1. 20 Sep, 2013 6 commits
  2. 19 Sep, 2013 12 commits
  3. 18 Sep, 2013 9 commits
  4. 16 Sep, 2013 3 commits
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      Merge branch 'servo-fixes' · d68c31e7
      Alessandro Rubini authored
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      time_operations: add init_servo() method · 6dcafdcf
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      This function allows a servo to initialize its hardware and return the
      current "observed drift" value that is in charge.
      In unix-time this is used to return the current value for frequency
      correction -- being consistent with current naming and use of values,
      which unfortunately is not really correct.
      Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
    • Alessandro Rubini's avatar
      servo: average ofm like we do for owd, with some care · 5927cf03
      Alessandro Rubini authored
      In my opinion, it makes no sense to make calculations with a
      well-filtered OWD and the instantaneous OFM, which is subject to the
      same oscillations.  Thus, this commit filters OFM with the same rules
      used for OWD.
      However, the detection of outliers is more difficult because OFM can
      have either sign, and OFM is really changing while we are not yet
      synchronized.  So the code does the following:
      - if we are at PP_ADJ_FREQ_MAX it means we are bridging a gap as
      fast as possible. In that case, don't average OFM.
      - if we receive a bigger-than-expected OFM value, trim it, but relax
      the expectation so we can track a real change if futher samples confirm
      it or push it farther.
      - if the averaged OFM changed sign, start averaging from scratch.
      The second item works by keeping the average of ofm magnitude, and we
      accept a change no bigger than the averaged magnitude.  So, if we are
      synced in the millisecond range we accept changes of the order of
      milliseconds (this usually applies while syncing, and OFM is expected
      to change in that case); if we are in the microsecond range outliers
      move us by a few microseconds, but such trimming is then relaxed so we
      increase our ability to move exponentially.
      The last item prevents oscillations: this OFM is fed to a PI controller,
      so if we are late in responding to changes in sign, both P and I
      continue pushing in the wrong direction. So, combining the average and
      the PI we have an almost inversion in phase of the error, and the
      servo oscillates a lot while converging.
      Unfortunately, while working on this I realized there's a bug when
      dealing with very short and consistent timestamps. For example, a
      current average of 20ns, will never reach 40ns even if all further
      samples request 40ns, due to integer truncation.  We need to either
      move to floating point or count fractional bits as the magnitudes
      Signed-off-by: Alessandro Rubini's avatarAlessandro Rubini <rubini@gnudd.com>
  5. 15 Sep, 2013 10 commits