "simulation"
sim_tool = "riviera"
top_module = "counter_tb"
sim_post_cmd = "vsim -do ../"
modules = {
"local" : [ "../../../testbench/counter_tb/vhdl" ],
vsim counter_tb +access +r;
add wave *;
run 6000ns;
include_dirs = "./include"
files = ["include/",
files = ["include/",
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module RTLTopModuleSV;
l1a <= RTL_SVPackage::CONST;
includeModule incl();
includeModuleSV incl();
ipcore ip();
endmodule // RTLTopModuleSV
-- Title : RTLTopModuleVHDL
-- Project :
-- Title : RTLTopModuleVHDL Project :
-- File : RTLTopModuleVHDL.vhdl
-- Author : Adrian Fiergolski <>
-- Company : CERN
-- Created : 2014-09-26
-- Last update: 2014-09-26
-- Platform :
-- Standard : VHDL'2008
-- File : RTLTopModuleVHDL.vhdl Author : Adrian Fiergolski <> Company : CERN Created : 2014-09-26 Last update: 2014-09-26 Platform : Standard : VHDL'2008
-- Description: The module to test HDLMake
......@@ -16,31 +9,35 @@
-- This file is part of .
-- is free firmware: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-- as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
-- is free firmware: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
-- is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
-- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-- is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with . If not, see
-- Revisions :
-- Date Version Author Description
-- 2014-09-26 1.0 afiergol Created
-- Revisions : Date Version Author Description 2014-09-26 1.0 afiergol Created
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity RTLTopModuleVHDL is
end entity RTLTopModuleVHDL;
architecture Behavioral of RTLTopModuleVHDL is
component includeModuleVHDL is
end component;
signal probe : STD_LOGIC;
begin -- architecture Behavioral
begin -- architectureecture Behavioral
probe <= '1';
include_module : includeModuleVHDL;
a : entity work.includeModuleAVHDL;
GEN : for i in 0 to 3 generate
B : entity work.includeModuleBVHDL;
end generate;
end architecture Behavioral;
-- Title : includeModuleAVHDL Project :
-- File : includeModuleAVHDL.vhdl Author : Adrian Fiergolski <> Company : CERN Created : 2014-09-26 Last update: 2014-09-26 Platform : Standard : VHDL'2008
-- Description: The module to test HDLMake
-- Copyright (c) 2014 CERN
-- This file is part of .
-- is free firmware: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
-- is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with . If not, see
-- Revisions : Date Version Author Description 2014-09-26 1.0 afiergol Created
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity includeModuleAVHDL is
end entity includeModuleAVHDL;
architecture Behavioral of includeModuleAVHDL is
signal probe : STD_LOGIC;
begin -- architecture Behavioral
end architecture Behavioral;
-- Title : includeModuleBVHDL Project :
-- File : includeModuleBVHDL.vhdl Author : Adrian Fiergolski <> Company : CERN Created : 2014-09-26 Last update: 2014-09-26 Platform : Standard : VHDL'2008
-- Description: The module to test HDLMake
-- Copyright (c) 2014 CERN
-- This file is part of .
-- is free firmware: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
-- is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with . If not, see
-- Revisions : Date Version Author Description 2014-09-26 1.0 afiergol Created
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity includeModuleBVHDL is
end entity includeModuleBVHDL;
architecture Behavioral of includeModuleBVHDL is
signal probe : STD_LOGIC;
begin -- architecture Behavioral
end architecture Behavioral;
// -*- Mode: Verilog -*-
// Filename :
// Filename :
// Description : Included submodule
// Author : Adrian Fiergolski
// Created On : Thu Sep 18 10:51:41 2014
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
// Update Count : 0
// Status : Unknown, Use with caution!
module includeModule;
module includeModuleSV;
endmodule // includeModule
endmodule // includeModuleSV
-- Title : includeModuleVHDL Project :
-- File : includeModuleVHDL.vhdl Author : Adrian Fiergolski <> Company : CERN Created : 2014-09-26 Last update: 2014-09-26 Platform : Standard : VHDL'2008
-- Description: The module to test HDLMake
-- Copyright (c) 2014 CERN
-- This file is part of .
-- is free firmware: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
-- is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with . If not, see
-- Revisions : Date Version Author Description 2014-09-26 1.0 afiergol Created
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity includeModuleVHDL is
end entity includeModuleVHDL;
architecture Behavioral of includeModuleVHDL is
signal probe : STD_LOGIC;
begin -- architecture Behavioral
end architecture Behavioral;
......@@ -6,94 +6,121 @@
## variables #############################
PWD := $(shell pwd)
MODELSIM_INI_PATH := /opt/questa_sv_afv_10.3c_1/questasim//bin/..
MODELSIM_INI_PATH := /opt/questa_sv_afv_10.4/questasim//bin/..
VCOM_FLAGS := -quiet -modelsimini modelsim.ini
VLOG_FLAGS := -quiet -modelsimini modelsim.ini
VERILOG_SRC := ../../rtl/ \
../../rtl/include/ \
../../ipcores/ipcore/ \
../../rtl/ \
../../rtl/RTLTopModuleVerilogSimulationModel.vo \
VERILOG_SRC := ../../ipcores/ipcore/ \
../../rtl/ \
src/ \
../../rtl/RTLTopModuleVerilogSimulationModel.vo \
../../rtl/include/ \
../../rtl/ \
VERILOG_OBJ := work/RTL_SVPackage/.RTL_SVPackage_sv \
work/includeModule/.includeModule_sv \
work/ipcore/.ipcore_sv \
work/RTLTopModuleSV/.RTLTopModuleSV_sv \
work/RTLTopModuleVerilogSimulationModel/.RTLTopModuleVerilogSimulationModel_vo \
VERILOG_OBJ := work/ipcore/.ipcore_sv \
work/RTL_SVPackage/.RTL_SVPackage_sv \
work/genericTest/.genericTest_sv \
work/RTLTopModuleVerilogSimulationModel/.RTLTopModuleVerilogSimulationModel_vo \
work/includeModuleSV/.includeModuleSV_sv \
work/RTLTopModuleSV/.RTLTopModuleSV_sv \
VHDL_SRC := ../../rtl/RTLTopModuleVHDL.vhdl \
VHDL_SRC := ../../rtl/include/includeModuleBVHDL.vhdl \
../../rtl/include/includeModuleVHDL.vhdl \
../../rtl/include/includeModuleAVHDL.vhdl \
../../rtl/RTLTopModuleVHDL.vhdl \
VHDL_OBJ := work/RTLTopModuleVHDL/.RTLTopModuleVHDL_vhdl \
VHDL_OBJ := work/includeModuleBVHDL/.includeModuleBVHDL_vhdl \
work/includeModuleVHDL/.includeModuleVHDL_vhdl \
work/includeModuleAVHDL/.includeModuleAVHDL_vhdl \
work/RTLTopModuleVHDL/.RTLTopModuleVHDL_vhdl \
LIBS := work
LIB_IND := work/.work
## rules #################################
sim: sim_pre_cmd modelsim.ini $(LIB_IND) $(VERILOG_OBJ) $(VHDL_OBJ)
local: sim_pre_cmd simulation sim_post_cmd
simulation: modelsim.ini $(LIB_IND) $(VERILOG_OBJ) $(VHDL_OBJ)
$(VERILOG_OBJ) : modelsim.ini
$(VHDL_OBJ): $(LIB_IND) modelsim.ini
sim_post_cmd: sim
modelsim.ini: $(MODELSIM_INI_PATH)/modelsim.ini
cp $< . 2>&1
rm -rf ./modelsim.ini $(LIBS)
.PHONY: clean sim_pre_cmd sim_post_cmd
rm -rf ./modelsim.ini $(LIBS) transcript *.vcd *.wlf
.PHONY: clean sim_pre_cmd sim_post_cmd simulation
(vlib work && vmap -modelsimini modelsim.ini work && touch work/.work )|| rm -rf work
work/ipcore/.ipcore_sv: ../../ipcores/ipcore/ \
vlog -work work $(VLOG_FLAGS) -sv +incdir+../../ipcores/ipcore/include+../../ipcores/ipcore $<
@mkdir -p $(dir $@) && touch $@
work/RTL_SVPackage/.RTL_SVPackage_sv: ../../rtl/
vlog -work work $(VLOG_FLAGS) -sv +incdir+../../rtl/include+../../rtl $<
@mkdir -p $(dir $@) && touch $@
work/includeModule/.includeModule_sv: ../../rtl/include/
vlog -work work $(VLOG_FLAGS) -sv +incdir+../../rtl/include+../../rtl/include $<
work/genericTest/.genericTest_sv: src/ \
../environment/ \
../sequences/ \
work/RTLTopModuleVerilogSimulationModel/.RTLTopModuleVerilogSimulationModel_vo \
src/ \
work/RTLTopModuleSV/.RTLTopModuleSV_sv \
../environment/ \
vlog -work work $(VLOG_FLAGS) -sv +incdir+../environment+../sequences+src +incdir+../../mvc//questa_mvc_src/sv+../../mvc/questa_mvc_src/sv/mvc_base+../../mvc/include+../../uvm-1.1d/src $<
@mkdir -p $(dir $@) && touch $@
work/ipcore/.ipcore_sv: ../../ipcores/ipcore/ \
vlog -work work $(VLOG_FLAGS) -sv +incdir+../../ipcores/ipcore/include+../../ipcores/ipcore $<
work/RTLTopModuleVerilogSimulationModel/.RTLTopModuleVerilogSimulationModel_vo: ../../rtl/RTLTopModuleVerilogSimulationModel.vo
vlog -work work $(VLOG_FLAGS) +incdir+../../rtl/include+../../rtl $<
@mkdir -p $(dir $@) && touch $@
work/includeModuleSV/.includeModuleSV_sv: ../../rtl/include/
vlog -work work $(VLOG_FLAGS) -sv +incdir+../../rtl/include+../../rtl/include $<
@mkdir -p $(dir $@) && touch $@
work/RTLTopModuleSV/.RTLTopModuleSV_sv: ../../rtl/ \
work/RTL_SVPackage/.RTL_SVPackage_sv \
work/includeModule/.includeModule_sv \
work/ipcore/.ipcore_sv \
work/includeModuleSV/.includeModuleSV_sv \
vlog -work work $(VLOG_FLAGS) -sv +incdir+../../rtl/include+../../rtl $<
@mkdir -p $(dir $@) && touch $@
work/RTLTopModuleVerilogSimulationModel/.RTLTopModuleVerilogSimulationModel_vo: ../../rtl/RTLTopModuleVerilogSimulationModel.vo
vlog -work work $(VLOG_FLAGS) +incdir+../../rtl/include+../../rtl $<
work/includeModuleBVHDL/.includeModuleBVHDL_vhdl: ../../rtl/include/includeModuleBVHDL.vhdl
vcom $(VCOM_FLAGS) -work work $<
@mkdir -p $(dir $@) && touch $@
work/genericTest/.genericTest_sv: src/ \
../sequences/ \
../environment/ \
../environment/ \
work/RTLTopModuleSV/.RTLTopModuleSV_sv \
work/RTLTopModuleVerilogSimulationModel/.RTLTopModuleVerilogSimulationModel_vo \
../environment/ \
vlog -work work $(VLOG_FLAGS) -sv +incdir+../environment+../sequences+src +incdir+../../mvc//questa_mvc_src/sv+../../mvc/questa_mvc_src/sv/mvc_base+../../mvc/include+../../uvm-1.1d/src $<
work/includeModuleVHDL/.includeModuleVHDL_vhdl: ../../rtl/include/includeModuleVHDL.vhdl
vcom $(VCOM_FLAGS) -work work $<
@mkdir -p $(dir $@) && touch $@
work/includeModuleAVHDL/.includeModuleAVHDL_vhdl: ../../rtl/include/includeModuleAVHDL.vhdl
vcom $(VCOM_FLAGS) -work work $<
@mkdir -p $(dir $@) && touch $@
work/RTLTopModuleVHDL/.RTLTopModuleVHDL_vhdl: ../../rtl/RTLTopModuleVHDL.vhdl
work/RTLTopModuleVHDL/.RTLTopModuleVHDL_vhdl: ../../rtl/RTLTopModuleVHDL.vhdl \
work/includeModuleBVHDL/.includeModuleBVHDL_vhdl \
work/includeModuleVHDL/.includeModuleVHDL_vhdl \
vcom $(VCOM_FLAGS) -work work $<
@mkdir -p $(dir $@) && touch $@
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